Exam 1 Flashcards
First one to give the Bible to the world
John Wycliffe
He shall be called a Nazarene
Not in our current Old Testament canon
Matthew loves Moses
5 sections kind of like the Books of Moses
Matthew 11:11
John the Baptist is the greatest born of women
Matthew 16
Idea that Messiah would be Son of God not taught
Upon this rock will I build my church
Rock - revelation
Rock - Christ
Mount of transfiguration
Let us make here three tabernacles
D&C 63 - saw earth in glory state
Matthew 17:24-27
Peter and Temple tax - time to bear testimony
Matthew 18:23-25
Parable of unmerciful servant
Matthew 20:1-16
Parable of laborers in the vineyard
Danger of comparison
Matthew 14
Fourth watch vs immediately
When he saw the wind…he was afraid
O thou of little faith, wherefore didst though doubt
Matthew 10
Called the Twelve Peter Andrew James John Philip Bartholomew (Nathaniel) Thomas Matthew James the less Thaddeus (judas) Simon Judas Iscariot
Matthew 11-12
Interactions and teachings
11: 11 - No greater than John the Baptist
12: 36- every idle word shall give account
12: 43-45 - 7 spirits come back to empty house
Matthew 13
Parables - to veil the meaning Parable of the Sower - 1 of 2 times Savior explains a parable Wayside- hardened heart Birds - Satan Sting places - no root or depth Sun - trials and persecution Thorns - distractions Good ground - hearth word and understandeth
347-420 - the dream (follower of Christ, not Cicero)
Speaks only Latin, learns Hebrew and Greek from Jews in Palestine (Israel)
John Wycliffe
Father of the reformation
The Black Death (1346-1353)
First to publish entire Bible in a English (used Vulgate)
The peasants revolt - 1381
Dug up and burned 44 years after death
Wycliffe prophecy - Avon to the Severn runs, Severn to the sea, wickliffes dust shall spread abroad, wide as the waters be
William Tyndale
English Bibles outlawed in early 1400s
First to publish Bible from Greek to English
Created words Atonement, Jehovah, repentance
Betrayed by friend, Henry Phillips
Must desire god to open our eyes and apply scriptures to ourselves
Henry VIII ( the eighth)
First mass publication of Bible in English
1095 BC
Saul chosen as first king
1047 BC
David chosen as king
1015 BC
Solomon chosen as king
975 BC
Israel divides into Israel and Judah
740 BC
Isaiah prophecies
721 BC - Important!!!
Israel destroyed by Assyria and Judah saved by Isaiah/Hezekiah
606 BC
Assyria falls to Babylon
537 BC
Babylon conquered by Persia
332 BC
Persia conquered by Alexander the Great
167-160 BC
Maccabean Revolt
721-587 BC
Scattering of Israel
Temptations and Sermon on Mount
Stones to bread (flesh v Spirit)
Jump from temple (vanity v humility)
Worship Satan (my will v. God’s will)
Sermon reflects his own character
Four gospel Authors
Matthew (Jesus as King) - by Jew for Jews - knew Jesus personally maybe
Mark (Jesus as active) - by Jew for non-Jews. Probably first under direction of Peter. Only gospel to Report resurrection
Luke (Jesus as Human) - by Gentile for Gentile - most unique parables
John (Jesus as God)
Markan Priority
Both Matthew and Luke used Mark’s writings in their own gospel
Source Q
Hypothetical written collection of Jesus’ saying’s used by Matthew and Luke
Only in Mark
Parable of seed growing secretly
Opens the ears and loosens the tongue of one
Jesus heals blind man in Bethsaida in stages
Gospel of Matthew
5 Books of Matthew
Each has a narrative, discourse, and transition
Matthew writes thematically
Matthew 8-9 - Miracles
Woman with Issue of Blood
12 years of doctors, unclean by Law of Moses
Gospel of Matthew
Also known as Levi
Wide knowledge of OT scriptures
Emphasized Savior’s royal lineage
T’as gatherer
Christ known as another Moses
Contrast Joseph and Herod
Obedient and confident compared to insecur and fearful
Careful and deliberate / Rash and foolish
Merciful and selfless / cruel and selfish
Emperor Augustus - better to be herod’s pig than his son