Exam 3 Research Methods Flashcards
What is a Forced Choice question?
Respondents pick the best of two or more choices
(Ex: yes or no)
What is an Open-Ended question?
Respondents may answer any way they like
What is a Likert Scale question?
Survey format using a rating scale containing multiple response options
with anchors (1-5 strongly disagree, neither agree nor disagree, strongly
What is Semantic Differential question?
Survey format using a rating scale containing contrasting adjectives (1-5 Bad to Good)
What is a Double-barreled question?
Problematic question that asks two questions in one
(Ex: How much do you enjoy collecting and analyzing data?)
What is a Double Negative question?
Negatively phrased statements that make wording complicated or confusing
(Ex: I don’t want nothing to do with her)
What is a Leading question?
Wording encourages one response more than others
(Ex: Our company’s pizza rolls are the best aren’t they?)
Define: Order Effects
The order questions are asked in can affect responses
Define: Observer Effects
A change in behavior of study participants in the direction of
observer expectations
Define: Observer bias
Bias that occurs when observer expectations influence the
interpretation of behaviors or outcome of the study
Define: Reactivity
A change in behavior of participants due to being aware they are being watched
Define: Acquiescence: (AKA: yea: saying)
Saying yes to every item or strongly agree
Define: Naysaying
saying no to every item or strongly disagree
Define: Fence sitting:
playing it safe by answering in the middle of the scale for
every item
Define: Social Desirability Bias
Giving answers that making one look better
Define: Population
Larger group from which a sample is drawn
Define: Sample
Group of people, animals, or cases used in a study
Define: Census
Set of observations that contains all members of population of interest
Define: Oversampling
Researcher intentionally overrepresent one or more groups
What is probability sampling?
Ensures that the sample is representative of the population
What is nonprobability sampling?
selecting individuals based on convenience or judgment
Define: Convenience sampling
Choosing a sample based on those who are easiest to access and readily available
(Ex: Undergrads in college)
Define: Purposive sampling
Participants are chosen on purpose