exam 3 pt.1 Flashcards
Illness caused by over-exposure to the heat, loss of fluid or electrolytes
heat related illness
order of heat-related illness from least to most severe
Heat cramps, Heat exhaustion, Heat stroke
muscle spasms usually in the legs and abdomen
heat cramps
more severe than heat cramps
heat exhaustion
least common but most severe. Occurs when people ignore the symptoms of heat exhaustion and the body symptoms become overwhelmed and can’t cool itself (no sweating)
heat stroke
Illness caused by overexposure to the cold
cold related illness
what are the cold-related illnesses from least to most severe
Hypothermia, frostbite
the body’s inability to remain warm
the freezing body parts exposed to the cold and wind. Severity depends on the length of exposure, usually effects the hands, feet, fingers, arms and legs
how would you care for heat cramps
gently massage affected area and replenish electrolytes
how would you care for heat exhaustion
get person out of heat, give person 4 oz of fluid every 15 minutes and rest in comfortable position
how would you care for heat stroke
call 911 ,douse or pray with cold water
how would you care for hypothermia
Call 911, remove wet clothing, get person to warm place, wrap in blankets, apply heat pads
how would you care for frostbite
Mild- rewarm using skin to skin
Severe- soak in warm water, call 911 (NEVER RUB)
List the four types of venomous snakes found in the southeast.
Rattlesnake, Copperhead, Coral, Water Moccasin (cotton mouth)