Exam 3 OSCEs Flashcards
If a patient has tight enough hamstrings what kind of dysfunction will they have?
hip extension dysfunction
What kind of restriction can lead to lateral knee pain?
IT Band restriction
hip abduction dysfunction
Grade: active muscle movement against gravity
Grade: barely detectable flicker
What all do you find in the central compartment of the hip?
labrum, ligamentum teres, articular surfaces
What all do you find in the peripheral compartment of the hip?
femoral neck, synovial lining
What all do you find in the lateral compartment of the hip?
gluteus medius, minimus, piriformis, IT band, trochanteric bursa
What all do you find in the anterior compartment of the hip?
If a patient has knock-knees what do we call that?
gene valgum
What are the nerve roots for the muscles in charge of knee extension?
What are the nerve roots for the muscles in charge of knee flexion?
A valgus force on the knee will cause what?
What kind of dysfunction will have an ease of medial translator motion of the knee?
What does the anteroposterior glide of tibia on femur assess? How is it different from the anterior drawer test?
assess restricted motion, less force than drawer
draw assess excessive motion
What nerve runs around the fibular head and can get compressed by a fibular head fracture or somatic dysfunction?
common fibular
How do we assess the q angle?
one line goes from ASIS through patella
tibial tuberosity through patella
What are the medial bones of the foot?
navicular and cuneiforms
What bones make up the medial longitudinal arch?
calcaneus talus navicular cuneiforms 1-3 metatarsals 1-3
What makes up the transverse distal tarsal arch?
navicular, cuboid, cuneiforms 1-3, proximal metatarsals
What makes up the lateral longitudinal arch?
metatarsals 4-5
What is the primary stabilizer of the medial ankle?
deltoid ligament
What does the plantar fascia attach to?
calcaneus and phalanges
What are the three tendons that pass through the tarsal tunnel?
posterior tibialis tendon
flexor digitorum longus
flexor hallicus longus
What does the fibularis longus attach to?
medial cuneiform and 1st metatarsal
What does the fibularis brevis attach to?
proximal portion of 5th metatarsal
An inversion injury to the forefoot can cause what ind of fracture where?
avulsion fracture of 5th metatarsal head = jones fracture
What does dorsiflexion and plantar flexion of the foot occur between?
talus and tib/fib
What does foot inversion and aversion occur between?
talus and calcaneus
What position should the foot be in to assess calcaneus inversion and eversion and why?
ankle at 90 to avoid excess laxity of joint
Plantar cuboid is associated with what?
posterior fibular head
Dorsal navicular is associated with
tight plantar fascia
Overall in the foot bones what kind of dysfunction is the most common?
What motions make up foot pronation?
What motions make up foot supination?
plantar flexion