Characteristics of Alveolate Clade
- alveoli = air sacs below surface of plasma membrane
- unicellular
- apicomplexans
- dinoflagellates
- ciliates
The Apicomlexans
- apical complex (complex of organelles at apex of cell, used to invade host tissues)
- exclusively parasitic
- much reduced chloroplast than in other protists (lost photosynthetic function b/c hetertrophic)
ex: plasmodium falciparum (malaria from mosquitos)
(Protistan, alveolate)
The Dinoflagellates
- two flagella
- important producers in marine ecosystems
- red tide
(Protistan, alveolate)
The Ciliates
- have cilia
- two types of nuclei (macronucleus and micronucleus)
ex: paramecium
(Protistan, alveolate)
The Stramenophile Clade Characteristics
-two flagella, with rows of tubular hairs on the longer one
- brown algae
- Diatoms
- Oomycetes
Brown Algae
- fucoxanthin (a yellow-orange caratinoid) + chlorophylls a and c = brown color
- multicellular
- marine
(Protistan, stramenopile)
The Diatoms
- unicellular
- carotenoids
- produce carbs and oils (responsible for 1/5 of all photosynthetic carbon fixation on earth)
- silica in cell walls
(Protistan, stramenopile)
The Oomycetes
- non-photosynthetic (fungus-like)
- absorptive heterotrophs (fungus-like)
- cell walls of cellulose (NOT fungus-like)
(Protistan, stramenopile)
ex- mildews
The Rhizaria Clade Characteristics and Groups
- unicellular
- aquatic
- long, thin pseudopods
- foraminiferans
- radiolarians
- some produce shells out of calcium carbonate (limestone)
- long, threadlike, branched pseudopods extend thru openings in shell
(protistan, rhizaria)
- thin, stiff pseudopods
- marine
- radial symmetry
- glassy endoskeletons
(protistan, rhizaria)
The Excavate Clade Characteristics and Groups
-loss of mitochondria in some (but have mitochondria DNA)
- diplomonads
- euglenids
- unicellular
- loss of mitochondria
- parasitic
(protistian, excavate)
- unicellular
- flagella
- distinctive mitochondria - disk-like (instead of cristae they are disks, not folded)
(protistian, excavate)
The Ameoebozoan Clade Characteristics and Groups
-pseudopods - extension of cytoplasm for locomotion
- loboseans
- slime molds
- unicellular
- phagocytosis thru use of lobe-shaped pseudopod
(protistan, ameobozoan)
Slime Molds
- motive
- endocytosis for feeding
- spores disseminate from fruiting bodies
- plasmodium
- multicellular
- used to be classified as fungi
(protistan, ameobozoan)
Ancestor of plants very similar to modern day _____________
glaucophytes (aquatic, unicellular)
Key Characteristics of Land Plants
- embryos
- chlorophylls a and b
- starch is a storage product of photosynthesis
Appearance of land plant spores
470 MYA
Appearance of plant cuticle, spore-bearing tissues
450 MYA
Appearance of 20-cm tall land plants
400 MYA