Exam #3 (Mind & Body) Flashcards
That mind states are brain states, mental states are immaterial phenomena but are identical to brain states
Identity Theory
“For if the facts of experience….are accessible only from one point of view, then it is a mystery how the true character of experiences could be revealed in the physical operation of that organism.”
Thomas Nagel
“We could knwo the full neurophysiology of a bat, but we still would have no idea what it is actually like to be a bat.”
Thomas Nagel
____ rebet these arguments by insisting that conciousness is nothing more than the brain’s cognitive and/or behavioral functions.
“What are mental phenomena, and how do they relate to the physical world?”
Mind-body problem
He aruged that the body and mind were distinct and independent substances but that these two subtances interact casually
Rene Descartes, Cartesian Dualism
The doctrine that every object and event in the world is physical
Materialism, physicialsim
This theory defines mental status as dispositions to behave in particular ways in certain circumstances;mental states are dispositions to behavior
Logical Behavioralism
This theory defines mental states as identical to physical brain states; the mind is nothing more than the brain
Identity Theory
The mind is the sum total of functions that the brain perform; a mental state is defined by its causal role
Mental properities are non physical properties that arise but are not reducible to physical properties
Property Dualism
_____ says that mental status are neither brain status nor behavioral states but rather states that have functions
Casual sequences can move between the body and the mind in either direction
Downward Causation