Exam 3 Meds Flashcards
Albumin 5% (Albumarc, Albuminar-5, Albutein 5%, Buminate 5%, Plasbumin-5)
albumin 25% (Albuminar-25, Albutein 25%, Buminate 25%, Plasbumin-25)
Restores plasma volume in burns, hyperbilirubinemia, shock, hypoproteinemia, prevention of cerebral edema, cardiopulmonary bypass procedures, ARDS, hemorrhage; also replacement in nephrotic syndrome
Hypersensitivity, HF, severe anemia, renal insufficiency, pulmonary edema
Neostigmine (Prostigmin)
Cholinesterase inhibitor (long acting)
Action: Block ACh hydrolysis by cholinesterase, resulting in ACh accumulation at the cholinergic synapse (increased cholinergic stimulation)
Uses: treat the symptoms of Myasthenia Gravis, Urinary Retention or Post-Op Distenion, and reversal of Nondepolarizing Neuromuscular Blockade
Contraindications: bradycardiac, hypotension, Intestinal/ Urinary obstruction, hypersensitivity
- Monitor HR, RR, and BP (BG for diabetic - hypoglycemia)
- Toxicity: assess for bradycardia, hypotension, bronchospasm, headache, dizziness, seizures, respiratory depression; product should be discontinued if toxicity occurs
- Antidote: atropine 1-4mg IV q 5-30 min
pyridostigmine (Mestinon)
Cholinesterase inhibitor (long acting)
Inhibits destruction of acetylcholine, which increases concentration at sites where acetylcholine is released; this facilitates transmission of impulses across myoneural junction
Therapeutic outcome: increased muscle strength in myasthenia gravis
Contraindications: bradycardia, hypotension, Intestinal/ Urinary obstruction, hypersensitivity
- Monitor HR, RR, and BP (BG for diabetic - hypoglycemia)
- Toxicity: assess for bradycardia, hypotension, bronchospasm, headache, dizziness, seizures, respiratory depression; product should be discontinued if toxicity occurs
- Antidote: atropine 1-4mg IV q 5-30 min
NIFEdipine (Procardia)
Calcium channel blocker, antianginal, antihypertensive
ACTION: Inhibits calcium ion influx across cell membrane during cardiac depolarization, produces relaxation of coronary vascular smooth muscle, dilates coronary vascular arteries, increases myocardial oxygen delivery in patients with vasospastic angina, dilates peripheral arteries
Therapeutic outcome: Decreased angina pectoris, decreased B/P in hypertension
USES: Chronic stable angina pectoris, variant angina, hypertension, migraine prophylaxis
Monitor cardiac status: B/P, pulse, respirations, ECG
Monitor potassium, renal/liver function tests
Assess for bruising, petechiae, bleeding
Tetanus toxoid
Caused by exotoxin produced
by bacterium Clostridium tetani
Enters body through wound
Characterized by generalized
rigidity and convulsive spasms
Used for prophylactic treatment of wounds
Burn Pt without tetanus vaccination
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Hypersensitivity, active infection, poliomyelitis outbreak, immunosuppression
Tetanus immunoglobin
Action: giving your body the antibodies it needs to protect it against tetanus infection. This passive protection lasts long enough to protect your body until your body can produce its own antibodies against tetanus.
Deep partial thickness burn (25% TBSA) -> get 2 shots (T.immunoglobin + T.toxoid)
LORazepam (Ativan)
Sedative-hypnotic, antianxiety agent
Potentiates the actions of GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter, especially in the limbic system and reticular formation, which depresses the CNS
NO: pregnancy, breastfeeding, COPD, sleep apnea, drug abuse, co-admin w/ other CNS depressants (opioids)
Watch: orthostatic hypotension (dizziness, drowsiness -> no driving/mechanical machines until tolerated)
RR, seizure activity, hepatic studies (AST, ALT, bilirubin, LDH), suicidal ideation.
methylPREDNISolone (Solu-MEDROL)
Decreases inflammation by suppression of migration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes, fibroblasts; reverses increased capillary permeability and lysosomal stabilization
potassium (hypokalemia), blood glucose, urine glucose (hyperglycemia)
BP, HR, I&O (edema), weight gain
Teach patient to take PO with food, milk, to decrease GI symptoms. **Cushingoid symptoms: buffalo hump, moon face, rapid weight gain, excess sweating
dipyridamole (Persantine)
Antiplatelets - Adenosine reuptake inhibitors
Action: inhibition of phosphodiesterase, blockade of uptake of adenosine (which acts at adenosine A2 receptors to stimulate platelet)
USES: prevent myocardial infarction and stroke; coronary syndromes.
Watch: pregnancy, breastfeeding, bleeding disorders. Monitor bleeding from orifices, stool urine
• Monitor blood tests: platelets, Hgb, Hct, PT/APTT, and INR
carBAMazepine (Tegretol)
ACTION: Exact mechanism unknown; appears to decrease polysynaptic responses and block post-tetanic potentiation
Therapeutic outcome: Absence of seizures; decreased trigeminal neuralgia pain (sudden severe facial pain)
NO pregnancy, bone marrow suppression
Teach: no grapefruit juice, report double/blurred vision, do not skip meds + take the missed dosed ASAP.
SE: nausea, vomiting, ataxia, diplopia,
Toxicity: nystagmus, gait coordination, cognitive function
Monitor liver function tests (AST, ALT) and urine function tests, BUN, urine protein
edrophonium (Tensilon)
The Tensilon test - diagnose myasthenia gravis (MG)
Skeletal muscle relaxant, central acting
Inhibits synaptic responses in CNS by stimulating GABAB receptor subtype, which decreases neurotransmitter function, decreasing frequency, severity of muscle spasms
Therapeutic outcome: Decreased spasticity of muscles
USES: Spasticity in spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis
Monitor B/P, weight, blood glucose, and hepatic function. Assess CNS depression: dizziness, drowsiness, psychiatric symptoms.
Withdrawal symptoms: Agitation, tachycardia, insomnia, hyperpyrexia -> DO NOT discontinue abruptly
Teach patient to avoid hazardous activities (driving) if drowsiness, dizziness occurs; to rise slowly to prevent orthostatic hypotension
interferon beta-1b (Betaseron)
Multiple sclerosis agent, immune modifier - use after stopping immunoglobin
Adverse effects: flu-like reactions, hepatotoxicity, myelosuppression, injection site infections, depression, neutralizing antibiotics
Teach: use anaphylactic kit, increase water intake, diet that helps with liver damage, bone marrow suppression (safety, infection), depression, suicidal thoughts
selegiline (Eldepryl)
Antiparkinson agent - monoamine oxidase inhibitors
ACTION: monoamine oxidase decreases norepinephrine activity. Inhibits MAO-B breakdown of dopamine in the brain.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Children/adolescents (suicide/hypertensive crisis), hypersensitivity, breastfeeding, MAOIs
NO tyramine foods (cheese, wince, beer, yogurt)
doxazosin (Cardura)
Peripheral α-adrenergic blocker, antihypertensive
ACTION: Peripheral blood vessels are dilated, peripheral resistance lowered; reduction in B/P results from peripheral α-adrenergic receptors being blocked
Therapeutic outcome: Decreased B/P, decreased symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH)
USES: Hypertension, urinary outflow obstruction, symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia
Monitor B/P (lying, standing) and pulse, syncope; jugular venous distention, crackles, dyspnea, orthopnea. check for edema in feet, legs daily; I&O; monitor for weight daily
clopidogrel (Plavix)
Platelet aggregation inhibitor
ACTION: Inhibits first and second phases of ADP-induced effects in platelet aggregation
NO active bleeding pt
Therapeutic outcome: Decreased possibility of stroke/ transient ischemic attacks (TIA), MI by decreasing platelet aggregation
Monitor: liver function test (AST, ALT, bilirubin), blood test (CBC, Hct, Hgb)
Antidysrhythmic, anticholinergic parasympatholytic
ACTION: Blocks acetylcholine at parasympathetic neuroeffector sites; increases cardiac output, heart rate by blocking vagal stimulation in heart; dries secretions by blocking vagus
Therapeutic outcome: Drying of secretions, increased heart rate, cycloplegia, mydriasis
Positive therapeutic outcome • Decreased dysrhythmias • Increased heart rate • Decreased secretions, GI, GU spasms • Bronchodilatation
Monitor ECG, BP, RR, cyanosis, wheezing, dyspnea, engorged neck veins
TEACH report change in vision; trouble breathing; sweating; flushing, chest pain, allergic reactions, constipation, urinary retention, to use sunglasses to protect the eyes, DO NOT skip dose.
Aminocaproic acid (Amicar)
Antifibriolytic - blood clotting drug
Antidote for t-PA (tissue plasminogen activator)
Side effects: chest tightening, Headache, stomach pain, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, unusual tiredness, dizziness, stuffy nose, or watery eyes
REPORT: sore throat that doesn’t go away, ringing in the ears, vision changes, muscle pain/weakness, signs of kidney problems (such as change in the amount of urine), confusion, slow heartbeat, unusual bleeding or bruising.
hydrocortisone sodium succinate (Solu-Cortef)
Short-acting glucocorticoid
ACTION: Decreases inflammation by suppressing migration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and fibroblasts and reversing increased capillary permeability and lysosomal stabilization (systemic); antipruritic, antiinflammatory (topical)
Watch: **Cushingoid symptoms: buffalo hump, moon face, rapid weight gain, excess sweating. Potassium (hypokalemia), blood glucose, urine glucose (hyperglycemia)
BP, HR, I&O (edema), weight gain
silver sulfADIAZINE (Silvadene)
ACTION: Interferes with bacterial protein synthesis
USES: Skin infections, minor burns, wounds, skin grafts, primary pyodermas, otitis externa
levodopa-carbidopa (Sinemet)
Dopamine precursors
Carbidopa delays Levodopa conversion until it reaches the brain to allow lower dose.
TEACH: high protein diet interferes with absorption. Pyridoxin (Vit. B6) can interfere with absorption and increases decarboxylase activity.
Watch: B/P, respiration, orthostatic B/P
TOXICITY: muscle twitching, blepharospasm (eye twitching)
phenytoin (Dilantin)
Inhibits spread of seizure activity in motor cortex by altering ion transport; increases AV conduction to decrease dysrhythmias
NO pregnancy, hormonal contraception
Monitor ECG, B/P, respiratory function, liver function tests for renal failure: ALT, AST, bilirubin, creatinine
TOXICITY: bone marrow depression, nausea, vomiting, ataxia, diplopia, CV collapse, slurred speech, confusion
t-PA streptokinase (Streptase) reteplase (Retavase) anistreplase (Eminase) tenecteplase (TNKase)
NO hemorrhagic stroke
Indication: within 3 - 4.5 hrs of stroke symptom onset
Followed by heparin
MD checks rectum for HI bleeding.
terazosin (Hytrin)
tamsulosin (Flomax)
Alpha-Adrenergic blocking agent
Decrease smooth muscle tone of the prostate & bladder neck -> increase urine flow. Not affecting libido.
Causes: hypotension, dizziness, postural hypotension
captopril (Capoten)
ACE inhibitors -> decreases BP
Action: inhibits ACE; prevents conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II
Watch: coughing (adverse effect). Monitor B/P, check for orthostatic hypotension, syncope
finasteride (Proscar)
5-α-Reductase inhibitor (5-α-Reductase is necessary for conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone)
Reduce prostate size -> increase urine flow.
Decrease libido, erection + increase breastsize (gynecomastia).
Hair stimulant - help w/ hair grow on crown & eyelashes
antidysrhythmic, cardiac glycoside
ACTION: Inhibits sodium-potassium ATPase -> more calcium available for contractile proteins -> increased CO; increases force of contraction (positive inotropic effect); decreases heart rate (negative chronotropic effect); decreases AV conduction speed
Watch: EKG, electrolytes (K, Na, Cl, Mg, Ca), renal functions
TOXICITY: anorexia, nausea, vomiting, irregular heartbeat and neurological symptoms
metFORMIN (Glucophage)
ACTION: decreases hepatic glucose production, decreases intestinal absorption of glucose, and improves insulin sensitivity by increasing peripheral glucose uptake and utilization.
Monitor for lactic acidosis: hyperventilation, fatigue, malaise, myalgia, chills, somnolence
Monitor for hypoglycemic reactions (sweating, weakness, dizziness, anxiety, tremors, hunger)
allopurinol (Zyloprim)
Antigout drug, antihyperuricemic
ACTION: Inhibits the enzyme xanthine oxidase, reducing uric acid synthesis
Therapeutic outcome: Decreasing serum uric acid levels, decreasing joint pain
Watch: BP, S&S coronary vasospasm (chest pain, hot sensation, burning, feeling of pressure, numbness, tingling in extremities), LOC
NO tyramine foods (cheese, wince, beer, yogurt)
metoprolol (Lopressor)
β1-Adrenergic blocker (Antihypertensive)
ACTION: Lowers B/P, reduces elevated renin plasma levels; blocks β2-adrenergic receptors in bronchial & vascular smooth muscle (high doses)
Monitor: EKG, BP, pulse, edema, I&O, daily weight; check for jugular vein distention, crackles bilaterally, dyspnea (HF)
Teach: DO NOT skip dose, discontinue abruptly.