Exam 3- Mammals Final Flashcards
behavioral response of predators to different prey densities (feeding rate)
functional response of predators
there is generally a ___ relationship between feeding rate and prey density with an ___
positive, asymptote
asymptote on graph of the functional response of predators
handling constraints, gut capacity limitations
the response of a predator population to prey density
numerical response
alterations in fertility rate, survival, and dispersal as a result of changing prey density
population response
asymptote on graph of the numerical response of predators
determined by interference competition between predators
combines functional and numerical response of predators
total response
total response expresses the percent of the ______ as a function of _____
prey population eaten, prey density
without predators, the prey population size = _____
carrying capacity (K)
if abiotic factors reduce prey, predators maintain them
predator pit
mortality rate declining as prey density is increasing, often referred to as ___
depensatory response
area with a large amount of waterfowl and important breeding
North American prairie pothole region
nest success is declining at _____% per year
effects of predator exclusion on waterfowl
- improvement in islands and exclusion plots
- removal not significant in improving success
- nest success kept declining over time
- suggesting that factors other than predation could be important for duck population
why may the duck populations have continued to decrease?
predator removal may not have taken smaller predators, functional response from these smaller predators can lead to higher mortality of nests
wolves and ungulates in Yukon
- decline in caribou, moose, Dall sheep
- reduction of wolves over 5 years
- wolf predation was reducing caribou/moose calf recruitment and reducing adult moose survival
- no effect on dall sheep
____ are very efficient vole predators
weasel subnivean hunting
killed 1/2 voles in the population over 3 years
Russian Crop Ticks and weasels resulted in….
59% fewer voles
in many instances ___ combines with _____ to limit prey populations
predation, competition
hare population fluctuation
1-2 orders of magnitude every 10 years, lynx primary predator
during peak hare year…
- predation increase 1.6 fold
- starvation increase 9 fold
- predation made up 58% of deaths
- population limited by predation and food
predation-sensitive food hypothesis
joint limitation of prey abundance by predation and food
predator regulation hypothesis
prey density regulated at some low density (predator pit) by a predator population
surplus prey hypothesis
predators only take animals that would have died from competition and population size at K
wildebeest and lions/hyenas bone marrow predictions
- PRH: predated and live samples similar bone marrow
- SPH: predated and non-predation deaths similar bone marrow
-PSFH: predated samples poorer condition than live, predated better condition than non-predated samples, predated better condition when food is limiting than when abundant
the effect of one species on another is mediated through a third
indirect effect
Rabbit density/predation in absence of lynx
5-10 fold increase in predation, 2-4 fold lower density
the substitution of mortality agents akin to the SPH where predators consume prey that would otherwise starve
compensatory mortality
effect of removal of bobcats/coyotes on deer Texas deer populations
fawn:doe ratio 3-4 times higher (density dependent inc. in winter mortality compensated for reduced mortality rates due to predation) in the short-term (6 years)
intense predation on normally food limited prey increases _____, allowing prey to compensate by ______
mortality rate, increasing other vital rates
result of industrial whaling on orca diet
increase in predation of seals, sea lions, sea otters
anything a cell big: virus, bacteria, fungi
arthropods (ixodes scapularis) , nematodes (baylisascaris procyonis), cestodes (taenia solium)
parasite effect on victims is dependent on…
host health, parasite load and virulence, environmental conditions
____ increases the condition of the surviving population, while ____ lowers the condition of the surviving population
predation, parasitism
Southeast Cooperative Wildlife Disease Unit
uses counts of parasites in deer abomasums as an index of herd health
black-footed ferret and canine distemper
federally endangered, 1970s captive breeding program, 2 litters produced where both died from canine distemper (even vaccinated), 1981 new colony of 128 was found but dropped to 16 in 4 years from distemper and human-introduced influenza
common dolphins and Crassicauda
nematode parasite (roundworm), causing brain lesions, dolphins strand on beach, natural mortality 8% yearly and this is >10% of that mortality
wolves and canine parvo
first reported in dogs in 1970, kills dogs 1-12 weeks, effects nutritionally stressed animals, survivors have antibodies, prevalence increased at 4%/yr in MN wolves 79-93 until 87% exposure, >80% parvo caused population decline, 3 shot vax
bacterial disease of ungulates, not lethal but causes decrease in milk production, females lose first fetus (50-70% abortion in highly infected herds), can lead to sterility, spreads through aborted placentas
Wyoming Elk vaccination
vaccinated against brucellosis via bio-bullet, reducing abortions by 70%
mice and Heligmosomoides nematodes
reduces exploratory activities
Marilyn Scott
experimentally demonstrated a parasite can regulate a mammal population: in lab introduced parasite, population crashed and stabilized low, treat parasite population recovers
cottontails and Tularemia
vectors are ticks and deer flies, outbreaks in squirrels and beavers, caused by bacterium, fatal (affect liver/spleen/lymphatic, necrosis), lethargic/spasmodic behavior, dead in a week, transmitted to humans with ectoparasites and contaminated tissue
grooming as macroparasite avoidance
rats spend 1/3 of time grooming, preventing this caused 30 fold increase in lice infestation, impala and gazelle self groom > 1000 times / 12 hours
rove beetles
mutualism, 10% of length of host rodents, Bob Timm showed they attach to rodents during nocturnal movements and drop off in nests during the day, prey on lice/ticks/fleas
stress as an indication factor
stress should cause latent infections to become visible through stress and food deprivation (monkeys keeping new members in the periphery, quarantine)
licking wounds
cleanses (saliva is bactericidal) and promotes closure (epithelial and nerve growth factors in saliva)
fever response
increased body temperature to enhance immunological response, reduce blood plasma iron to starve bacteria
how to elevate body temperature
vasoconstriction, seek warm sites, shivering
fever response energetic costs
4-5 degree increase causes 25% increase in metabolism
fever response is linked with _____ strategy
energy conservation