Birds quiz 1 Flashcards
order anseriformes
waterfowl, 45 species
defining features of anseriformes
adaptations to aquatic habitats, lamellate bill (strainers)
reason for creation of many parts of the NWR system
provide habitat to migrating and winter waterfowl
trumpeter swans conservation
reintroduced to WI/MI/OH/Ontario, WI/MI winter in IN, ecological effects (mute swans exotic and destroy aquatic systems)
bird class
names of North American birds are standardized by the
american ornithological society
7 specimens, from German quarries, 135-150 mil years old, modern birds appear at 60 MYA
fused clavicle
reptilian features
teeth, claws on wings (exception: hoatzin)
order galliformes
chicken-like birds, many game species, widely studied and managed
greater prairie chicken
extirpated from IN, barely hanging in IL
attwaters prairie chicken
greater sage grouse
proposed for listing as threatened, state-led initiative accepted instead, Trump administration proposed to dump initiative
horny sheath cover of the bill, must be worn down regularly
manus anatomy
digit and hand bones in wing reduced and fused, manus attachment point for primaries
leg bones
femur, tibiotarsus, tarsometatarsus, really reduced fibula
reduced tail vertebrae
uncinate process
projections on the ribs, allow rib cage to move as one unit
loons and grebes
two orders, 5-7 species, loons associated with deep water, grebes associated with small ponds, have solid bones
freshwater systems have been destroyed by ____, causing loss of ____ populations
acid rain, loon
bird body temperature
100-107, allows greater resistance to infection but can cause larger issues with stress and an increase in temperature
surgical technique of cutting into the body wall, notable in gendering and assessing breeding condition, associations with body temperature
parts of a feather
shaft: central attachment part, attaches to skin
calamus: proximal shaft, no vanes attached
rachis: distal shaft, vanes attached
vane: broad part of a feather, has barbules and hooklets
keratin: substance feathers are made of
pin feathers: visible when molting
feather tracts: parts of skin that feathers attach to
non-feathered parts of skin
contour feathers
feathers you see on surface (body feathers, long feathers wing/tail), water repellant, gives bird its look
wing feathers, made of the primaries (outermost) and secondaries (inner, attach along length of ulna)
tail feathers
down feathers
lack rachis, all of vane attached at one point, used in insulation
filoplumes and semiplumes
small, long, rachis, no interlocking barbs, used for insulation or position control
hair-like (eyelashes, rictal bristles around the mouth)
pigment-based color
most common, from pigment molecules in feathers, either melanins (black/gray/brown) or carotenoids (yellow/pink, most from diet)
structural color
not based on pigment, color caused by microstructure of feathers, changes when hit by light
there are no ___ colored birds
blue (it’s all structural coloring with reflecting blue light, no pgiment!)
order procellariiformes
pelagic species, come to land to breed, called tubenoses, contains albatrosses/petrels and shearwaters/storm petrels
“tubenoses” comes from
a tube on the beak, connecting nostrils to an efficient salt gland, allowing birds to drink salt water
procellariiformes threats
exotic predators introduced on oceanic islands, new technique developed to kill those exotics, also conflicts with long-line fisheries
regular replacement of feathers over time, needed to rid of worn feathers, replace missing feathers, reduce parasite load, change appearance
molt timing
genetically determined, species specific, triggered by photoperiod
virtually all birds replace all their feathers during a short period in _____, called a ______
late summer, complete molt
some birds replace some (or all) feathers again in _____, called a ______
late winter, partial molt
plumage terminology
alternate plumage (late winter, breeding), basic plumage (throughout the winter in all birds)
young birds often do not replace ____ during their first pre-basic molt
flight feathers
male duck molting
one molt in late summer, quick molt back to bright in late fall, molt all wing feathers together
breast muscles
pectorals: 15% weight
supracoracoideus: variable, often 6%, up to 11.5% in hummers
can add to 25% of weight
protrusion on the breastbone that attaches supracoracoideus, a lack of this means the bird likely was not capable of flight