Exam 3 Kirk 7: Special Circulation (coronary and skeletal) Flashcards
_______ provide entire blood supply to the myocardium
In humans, right coronary artery is dominant in ___% of people, left cornoary artery is domanint in ___% of people and the rest is both
CORONARY arteries provide blood flow to the entire heart
Right coronary artery is dominant in 50%
Left is 20%
Both is 30%
The coronary sinus carries the ______ back into the _____
The descinding branch is important because:
Coronary sinus dumps deoxygenated blood into the inferior vena cava so that it can go into RA
Descending branch feeds the left ventricle, and this is important because that is where a ton of heart attacks occur
Each myocyte (cardiac cell) comes into contact with how many capillaries?
Each myocyte comes into contact with 3-4 coronaries
The primary determinant of coronary blood flow is _______
Squeezing effect by contracting heart causes ______. This force is highest during early ventricular systole.
Primary determinant of coronary blood flow is aortic pressure (secondary determinant is the tissue pressure)
Squeezing effect by the contracting myocardium causes extravascular compression (extra coronary resistance)
Left coronary blood flow is more influenced by ____ than right coronary blood flow. Blood flow is briefly reversed during systole.
Endocardium is most as risk for ischemia… explain why
Left coronary blood flow is more influenced by LV tissue pressure than right coronary blood flow is.
Endocardium is most at risk for ischemia because it is in the middle and gets squeezed the most during systole. Low diastolic pressure… severe hypotension, partial coronary occlusion, aortic stensosis.
The highest tissue pressure occurs during _____
Thus, left coronary blood flow may actually ____
Maximual left coronary blood flow occurs in _____
Approximately 60-65% of coronary blood perfusion to LV myocardium occurs during ______
If Pdiastole falls below _____ it may cause ischemia
Increase HR decreases diastolic time, ____
Highest tissue pressure occurs during early systole (isovolumic contraction)
Thus, left coronary blood flow may actually reverse in early systole
Maximal left coronary blood flow occurs in early diastole when tissue pressure falls to rougly zero
60-65% of coronary perfusion to LV happens during diastole
If Pdiastole falls below 50 mmHg it may cause ischemia
If HR increase, diastole time decreases
Sympathetic stimulation of Beta 1 causes coronary _____
Weak alpha 1 vasoconstriction from sympathetic nerves is overridden by _______
SNS stimulation of beta 1 causes strong coronary vasodilation due to increases in metabolism
Weak alpha 1 vasoconstriction from SNS stimulation is over-ridden by strong metabolic vasodilation
Which part of the body maximizes their AV O2 difference?
Thus PO2 is lowest in _______
Max O2 extraction is around ____% and heart operates around _____%
Because O2 extraction is already _____, the only way to increase O2 to the heart is to ____
Heart maximizes AV O2 difference
PO2 is lowest in coronary circulation
Max O2 extraction is 15%, heart operates at 12%
Because O2 extraction is already at a maximum, only way to increase O2 to the heart is to increase blood flow
The relationship between coronary blood flow and myocardial metabolic activity is ___
Increase in myocardial metabolism causes _____ coronary resistance, causing ____ coronary blood flow
High _____ metabolism in the heart makes it a large consumer of O2
Relationship between coronary blood flow and myocardial metabolic activity is linear
Increase in myocardial metabolism causes an decreases in coronary resistance, causing an increase in coronary blood flow
High fatty acid metabolism makes the heart a large consumer of O2
What is cardiac work? (Equation)
Myocardial work is an approximation of ____
What kind of work consumes more oxygen: pressure or volume?
Hypertension causes _______ in oxygen consumption
Cardiac work = Mean arterial pressure (force) x systolic blood volume (distance)
Myocardial work is an approximation of O2 consumption
Pressure work requires more O2
Hypertension causes a disproportionate increase in O2 consumption
Myocardial oxygen supply = ____ x ______
Oxygen supply = blood flow x O2 content
Because myocardial O2 supply = blood flow x O2 content
What effects myocardial blood flow?
O2 demand?
Myocardial blood flow: diastolic perfusion pressure and coronary vascular resistance
O2 demand: afterload/ wall tension, HR and contractility
What increases O2 consumption in the heart?
Increase O2 consumption:
decrease in compliance
increased sympathetic activity
Na/K pump inhibitors
Myocardial ischemia results from an _____ between oxygen supply and oxygen demand
Excessive O2 demand is _______ a cause of primary ischemia (usually perfusion)
Myocardial ischemia results from an inbalance in supply and demand
Excessive O2 demand is never a primary cause of ischemic, it’s usually perfusion
Explain coronary steal:
What happens when the heart compensates and avoids coronary steal
Under certain conditions, an increase in blood flow in one region of the heart can cause a decrease in another region

Explain what happens in coronary steal in decompensated situations (when coronrary steal does happen)

What are the clinical manifestations of coronary steal?
Aka how do doctors find out that its happening
Exercise induced ischemia (stress test)
If too old to exercise, they administer adenosine (vasodilator)
In resting human, __% of cardiac output goes to skeletal muscle, this is because skeletal muscle makes up ____% of body mass
Skeletal muscle has the ____ vascular bed in the body
Noncontracting state, muscle blood flow is ______ (ml/min for 100g).
Skeletal muscle blood flow can increase ___ during exercise due to ____
20% of cardiac output goes to skeletal muscle (skeletal muscle makes up 40% of body mass)
Skeletal muscle has largest vascular bed in the body (important in regulating blood pressure)
Noncontracting state: 3 mL/min per 100g (much less than brain and kidneys)
Skeletal muscle flow can increase 20x during exercise
Define active hyperemia
Skeletal muscle has a very large _____ , indicating that is has high _____
At resting state, _____ dominate, whereas during muscle contraction ______ dominate
Active hyperemia: increase in blood flow due to increase in metabolic activity
Skeletal muscle has a very large flow reserve, indicating high degree of vascular tone
At resting state, vasoconstrictors dominate, whereas during muscle contraction, vasodilator influences dominate to increase O2 to muscle tissues and remove metabolic waste build up
The reduction of vascular resistance during dynamic exercise results from _____, depsite the increase in central sympathetic nerve activity
Reduction of vascular resistance during dynamic exercise results from local metabolic control, despite the increase in central nervous activity
SO it vasodilates instead of vasoconstricts
What happens to blood flow during isometric contraction>
Isometric contraction: you actually cut off blood flow
During isometric exercise, vascular resistance increases and cardiac output rises, thus there is an increase in arterial pressure
How does muscle contraction help with venous return?
Muscle contraction pumps blood out of muscle veins
contraction compresses veins, you get an increase in venous return
Muscle extraction acts as a secondary pump
Explained what happens during inspiration and expiration in terms of venous return
Inspiration: decrease pleural pressure, increase abdominal pressure, compressing veins there and increases venous return (reduces pressure in right atrium as well)
Expiration: increase pleural pressure, decreased abdominal pressure, opposite
Increased inspiration rate during exercise causes increased venous return overall
Skeletal muscle is primarily innervated by _____
NE binds to ___ receptors causing ____
Blood flow through skeletal muscle vessels can also stimulate release of ___ causing ______.
THis mechanism along with _____ is responsible for active hyperemia during exercise.
Skeletal muscle is innervated by sympathetic adrenergic fibers
NE binds to alpha receptors causing vasoconstriction
Blood flow through skeletal muscle vessels can also stimulate release of NO causing vasodilation
This mechanism along with metabolic activity is responsible for active hyperemia during exercise