Exam 3- Chapter 12: Helping Flashcards
5 Stage Decision Tree (Latnae and Darley- 1970)
Step 1) Notice Event: context, tunnel vision
Step 2) Interpret event as emergency
Step 3) Assume Responsibility: diffusion of responsibility, bystander effect
Step 4) Decide form of assistance
Step 5) Decide to implement decision
Pluralistic Ignorance
In ambiguous situations, people look to others for cues as to how to behave
Diffusion of Responsibility
See others as equally responsible to act
Bystander Effect
The more bystanders present at an emergency situation, the less likely anyone is to help
Latane & Rodin (1971)
Confederate takes money
Student subjects paid $10 in singles, money is pulled out of full envelope by secretary.
Secretary leaves, confederate takes money.
3 conditions:
1) 1 subject, 1 confederate
2) 2 subjects, 1 confederate
3) 3 subjects, 1 confederate
% of subjects that report confederate:
1) 76% 2) 24% 3) 0%
Showed bystander effect & diffusion of responsibility
Decision Paralysis
Too much time spent thinking about helping/how to help, so then no help is given.
Rendering assistance to another person without concern for one’s own benefit.
“Selfishness in reverse.”
Social Exchange Theory
Theory that human interactions are transactions that aim to maximize one’s rewards and minimize one’s costs.
The idea that self interest motivates all behavior, opposite of altruism.
Reciprocity Norm
An expectation that people will help, not hurt, those who have helped them.
Social Responsibility Norm
An expectation that people will help those needing help.
Kin Selection
The idea that evolution has selected altruism toward one’s close relatives to enhance the survival of mutually shared genes.
The vicarious experience of another’s feelings, putting oneself in another’s shoes.
When do we help?
- 1: If we’ve been rewarded in the past for helping.
- 2: Important for young model. Role Models. If you see someone else in heroic action(celebrity etc), younger people more likely to follow role models action of help.
- 3:We have the time. Busy people = less likely to help.
- 4: Good mood: Feel good-do good phenomenon.
- 5: Feeling guilty: being more likely to help
Latane & Elman (1971) “Smoking Room” Study
Subjects in 3 different conditions given questionnaire to fill out in classroom. Experimenter feeds steam into subjects' room and times how long it will take subject to get up. 3 Conditions & Results: 1) Alone- 6 min 2) 3 subjects- 23 min 3) 1 subject, 2 confed- 32 min
Study showed Pluralistic Ignorance