Exam 3 Alekene Reactants Flashcards
Only reactant, moves Alene double bond to more stable position [Carbocation intermediate]
Only reactant, adds halide to more stable carbocation, can rearrange [carbocation intermediate]
H2SO4, H2O
Adds OH to more stable carbocation, can rearrange [Carbocation intermediate]
Anti addition, consider stereochemistry, adds both halides to opposite side of alkene bond, no rearrangements [3 membered ring intermediate]
X2, H2O
Adds OH to more stable carbocation, halide to other side of alkene, anti addition, no rearrangements, consider stereochemistry [3 membered ring intermediate]
- Hg(OAc)2, H2O
- NaBH4
Anti addition, Markovnikov addition of OH, no rearrangements here (3 ring intermediate) important to note that a 3 members ring intermediate is made with HgOAc, and then water (H2O) breaks 3 membered ring to more stable carbocation, 2nd step removes the HgOAc [3 membered ring intermediate]
- BH3
- H2O2, NaOh
Anti Markovnikov OH addition, syn addition, consider stereochemistry, no rearrangements [no intermediate]
- OsO4
- NaHSO3
Adds OH to both sides of Alkene, same stereochemistry, no rearrangement, syn addition, consider stereochemistry because of syn addition [no intermediate]
- H2, Pd/C
Remove the alkene pretty much, syn addition, IMPORTANT - consider stereochemistry, since we are adding H’s on either side, substituents are pushed accordingly, [no intermediate]
Alkene forms a 3 membered ring of O through alkene, syn addition, consider stereochemistry, YO stereochemistry is always shown here [no intermediate]
- O3
2 Zn, AcOH - O3
- H2O2, NaOH
We know ozonolysis, remember the difference between the Zn, AcOH and H2O2, NaOH, [no intermediate]
- O3
2 Zn, AcOH - O3
- H2O2, NaOH
We know ozonolysis, remember the difference between the Zn, AcOH and H2O2, NaOH,
Hsat formula
2n + 2 - X + #N⬇️
DoU = ?
(Hsat - Hact)