Exam 3 Flashcards
Know the techniques helpful in ensuring the cooperation of a pediatric patient during examination
-Speak softly
-make steady eye contact
-allow child to become familiar w/ room
-feed infant during exam
-parent hold child’s hand
-use warm gel
distract child
-scan between screaming child’s breaths
Know wilson’s disease
- Rare
- Faulty copper metabolism
- eventually results in severe damage to liver & brain
- Diagnosis: Blood & urine test + liver biopsy
- Treatment: penicillamine
- Signs: eyes may have a green ring around them
Hemangioendothelioma in the pediatric patient is considered dangerous in relation to risk of?
Know most common primary malignant liver neoplasm
Congenital anomaly that is discovered in a pediatric patient is a choledochal cyst this anomaly is associated with?
- Congenital cyst-like dilation of CBD
- Different types
- Most common is a cyst like mass in the porta-hepatis region
- Diagnosed in patients w/ intermittent RUQ pain, Jaundice, palpable RUQ mass
Know biliary atresia in pediatric patient
- Ducts from liver to duodenum are obliterated
- Prognosis depends on duration of condition
- Important to differentiate from neonatal hepatitis
- US Appearance: Non visualization of GB, GB is less than 1.5cm
Location of neuroblastoma
Hemorrhage of adrenal glands most seen in patents?
2-7 days old
Sonographic appearance of thyroid adenoma
- US appearance varies
- Majority solid & hypoechoic (98%)
- May be isoechoic or hypoechoic
- Peripheral echolucent halo (doesn’t rule out thyroid carcinoma)
- degenerating adenomas may be complex in appearance (containing solid components)
US appearance/ characteristics of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
- Enlarged
- Heterogeneous
- Coarse
- Hypervascularity
- May have discreet nodules
- Calcifications
Signs and symptoms of Grave’s disease
- Anxiety
- Irretability
- Tremor in hands & fingers
- Heat sensitive
- Bulging eyes
- Goiter (Enlarged thyroid glands)
- Thick red skin
Parathyroid adenoma produces an excess of?
parathyroid hormone
Location of thyroglossal duct?
- ML anterior to trachea
- anterior to thyroid
- superior to thyroid
Most likely to be mistakenly interpreted as a mass of thyroid or parathyroid gland?
Longus Colli
Most common type of thyroid carcinoma?
Papillary 60-70%
US features of thyroid carcinoma
- Irregular borders
- Tiny calcifications
- Cystic & Solid components
- Thick incomplete halos
- many times hypoechoic
Tissue that connects both thyroid lobes?
Signs and Symptoms of hypothyroidism
- Fatigue
- Flakey dry skin
- Weight gain
- Heavy menses
- Intolerance to cold
Location of ____________ lateral to carotid arteries.
Parathyroid adenoma lab values
increased/elevated calcium or hypercalcemia