Exam 3 Flashcards
Spheres Of Physical Activity
- Sphere Of Self Sufficiency
- Sphere Of Self Expression
- Sphere Of Work
- Sphere Of Education
- Sphere Of Leisure
- Sphere Of Health
- Sphere Of Competition
Self Sufficiency
- Physical activity is necessary to care for oneself, can be used to judge one’s level of independence.
- ADLs(Activities of Daily Living) such as bathing, dressing, using the toilet, eating, walking, self care.
- IADLs(Instrumental Activities Of Daily Living) are more strenuous than ADLs, less personal, things like shopping, cooking, or doing laundry.
- By 2030, 22% of the U.S population will be 65 or older.
- 11.8% of 55-64 year olds have ADL impairments
- Almost 50% of 85+ population have ADL impairments.
- Older people are often injured trying to do ADLs and IADLs.
- Dependence on others increases.
- Quality of life diminishes.
Self Expression
- Consider how you express yourself through physical activity.
- Like moving your hands while talking.
Work and Physical Activity
- Physical activity is an integral part of our work.
- Physical activity produces goods and services.
- Ergonomists or human factors engineers. Specialists that focus on improved efficiency, greater productivity, and improved safety in the work setting.
-Physical Activity is integral to all forms and levels of education, including the following: writing(hand, wrist, arm movements), reading(eye movement) to complete an English assignment, using calculator for math, physical education.
NASPE content standards
- Developed to guide quality physical education programs and produce physically educated people.
- Standards for physical education teachers.
- Objectives for the physically educated person: 1) Demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
2) Demonstrate understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
3) Participates regularly in physical activity.
4) Achieves and maintains a health enhancing level of physical fitness.
5) Exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
6) Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self expression, or social interaction.
- Free time: Personal time not encumbered with obligations.
- Leisure: State of being in which humans find deep satisfaction and contentment.
Watching Sports
- A form of sedentary leisure on the rise.
- People spend more than $1 billion on tickets to professional and amateur sporting events each year.
- Competition in physical activity is usually associated with sport although it can exist in exercise.
- Competition can be positive or negative.
- Types of Competition: side by side, face to face non contact, face to face contact, impersonal.
Instrumental Movements
-Critical movements required to attain the goal of the activity.
Expressive Movements
-Idiosyncratic(Habitual) movements that are not required for goal attainment but that express something about the individual.
Importance Of Physical Activity Experiences
- Broad, physical activities you engaged in today
- Brushing teeth, walking, preparing food. Physical activity is a part of almost everything we do.
Subjective Experiences
-How physical activity affects our thoughts and feelings, how those feelings affect our future physical activity choices, and how we derive knowledge and meaning through physical activity.
Social Environment
-Parents, peers, teachers or coaches
Personal Circumstances
-Geography, local physical activity culture, economic considerations, personal attributes.