Exam 3 Flashcards
What organisms are most numerous on Earth?
Which of the
following criteria will allow you to classify the organism as belonging to Bacteria but not
Archaea or Eukarya?
Cell walls are made primarily of peptidoglycan
single-celled organism that had a cell wall
but lacked a nucleus. What is its most likely classification?
) Which of the following describe all existing bacteria?
Tiny, ubiquitous, metabolically diverse
Which of the following traits do archaeans and bacteria share?
Lack of a nuclear envelope and presence of plasma membrane
Prokaryotes are classified as belonging to two different domains. What are the domains?
Bacteria and Archaea
) Biologists sometimes divide living organisms into two groups: autotrophs and heterotrophs.
These two groups differ in _____.
Their mode of nutrition
What is the goal of bioremediation?
To clean up areas polluted with toxic compounds by using bacteria
Some researchers have begun attempting to clean up oil spills by adding nonindigenous
microbial hydrocarbon degraders to the spill, in the hopes that these bacteria will neutralize the
dangerous chemicals in the spill. This is an example of _____.
You have found a new prokaryote. What line of evidence would support your hypothesis that
the organism is a cyanobacterium?
It is able to form colonies and produce oxygen.
Multicellularity and large body size of eukaryotic organisms requires high metabolic rates and
efficient ATP production by aerobic respiration. How did bacteria change Earth’s atmosphere to
enable aerobic respiration?
Oxygenic photosynthesis by cyanobacteria significantly increased the amount of oxygen
in the atmosphere
What experiment can distinguish between high-GC Gram-positive bacteria and low-GC
Gram-positive bacteria?
Ribosome analysis
When a mosquito infected withPlasmodium first bites a human, thePlasmodium _____.
Cells infect the human liver cells
Which of the following is most likely to lead to paralytic shellfish poisoning?
All protists are _____.
Protists and bacteria are grouped into different domains because _____.
protists have a membrane-bounded nucleus, which bacterial cells lack
) Which of the following statements is consistent with the assertion that protists are paraphyletic?
Some protists evolved into other eukaryotic groups
Which of the following statements best describes the term synapomorphy?
Trait common in a single monophyletic group, but not generally found outside of that
According to the endosymbiotic theory, why was it adaptive for the larger (host) cell to keep the
engulfed cell alive, rather than digesting it as food?
The engulfed cell provided the host cell with adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
Descended from a common evolutionary ancestor or ancestral group, but not including all the descendant groups.
Derived from more than one common evolutionary ancestor or ancestral group and therefore not suitable for placing in the same taxon.
Descended from a common evolutionary ancestor or ancestral group, especially one not shared with any other group.
Assume that some members of an aquatic species of motile, photosynthetic protists evolve to
become parasitic to fish. They gain the ability to live in the fish gut, absorbing nutrients as the
fish digests food. Over time, which of the following phenotypic changes would you expect to
observe in this population of protists?
Loss of chloroplasts
Which of the following might be a result of adding a secondary consumer
A decrease in the number of primary consumers