Exam 3 Flashcards
Change agent
someone who is a catalyst in helping organizations to deal with old problems in new ways
assessment center
wide variety of specific selection programs that use multiple selection methods to rate applicants or job incumbents on their mgmt potential
tell-and-sell approach
tell employees their ratings and then justify the ratings
tell-and-train approach
tell employees their ratings and let them explain their side of the story
problem-solving approach
managers and employees work together to solve performance problems in a respectful and encouraging atmosphere
functional org structure
groups people according to the business functions they perform - manufacturing, finance, or marketing
divisional org structure
employees are segregated into organization groups based on similar products or services, customers or clients, or geographic regions
matrix org structure
combines a vertical structure with an equally strong horizontal overlay
span of control
the number of people reporting directly to a given manager
unity of command
specifies that each employee should only report to one manager
learning organization
an org. that supports lifelong learning by enabling all employees to acquire and share knowledge
network organization
(hollow structure) (open)
designed around a central core of key functions and outsources other functions to other companies or individuals who can do them faster or cheaper
***useful when there is strong price competition
acquisition of knowledge, skills, and behaviors that improve an employee’s ability to meet changes in job requirements and in customer demands
disability insurance
short term: provides benefits for 6 months or less
long term: typically 50-70% of employee’s salary - potentially for the rest of life
a process where employee’s are highly motivated and engaged to make significant contributions through two-way communication flow with the manager
~ Lewin’s Change Model ~
unfreezing: creating the motivation to change // encouraged to replace old habits with new ones
refreezing: support and reinforce the change // possibly using rewards or recognition
Learning Management System (LMS)
a computer application that automates the administration, development, and delivery of training programs
retention bonus
one time pay in accordance to the amount of time the employee has been with the company
balanced scorecard
a combination of performance measures directed toward the company’s long and short term goals and used as the basis for awarding incentive pay
scanlon plan
gainsharing program in which employees receive a bonus if the ratio of labor costs to the sales value of production is below a set standard
merit pay
a system of linking pay increases to ratings on performance appraisals
profit sharing
incentive pay in which payments are a percentage of the organization’s profits and do not become part of the employees’ base salary