Exam 3 Flashcards
D&C 44
JS and Sidney Rigdon.
Elders are called together to Kirtland
D&C 45
Details on Second Coming. Contradiction on between needing baptism and not hearing the gospel in their life. (not explained until 1840)
D&C 46
Public church meetings. Spiritual gifts
D&C 47
John Whitmer is called as church historian
D&C 48
Zion is not yet revealed. Don’t believe false revelations
D&C 49
Sidney, Parley P Pratt, and Leman Copley. One of the more changed sections. Jesus will come in glory. Was listed as March 1831, should be may 7, 1831
D&C 50
Direction on how to cast out spirits.
D&C 51
D&C 52
High priesthood. First time counselors to the bishop are called. Assumed to be the fulfillment of D&C 38
D&C 53
Sidney Gilbert
D&C 54
Newel Knight and colesville saints are told to move again
D&C 55
William W Phelps. Wrote books for children in school
D&C 56
Chastizes Ezra Thayre
D&C 57
Annouces Missouri as Zion
D&C 58
Saints are disappointed in Zion. (Ezra Thayne)
D&C 59
How to keep sabbath day and fast. Holly Knight dies.
D&C 60
The Lord commands that some return to Ohio
D&C 61
The Lord chastizes for not preaching to those who “parish on either side.”
D&C 62
Hyrum’s group is commanded to continue to Zion even though they will return to Ohio as well.
D&C 76
“The Vision”