D&C Exam Study Flashcards
D&C 1
The church.
special conference of elders. Preface to D&C
D&C 2
extract of JS History. Moroni speaking to Joseph
D&C 3
lost 116 pages
D&C 4
Joseph Smith Sr
D&C 5
Martin Harris
He requested to translate
D&C 6
Oliver Cowdrey
beginning translation as scribe
D&C 7
Oliver Cowdrey
He and JS asked about John the Beloved
D&C 8
Oliver Cowdrey
Oliver asked to translate
D&C 9
Oliver Cowdrey
More counsel about Oliver wanting to translate
D&C 10
Instruction about the 116 pages
D&C 11
Hyrum Smith
JS asked for it
D&C 12
Joseph Knight Sr
JK had donated a lot to publishing the Book of Mormon. He asked for this revelation.
D&C 13
Extract of JS History. Ordinanation with the Aaronic priesthood.
D&C 14
David Whitmer
Answer to an inquiry through the UandT. Witnesses of BoM
D&C 15
John Whitmer
God reveled info that only John knew
D&C 16
Peter Whitmer
Similar to 14
D&C 17
Oliver Cowdrey
D&C 18
JS, Oliver, and David
made known calling of the apostles
D&C 19
“a commandment of God and not of man, to Martin Harris”