Exam 3 Flashcards
Evaluating performance to make decisions
Assessing performance to provide feedback and facilitate improvement.
Ongoing process that uses appraisal and development and aligns its resources to achieve high performance.
Performance Appraisals…
- Enhance quality of organizational decisions
- Provide employees with realistic feedback on training and work.
- Can increase employee commitment/satisfaction/motivation.
Appraisals should be…
- Standardized and formally communicated to all.
- Provide notice of deficiencies and corrective measures.
- Access to results and formal appeal process.
- Use multiple/diverse/unbiased raters.
- Provide written instructions for raters and documentation with specific examples.
Personnel Data
Type of objective production data. Usually absenteeism and accidents.
Judgmental Data
Type of subjective data. Is prone to errors.
Common Rating Errors
- Serial Position Errors (primacy vs. recency)
- Contrast Error (inflate/deflate performance based on another’s performance)
- Halo (raters evaluations are based on general opinions about an employee)
- Leniency (raters tendency to rate higher or lower than actual ratee performance)
- Central-Tendency (raters tend to evaluate all ratees towards the middle of the scale)
Graphic Rating Scales
Most commonly used measure of judgmental data. Individuals are rated on a number of traits or factors.
Employee-Comparison Methods
Compare individuals against their peers.
Rank-Order Method
Employees are ranked high to low on their performance
Paired Comparison Method
Employee compared to all other employees.
Forced Distribution Method
Rate all employees on distribution. (so making a bell curve, most people are in the middle, few are really low or really high)
Self-assessments have _____ errors.
Peer assessments are ______ and ______.
reliable and valid
360-Degree Feedback
Supervisor and subordinate and peer AND self-ratings..
Functional Principle
Orgs. should be divided into units that perform similar functions. (division of labor) [enhances coordination of activities, effectiveness of supervision, flow of work. Relates to horizontal growth of organization)
Scalar Principle
Clear chain of command that grows with levels added to the organization. (communication amongst units is achieved through the people in hierarchical order. Relates to vertical growth of organization.)
Unity of command
Each subordinate should be accountable to only one supervisor.
Line/Staff Principle
Dividing work into primary and support functions. Line functions are directly responsible for the primary goals of an org. Staff functions support the line in its overall goals.
Span of Control Principle
Number of subordinates for a given supervisor. Large spans = flat organization. Small spans = tall organization.
Structural Theory
Structures must adapt over time. 7 main parts…
1) Operating Core - conducts the basic work duties that define the org.’s purpose.
2) Strategic Apex - Brain. Leadership responsible for overall org. success.
3) Middle Line - mid-level, day to day leadership responsible for ensuring overall goals are being accomplished.
4) Technostructure - Specialized facilitators of overall operations.
5) Support Staff - Services that aid basic mission of org. (mailroom/custodial)
6) Ideology - glue. overall mission of the org.
7) Politics - survivor tactics that can ruin an org. by detracting from overall mission.
Social Systems
Abstract, informal human components of an org. that influence behavior of individuals and groups.
Expectations regarding the responsibilities and requirements of a job
Shared group expectations about appropriate behavior
Languages, values, attitudes, beliefs, and customs of an org.
Role conflict
Demands from different sources are incompatible
Role ambiguity
Uncertainty about the behaviors expected for a given role.
Role overload
Expectations to fulfill too many roles at one time
Person-Organization Fit
Assessment about the match of values and goals.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Obligation for an organization to improve society.
Interdependent group of people working towards accomplishing common outcomes.
Teams are a _____ level of analysis.
5 Types of Teams
1) Problem-Resolution (solving ongoing problems)
2) Creative (innovation, exploring possibilities)
3) Tactical (executing a well-defined plan)
4) Ad hoc (solve a specific problem, disbands when solved)
5) Virtual (work together over electronic media to combine effort and achieve common goals)
Team Structure
Leadership -> Work producer -> Maintenance -> Liason
Socialization Team Process
process of ongoing mutual adjustment
Interpersonal Team Process
- Communication needs to be consistent
- Conflict(unavoidable, competitive we avoid, beneficial we want)
- Cohesion(attached to team and wants to stay)
- Trust(belief that even though you have no control over another person’s behavior, that person will behave in a way that benefits you.
Shared Mental Models Team Process
How the team acquires, stores, and uses info. Helps members predict and understand teammate behavior. Can be bad if it turns into GROUPTHINK.
Team Decision Making Team Process
Work together to make decisions. DUH.
Identifying the best mix of personnel for effective team performance.
Foster common ways for team members to analyze information and make decisions.
Understand unique performance issues that can occur in teams.
Job Satisfaction
Positive attitudes or emotions resulting from one’s job.
Global = overall satisfaction / Facet = dimension of satisfaction
Satisfaction is correlated ____ with ________.
.41 with the big 5 personality traits.
General attitudes and disposition. (positive vs. negative)
Withdrawal Behaviors
Employee removes themself from a situation.
temporary way to avoid stress and emotions resultant from work.
Leaving the org. permanently
level to which you identify with your work and its importance to your self-image.
Psychological and emotional attachment to a relationship/job/organization/goal.
3 Types of Commitment
1) Affective(emotional attachment to org.)
2) Continuance(perceived cost of leaving org.)
3) Normative(obligation to remain with org.)
Organizational Justice
Fair treatment of people in org.s
3 Types of Organizational Justice
1) Distributive Justice - fairness of outcomes (WHAT is the outcome)
2) Procedural Justice - fairness of procedures used to make outcome decision. (HOW did you decide)
3) Interactional Justice - fairness of employee treatment. (concern and knowledge)
Organizational Citizenship Behaviors
Go beyond required job tasks and contribute to organizational performance. 5 Dimensions (Altruism, conscientiousness, courtesy, sportsmanship, civic virtue)
Psychological Contract
implied agreement between an employee and the employer, based on mutual contribution. (Job loss is ultimate violation of psych. contract)
Counterproductive Work Behavior
Behaviors with intended harm or ill-will towards the org. or employees.
Organizational Politics
employee behavior directed by self-interest
low-intensity deviance/discourteousness.