Exam #3 Flashcards
The process of information so that it can be stored.
The retention of encoded information over time.
Filter Theory
Attempts to explain how we selectively attend to the most important information.
Change Blindness
An individual’s failure to notice large visual changes in the environment.
Long-Term Storage
A memory storage system that allows relatively permanent storage of a probably unlimited amount of information.
Sensory Storage
A memory storage system that very briefly holds a vast amount of information from the five senses.
Using working memory to organize information into meaningful units to make it easier to remember.
Elaborative Rehearsal
Using working memory processes to think about how new information relates to ourselves or our prior knowledge; provides deeper encoding of information for more successful long-term storage.
Maintenance Rehearsal
Using working memory processes to repeat information based on how it sounds (auditory information); provides only shallow encoding of information.
Explicit Memory
The system for long-term storage of conscious memories that can be verbally described.
A type of explicit memory that includes personal experiences
A type of explicit memory that includes knowledge about the world.
Implicit Memory
They system for long-term storage of unconscious memories that cannot be verbally described.
Classical Conditioning
Employs implicit memory.
A type of implicit memory that involves motor skills and behavioral habits.
Consolidation of Memories
Once memories are activated, they need to be consolidated again for long-term storage.
Proactive Interference
When access to newer memories is impaired is impaired by older memories.
Analogical and symbolic representations
Analogical Representations
Mental representations that have some of the physical characteristics of objects.
Symbolic Representations
Abstract mental representations that consist of words or ideas.
A mental representation of objects, events, or relations around common themes.
Using information to determine if a conclusion is valid or reasonable.
Problem Solving
Finding a way around an obstacle to reach a goal: Subgoals, Working Backward, Analogy, Insight.
Decision Making
Attempting to select the best alternative among several options.
A set procedures to follow when thinking and making a decision.
A shortcut (rule of thumb of informal guideline) used to reduce the amount of thinking that is needed to make decisions.