Exam 3 Flashcards
Geologic time provides a frame of reference for understanding:
Rocks Fossils Geologic structures Landscapes Tectonic events Change
Deep Time
the immense span of geologic time. Human history is miniscule when compared against deep geologic time.
James Hutton (1726–97)
Geologic time. A Scottish physician and farmer, was the first to articulate the Principle of Uniformitarianism. He realized that vast amounts of time were necessary for Earth processes to create rocks. For this discovery, he is called the “Father of Modern Geology
Principle of Uniformitarianism
is paraphrased “The present is the key to the past.” His idea was that the processes we see today are the same as those that operated in the past. Geologic change is slow; large changes require a long time.
Relative dating of geologic materials is
is a qualitative method that was developed hundreds of years ago.
Numerical dating
is a quantitative method that was developed over the last 60 years.
Modern geologists routinely use both ________ & _________ dating methods.
Relative & Numerical
Physical principles: uniformitarianism
States that the processes observed today were the same in the past. Ex= mud cracks. Sir Charles Lyell
Sir Charles Lyell
wrote the textbook Principles of Geology in 1830–33. He established a set of physical principles for deciphering the relative ages of Earth materials to aid in unraveling Earth history. The principles are still in use today.
The Principle of Original Horizontality
states that because sediments settle out of a fluid by gravity, they tend to accumulate horizontally. Sediment accumulation is not favored on a slope. Hence, tilted sedimentary rocks must be deformed.
States that in an undeformed sequence of layered rocks, each bed is older than the one above and younger than the one below. Younger strata are on top; older strata are below.
The Principle of Superposition
The Principle of Lateral Continuity
observes that strata often form in laterally extensive horizontal sheets. Subsequent erosion dissects once-continuous layers.
The Principle of Cross-Cutting Relations
holds that younger features truncate (cut across) older features. Faults, dikes, erosion, etc., must be younger than the material that is faulted, intruded, or eroded. (A volcano cannot intrude rocks that aren’t there yet.)
The Principle of Baked Contacts
observes that an igneous intrusion cooks the invaded country rock. The baked rock must have been there first (it is older). A chill margin is formed within the igneous intrusion at the contact from rapid cooling.
Explains the occurrence of one rock fragment within another. Inclusions are always older than the enclosing material. Weathering rubble must have come from older rock. Fragments (xenoliths) within an igneous intrusion are older.
The Principle of Inclusions
Relative age determination
Folded sediments Intrusions Granite Basalt A fault Xenoliths Inclusions A baked contact
The geologic history must have progressed as follows:
- A sequence of horizontal strata accumulates. Superposition dictates that 1 is the oldest.
- An igneous sill intrudes. Inclusions of 4 and 5 in the sill confirm that it is younger
- Folding, uplift, and erosion take place. Folding occurs after the intrusion because the intrusion is itself folded.
- A granitic pluton intrudes the folded sediments. Xenoliths fall into magma, which bakes the country rock.
- A fault cuts the granitic intrusion and the folded sediments.
- A basalt dike cuts across the block, feeding a volcano. The dike cools; the volcano and the land are eroded.
The Principle of Fossil Succession
describes the predictability of fossil distribution through time. Fossils, which are often preserved in sedimentary rocks, are extremely useful as time markers for relative age dating. This is because specific fossils are only found within a limited, often narrow, time range.
Species evolve, exist for a time, and then disappear forever. The first appearance, range of existence, and final extinction are useful for relative dating. Fossils succeed one another in a known order. Time periods are recognized by their fossil content.
Fossil Succession
The fossil range
describes the first and last appearance of a species. Each fossil has a unique range. Sometimes the ranges of unique organisms overlap.
Index fossils
are diagnostic of a particular geologic time.
An ____________ is a time gap in the rock record, from nondeposition or erosion.
The three types of unconformity.
angular unconformity, nonconformity, and disconformity.
Angular unconformity
James Hutton was the first to recognize the significance of angular unconformities. They represent a huge gulf in geologic time. Horizontal marine sediments are deformed by orogenesis. Then, the mountains are completely removed by erosion. After a renewed marine invasion, a new generation of horizontal sediments are deposited.
Siccar Point, Scotland
Where Hutton deduced the special significance of the angular unconformity. Vertical Ordovician sandstone is overlain by gently dipping Devonian redbeds. The missing time is 50 million years.
A nonconformity
An unconformity where igneous or metamorphic rocks are capped by sedimentary rocks. Crystalline igneous or metamorphic rocks were exposed by erosion. After a renewed marine invasion, sediment was deposited on this eroded surface.
A disconformity
An unconformity within sedimentary layers due to an interruption in sedimentation. Disconformities are often subtle.
The succession of rocks in the Grand Canyon can be divided into ________, based on notable changes in rock type and included fossils.
Describes the sequence of strata. Formations can be traced over long distances. Several formations may be combined as a group.
A stratigraphic column
Lithologic correlation is
based on rock type in a particular region. Several rock columns kilometers apart look slightly different but can be correlated by matching rock types. Geologists can see that some units thicken, some thin, and even pinch out. The overall thinning toward column C suggests that a basin tapered in this direction.
Was the first to note that rock units could be matched across distances. He noted that the same rock types, with the same distinctive fossils, occurred in a similar order in different parts of Great Britain. After years of work, he compiled the first geologic map in 1815.
William “Strata” Smith
Geologic Time Scale Correlation
The composite stratigraphic column was assembled from incomplete sections found in different places across the globe. By correlation, the strata in the different columns can be stacked in a sequence that spans almost all of Earth history.
Geologic Time Scale
The composite geologic column is divided into time blocks that are the equivalent of Earth ‘s calendar
The large time blocks are called ______. They represent hundreds to thousands of Ma
______ are subdivisions of an eon (65 to hundreds of Ma).
Periods are subdivisions of an ________
era (2 to 70 Ma)
_______ are subdivisions of a period (0.011 to 22 Ma)
Life first appeared on Earth ______. Early life consisted of single-celled organisms.
~3.8 Ga
Life evolution can be framed against the _______
geologic column
Around 700 Ma, __________ life evolved.
Cambrian explosion
Around 542 Ma marks the first appearance of hard shells. Shells increased fossil preservation. Life diversified rapidly thereafter.
O2 from bacteria built up in the atmosphere by ___.
2 Ga
Many relative ages can be assigned actual numerical dates because of ___________________
radiometric dating or geochronology
radiometric dating
This technique measures certain radioactive isotopes in minerals that decay at a known, fixed rate. Radioactive isotopes act as internal clocks.
are elements that have varying numbers of neutrons. Isotopes of the same element have similar but different mass numbers. Stable isotopes (i.e., Carbon-13 or 13C) never change. Radioactive isotopes (i.e., 14C) spontaneously decay into other elements.
Radioactive decay
progresses along a decay chain, which creates new unstable elements that also decay. The decay proceeds to a stable endpoint
The parent isotope
is the isotope that undergoes radioactive decay
The __________ isotope is the decay product.
The half-life is
the time it takes for half of an unstable nuclei to decay. The half-life is a unique characteristic of each isotope. As a parent disappears, the daughter “grows in.”
After one half-life, one-half of the original parent remains. After three half-lives, ________ of the original parent remains.
one eighth
The age of a _________ is determined by measuring the ratio of parent to daughter isotopes. The age can be calculated from a knowledge of the ______ half-life. ____________ requires analytical precision.
mineral, parent, and Geochronology
Isotopic dating
dating gives the time a mineral began to preserve all atoms of parent and daughter isotopes, which requires cooling below a “closure temperature.” If rock is reheated, the radiometric clock could be reset.
Igneous and metamorphic rocks are best for _____________ study; sedimentary rocks cannot be directly dated.
Annual growth rings (Numerical dating)
from trees or shells are able to be counted to establish dates
Rhythmic layering (Numerical dating)
Annual layers in sediments or ice—can be counted to establish numerical dates.
___________ ages are possible without radioactive isotopes, but they have a very limited range
Sediments can be __________ by numerical ages derived from datable materials that crosscut them. This yields age ranges that narrow as data accumulates.
Before radiometric dating, age estimates for Earth varied widely. ____________ estimated a 20 Ma age to cool Earth from the temperature of the sun to present.
Lord Kelvin
Uniformitarianism and evolution, however, indicated an Earth that is much older than__________
~100 Ma.
The oldest rocks on Earth’s surface date to 4.03Ga. ________ in ancient sandstones date to 4.4 Ga. The age of Earth is 4.57 Ga, based on correlation with meteorites and moon rocks.
Phanerozoic (540)
Mesozoic (251- 65.5)
Paleozoic (542-251)
Permian Carboniferous (Pennsylvania & Mississippi) Devonian Silurian Ordovician Cambrian
_________ reflect geologic processes of uplift, deformation, and metamorphism at work; they are vivid evidence of tectonic activity.
__________ processes build mountains up; __________ processes tear them down.
Constructive & destructive
Mountain Building. Applies force to rocks, causing deformation (bending, breaking, shortening, stretching, and shearing).
Mountains occur in
elongate, curvilinear belts
Mountain building involves
uplift, deformation, jointing, faulting, folding, foliation, metamorphism, igneous activity, and sedimentation.
Change in shape via deformation. Caused by force acting on rock
Undeformed (unstrained) rocks
display horizontal beds and spherical sand grains, with no folds or faults.
Deformed (strained) rocks
show tilted beds, metamorphic alteration, folding, and faulting.
Deformation strain creates _______________
geologic structures
are bends in layered rock that form by shearing and or by slow plastic flow.
_________ are fractures that have no offset.
fractures that are offset
A planar metamorphic fabric
_________ is a change in location.
Is a change in spatial orientation.
_________ is a change in shape.
Types of strain
Stretching - pulling appart
Shortening - Squeezing together
Shear- sliding past
The two major deformation styles
brittle and ductile
The type of deformation depends on
T and P conditions, deformation rate, and rock composition.
Brittle deformation
Which occurs in the shallower crust, rocks break by fracturing.
Shattering of a porcelain plate is an apt analogy.
________________ occurs at higher P and T conditions, which causes rock to deform by flowing and folding. Flattening a ball of dough is an apt analogy.
Ductile deformation
The force applied across a unit area.
A large force per area results in much deformation.
A small force per area results in scant deformation.
Types of Stress
Compression (Stress)
Takes place when an object is squeezed. Deformation shortens and thickens the material.
Horizontal compression drives plate tectonic collision and orogenesis.
Tension (Stress)
Occurs when the ends of an object are pulled apart, which stretches and thins the material.
Horizontal tension drives crustal rifting.
Shear (Stress)
Develops when surfaces slide past one another.
Shear stress neither thickens or thins the crust.
Pressure (Stress)
Occurs when an object feels the same stress on all sides.
A scuba diver is exposed to equal stress on all sides: pressure.
A line formed by the intersection of a horizontal plane with a tilted surface.
______ is the angle of the tilted surface down from the horizontal. _____ is always perpendicular to strike
Dip, dip
Lake water on a dipping bed of strata defines a _________
strike line
The ________________ features created during rock deformation is easily described using strike and dip.
geometry of planar
Strike and dip are measured using a _________ that has a built-in leveling device.
____________ in rock are described like planar features, except the measurements are bearing (compass direction) and plunge (angle down from the horizontal).
Linear structures
Are planar rock fractures without any offset that develop from tensile stress in brittle rock.
Systematic joints occur in parallel sets. Joints often control the weathering of the rock in which they occur.
Fractures filled with minerals are called ______.
Groundwater often flows through fractures in the rock where dissolved _____________ .
minerals precipitate
______ are planar fractures that show offset. The amount of offset is called ______________.
Faults & displacement
_______ are abundant in Earth’s crust and occur at all scales.
On a dipping fault
the blocks are classified as the hanging-wall block above the fault, and the footwall block below the fault.
When you stand in a tunnel excavated along the fault, your head is near the _________ block and your feet rest on the ___________.
hanging-wall & footwall block
Faults are classified by their
geometry (vertical, horizontal, or dipping) and relative motion.
Dip-slip faults (Normal Fault)
are characterized by blocks that move parallel to the dip of the fault.
In strike-slip faults
blocks move parallel to fault plane strike.
_____________ have components of both dip-slip and strike-slip faults.
Oblique-slip faults
Normal Fault
The hanging wall moves down the fault slope.
Are most common in regions experiencing crustal tension.
They accommodate crustal extension (pulling apart).
The fault below shows displacement and drag folding.
Reverse fault
The hanging wall moves up the fault slope. A thrust fault is a special low-angle type of reverse fault.
Most common in regions experiencing horizontal compression.
shortening the crust.
Have steeper dips (>35o)
A thrust fault is a special type of __________ with a dip below 35o. Dip-slip
reverse fault