exam 3 Flashcards
kubler-ross stages of grief
1) denial: avoidance, confusion, elation, shock
2) anger: frustration, irritation, anxiety
3) bargaining: overwhelmed, helplessness, hostility
4) depression: struggling to find meaning, reaching out to others, telling ones story
5) acceptance: exploring options, new plans, moving on
hospice care:
support the client who has a terminal illness, so they can live the last days of their life as best as they can, as long as they can, terminal cancer but has grown to include any client with a life-limiting illness
palliative care:
holistic care provided throughout the lifespan for clients experiencing
severe medical illness and particularly for clients approaching end of life
classes of nutrients:
macronutrients: protein, carbs, fats, provide body with energy, it needs to function
micronutrients: vitamins and minerals, small amounts, optimal growth, development and body function
weight loss:
1-2 pounds per week, implementing exercise regimen, increase fiber allows fewer calories, if weight loss unintentional need to find the cause, 5-10% of body weight
< 18.5: underweight
18.5-24.9: normal (healthy)
25-29.9: overweight
>30: obese
multiply your weight in pounds by 703, divide by your height in inches, then divide again by your height in inches
condition that occurs when the body doesn’t get enough or the right nutrients, or when nutrients are not used properly
vitamins and sources
water soluble: vitamins C, B, carried to tissues not stored in body
fat soluble: vitamins A, D, E, K, liver and fatty tissues
intake of fluids, calories
2.7-3 liters of water for women, 3.5-3.7 liters of water for men, brain function, hydrates and flushes out wastes from body, regulates body temperature, acts as lubricant in body
my plate food guide
a simple visual reminder to choose a variety of foods throughout the day and throughout the week, fruits, grains, dairy, veggies, protein
an eating disorder causing people to obsess about weight and what they eat, not eating at all
should not be a replacement of a healthy diet, toxicity can occur
different types of therapeutic diets
NPO, Regular, Soft, Pureed, Liquid, Cardiovascular, Renal
total parenteral nutrition, used in patients without a functioning GI tract, IV, pts who cannot tolerate adequate nutrition by mouth
NGT feedings
a method of providing nutrition, fluids, or medication to a patient through a thin, soft tube that is inserted into the nose and runs down into the stomach
difficulty swallowing
infrequent bowel movements, fewer than 3 per week, stools are hard, lumpy,
and difficult to pass, high fiber diet, hydration, exercise, bowel training,
medication to soften stool
frequent loose, watery stools
throughout the day, dehydration, abdominal cramping, bloating, and
daily diet
diet can influence stool production
stool sample tests
fecal occult blood test: presence of blood
stool culture: organisms in stool,
ostomies and stool output
ileostomy: Temporary or permanent fecal diversion that uses terminal end of small intestine called the ileum
colostomy: Fecal diversion in which part of the colon is used to form a stoma through the abdominal wall allowing for passage of body waste
j-pouch: Internal pouch formed within the ileum
kock pouch: Using the ileum an internal pouch with a valve is formed so that intestinal contents do not escape the ileostomy
an opening in the body that can be natural or artificial, and can be used to divert bodily waste into a bag
stages of pressure ulcers:
Stage 1: Reddened area, unbroken skin, intact skin
Stage 2: Shallow open area, partial thickness loss, exposed dermis
Stage 3: Open area with adipose tissue exposed, full thickness skin loss, not involve fascia
Stage 4: Open area with muscle and bone exposed, full thickness loss, tissue loss
unstageable: obscured full-thickness skin and tissue loss
where can pressure injuries be found?
bony prominences such as elbows, hips, knees, heels or ears (from O2 tubing), sacrum, from pts who are immobile
what are the stages of braden scale?
- Sensory Perception
- Moisture
- Activity
- Mobility
- Nutrition
- Friction and Shear
higher the score, the less likely the patient is to develop a pressure injury. The Braden Scale score is part of the assessment in the hospital