Exam 3 Flashcards
What does hydrohalogenation do?
adds a H + X
Halogen is added to Markovnikov side
forms a carbocation intermediate
can form multiple products (racemic)
What reagents can cause a hydrohalogenation reaction to occur in a Markovnikov manner?
H-X (X is a halide)- Markovnikov
What reagent to use to form the anti-Markovnikov product using hydrohalogenation?
- H-X
- ROOR (R-tBu)
What are the steps for an anti-Markovnikov product using hydrohalogenation?
- Initiation- O-O single bond from ROOR is broken, forms two radicals
- Hydrogen-atom abstraction- one radical and an electron from the H-X bond forms a O-H bond and a radical on the halogen
- Radical addition- an electron from the alkene and the halide forms a bond
- Hydrogen-atom abstraction- the remaining radical on the alkene and another H-X electron adds a H to the alkane.
Where is the radical in hydrohalogenation?
p-orbital, sp2 hybridized, planar
Can radicals undergo rearrangement?
Can H-atom abstraction in hydrohalogenation occur on top/bottom face?
yes, racemic products occurs
What does hydration do?
adds a H-OH bond
What are the three types of hydration and which product do they form?
Acid catalyzed hydration- Markovnikov
Oxymercuration-dimercuration- Markovnikov
Hydroboration-oxidation- anti-Markovnikov