Exam 3 Flashcards
Any cell particle/chemical that induces a specific immune response by T-cells
Describe structure and function of thymus
Contains 2 lobes: Function immature T-cells develop
Compare Class 1 MHC & Class 2 MHC
Endure immune system can recognize and respond to different types of threats
Class 1MHC
Kills infected cells by cytotoxic t-cells-expressed on all cells
Function of helper t-cells
Coordinates body response to infections
Class 2 MHC
Activates helper T-cells to coordinate immune response- expressed on specialized immunity cells
Function of cytotoxic t-cells
kills infected cell
clonal deletion
immune system kills harmful immune cells
dendric cells
large antigen processing cell - long/branch like extensions of cell membrane
Primary action of B cells
produce immunity
bacteria/RBC stick together due to immune response
IgG antibody
fights infection by recognizing and neutralizing harmful invaders most common antibody in body
IgA antibody
found on mucous membranes(gut/respiratory/saliva) protects these areas from infection by trapping & neutralizing harmful invaders
Primary immune response
1st encounter/slow to respond antibody production-memory cells(b/Tcells) created & remember pathogen
Secondary immune response
encounters same pathogen again-Faster response(thanks to memory cells), more effective killing pathogen
example of artificial passive immunity
Toxin that can cause extreme harmful response….example toxic shock
incomple/partial antigen
Function of keratin in the skin
MRSA is resistant to what?
Function of Coagulase
Blood clot formation
Measles rash
Red maculopapular exanthem
Koplik’s spots
unusual oral lesions seen in measles
signaling molecules
Cytotoxic T-Cells
Kill infected cells
Helper T-Cells
Managers/Coordinators of immune system
Produce immunity/Produce & Release antibody
Congenital Rubella
Rubella virus in fetus can result in serious birth defects
What is causative organism of Impetigo
Staphylococcus aureus
Common mode of transmission of Impetigo
Direct/indirect contact…Highly contagious
Impetigo lesion
honey-colored crusty
Exfoliative toxin & what does it cause
Scalded Skin Syndrome-Certain strains of Staphylococcus aureus-target protein that holds skin together=causing skin to blister & peel
Relationship Chicken Pox & Shingles
Both caused by Herpes Zoster Virus
Vaccina Virus
Virus used in small pox vaccine
Leishmaniasis Transmission
Female sandfly
S/S Cutaneous Anthrax
Black painless skin ulcer (eschcar)
Caused by Malassezia
Tinea Vesicolor
causes ringworm
Best defense of eye
Prevention of Conjunctiva “Pink Eye”
Hygiene-Good washing-don’t touch eyes
Viral Conjunctivitis
Adenovirus/clear discharge/more common in adults
Bacterial Conjunctivitis
Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus/Mucopurulent discharge/more common in children
Herpes Simplex Virus
Immunologically privileged
Immunologically privileged
Immune system has reduced response to foreign substances or antigens
Function blood brain barrier
Protects brain “Maintains brain homeostasis”
Bacterial agent causes most severe form of meningitis
Neisseria meningitidis
Common bacterial meningitis
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Cryptococcus neoformans
Fungus/spread in air/dust/ pigeons…..Common in AIDs patients
Bacteria neonatal meningitis
Group B Streptococcus/passed to baby during childbirth-leading to serious infections in newborn
Streptococcus Pneumoniae/
AKA: Pneumococcus/Majority of bacterial pneumonias
Viral Meningitis
90% enterovirus
Common mode of transmission of neonatal meningitis
Vertical-Mother to baby during childbirth
Acute Encephalitis
Herpes Simplex Virus/Arboviruses
How to prevent arbovirus
PPE, environmental management/vaccinations/ community efforts to control mosquitos and ticks
Toxoplasma gondii
Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease
Rapid neurological decline/death
Neurotoxin tetanospasmin
Clostridium tetani/causes tetanus
S/S Botulism & Tetanus
Tetanus: muscle stiffness/spasms due to overactive muscle spasms
Botulism: muscle weakness/paralysis due to muscle contraction
3 forms of Botulism
Viral Miningitis
90% Enterovirus
Majority occurs in kids
Streptococcus agalactiae
Group B Strep
Most common cause of Neonatal meningitis
Escherichia Coli
Suspected if baby premature
Brain eating
Enters nasal passage
unclean water
97% fatality
inflammation of brain
Serious condition
Can present as acute or subacute
Tissue of brain extremely sensitive to damage done by the inflammatory process
Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus
arbovirus/highest mortality rate
Acute Encephalitis
Arbovirus/prevention: Insect control
Subacute Encephalitis
Toxoplasma gondii/Prevention: Personal hygiene/Food safety
Mad cow disease/death within 1 year/avoid contaminated meat