Exam 3 Flashcards
What claims are put forward by Matthew’s genealogy in Chapter 1? Of whom is Jesus a son?;
Jesus is firmly the son of Abraham and David and the son of God. Fully child of Israel but also son of God.
What claim is put forward about Mary, Jesus’ mother, and what significance does this have?;
The conception with Mary is not with Joseph but with God. Jesus has divine paternity.
What is the significance of the wise men? Their gifts?;
What similarities do you see between Jesus and Moses?;
Leaving egypt, wandering in desert under Moses’ leadership as interpreter of the law, and eventual failure to enter God’s rest
Leave from sin/death, wandering in life under Jesus’ leadership as interpreter of the Law, and eventual success to enter God’s rest
What would a contemporary of John the Baptist have understood him to be doing by living in the desert and baptizing people?;
John the baptist is performing a ritual bath to cleanse and confess sins. It is in the wilderness because it is the same as Israel during the wandering. They are still in the wilderness, need to die, pass through water, and come into God’s gifts
What is the significance of Jesus’ baptism?;
New exodus
Symbolic washing
Putting away of disobedience - death
Reminder of crossing the Red Sea and Jordan
Entering into rest
Christs baptism is him entering into solidarity with us
Entered into the human condition
In the Sermon on the Mount, what does Jesus say in Mt 5:17? What is the meaning of this statement? After all, followers of Christ don’t seem to keep anything of the Mosaic Law?;
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill.
Jesus says the good of the law but now he is the one to turn to. There to fulfill it, the embody of the law, about him
What might we identify as the heart of the Sermon on the Mount? Why?
The heart of the Sermon is that Jesus is the one to follow. This is the first thing that deviates from the Jewish religion. He is telling everyone that he is the chosen one.