Exam 3 Flashcards
If a boy believed that the only variable that affected the distance a ball traveled when thrown was the force with which it was thrown and then conducted a biased “experiment” that proved his assumption which developmental phenomenon according to Piaget is involved?
Concrete operations
Clues to the important roles both nature and nurture play in development is seen in infants as they begin to gain the ability to actively perceive the distance from themselves to objects in the environment. This ability is also known as what term?
Depth perception
Which of the following is a potential problem with Piaget’s theory of cognitive development?
Individuals need formal education to progress through the formal operations stage.
At times, Piaget’s stages underestimates children’s abilties.
Cognitive abilities are more continous than Piaget initially thought.
All are potential issues.^
Farrah is in kindergarten and is learning about _____. To track her progress, her teacher presents her with pairs of words and asks her which of them rhyme.
Phonemic awareness
The relation of nature to nurture is the same as the relation of _______.
Genetics and environment
What do information processing theories focus on?
Describing the cognitive processes that underlie thinking at any one age and cognitive growth over time
Piaget’s stage theory of cognitive development suggests that a child’s thinking is fundamentally different - more advanced - in each stage than it was in the previous stage. This demonstrates the concept of _____ change.
Eight-month old Jonathan was left by his mother at the baby-sitter’s place. The minute his mother left and he could not see her, Jonathan started to cry. According to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development which concept would explain Jonathan’s behavior?
Object permanence
The idea that on the object permanence task, infants perform better when the waiting period is shorter at just six months of age supports which of the following problems with Piaget’s theory?
Cognitive development is more continuous than Piaget thought
According to Piaget, the developmental processes that explain children’s cognitive development are measured by:
How children reason, with fundamental changes in thinking occurring in each stage
Which of the following is NOT a challenge associated with peer relationships during childhood?
Poor conflict management
According to research referenced in your text, babies who are _____ tend to elicit more sensitive and affectionate care from their parents compared with babies who lack these attributes.
Easygoing and attractive
Jane is just learning to ride a tricycle. While riding on the sidewalk the surface changes from smooth concrete to bumpy brick. Jane is unsure if she should continue and looks at her mother who is smiling and urging her forward. This is an example of:
Social referencing
Due to the chronic conflict and anger in their relationship Bernadette’s parents decided to get a divorce. However, they are now having trouble paying Bernadette’s school fees to allow her to continue attending class at Spoke’s Elementary School. Which of the following models is designed to describe the potential negative effects caused by these circumstances?
Family stress model
Which of the following is true of the impact of divorce on children?
Although divorce is associated with adjustment problems for children, it is not associated with long-term adjustment
A parenting style that encourages children to be independent but still places limits on their behavior is called
The ______ model describes how financial difficulties are associated with parents’ depressed moods, which can cause problems with a child’s normal adjustment.
Family stress
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of secure attachment?
Children are happy when mother returns from an absence.
Children tend to have stronger friendships later in life.
Children play freely when mother is nearby.
These are all characteristics of secure attachment.^
Allison has been described by her parents, teachers, and friends as hyperactive. Therefore, her parents try to modify her environment by taking her to the park and signing her up for sports teams in order to fit her temperament. This is an example of which of the following:
Goodness of fit
Beth’s father often invalidates her feelings and pressures her to think in certain ways. What is the term for parents’ manipulation of adolescents’ emotional and cognitive world?
Psychological control
Precious has several friends who look, act, and think in ways similar to her. This similarity is known as ________.
Lilly is trying different sports throughout the summer to determine which team she would like to try out for in high school. Lilly would likely fall in which of Marcia’s identity statuses?
The spread of problem behaviors within groups of adolescents is known as ________.
Deviant peer contagion
Researchers have suggested that certain genetic variations make adolescents more or less susceptible to environmental influences. This is known as:
Differential susceptibility model
Which of the following is NOT a contributing factor to the creation of emerging adulthood as a distinct life stage?
Starting careers at an early age
When Julia was a child, her parents would stay close to her and monitor her behavior. Now that she is an adolescent, their supervision has become more ___________.
What is one intrapersonal factor that affects adolescents’ academic achievement?
Intrinsic motivation
Adolescents suffering from depression often seek friends who are ________.
In elementary school, Caroline mostly played with one or two girls at a time. Now that she’s in high school, her friendship circle has gotten larger and includes boys. This is an example of what kind of change?
Antonucci’s Convoy Model of Social Relations says that social connections are held together by:
Perceived emotional support
Joe and Morris have been friends for over 50 years. Now in their seventies, Joe still plays golf 3 times a week but Morris has physical limitations that prevent him from doing so. The differences in the way that these men are aging reflects the concept of __________.
Hedonic well-being refers to the emotional component of well-being and includes measures such as:
Happiness, contentment, and stress
Opal has learned a lot about housing construction in her 20 years as a realtor. Recalling facts about siding and insulation would be an example of Opal’s _____ intelligence
According to Carstensen, Socioemotional Selectivity Theory explains what about older adults and their social support?
Older adults restrict their social life to include emotionally close friends
“Age is just a number” and “You are only as old as you feel!” are two common clichés that demonstrate the concept of __________ age.
As people age there are changes in cognitive function, personality, social relationships, and other areas. ____________
use life milestones, membership in cohorts, and exposure to historical events to understand aging.
Life course theories
Research on cognitive abilities in late adulthood suggests that as we age,
Fluid intelligence will decline and crystallized intelligence will remain steady.
What kind of research examines hypotheses about patterns of aging by collecting information from the same groups of individuals at multiple points in time?
Which of the following personality traits has been found to predict important life outcomes, such as job success, health, and longevity?
_____ means that similar behaviors or tendencies occur across different situations. This explains why it is often easy to predict how a person will act in a given context.
In the “person-situation debate” amongst psychologists, what was Walter Mischel’s side of the argument?
Traits are an illusion. People may not be consistent across situations and thus it would be fruitful to study the distinct reactions in specific situations
The acronym for the five-factor model is:
___________ is the desire to make significant accomplishments by mastering skills or meeting high standards.
Need for achievement
The night before a midterm exam, Wayne is invited to a party by his friends. He decides not to go to the party because doing well in the course is important to his career goals. Which of the Big 5 factors of personality would Wayne likely score high in?
Walter Mischel (1968, 2009) pointed out this apparent fact about the predictability of individuals’ behavior through personality tests:
People’s behavior varies greatly situation by situation, but tests can reveal their average behavior across many situations.
Hans Eysenck suggested that two traits are the most important traits of the Five-Factor Model. More recently, Jeffrey Gray has suggested that these two traits are important because they are related to fundamental reward and avoidance systems in the brain. Which two traits of the Five-Factor Model are Eysenck and Gray referring to, and how do they map onto the reward and avoidance systems?
Extroverts approach rewards while Neurotic individuals avoid punishment.
Factor analysis allowed personality theorists to:
Analyze the correlations among traits and identify the most important ones
According to the Lexical Hypothesis, which of these traits do not “go together”?
Generous - Selfish
What measure might a psychologist use to demonstrate that an infant does not know that his teddy bear exists when it is removed from his field of vision?
The object permanence task
Davina attends school regularly and has made great strides in her understanding of material in her science classes. Being able to reason more like a mature adult, Davina is in which of Piaget’s developmental stages?
Formal operational
A preschooler who watches an adult empty a small pitcher of water into a glass believes that:
The poured volume increases or decreased depending on the appearance of the container
Piaget’s stage theory can be described as which of the following?
Discontinuous and qualitative
Playing Chutes and Ladders gives children opportunity to be exposed to spatial, kinesthetic, verbal, and time-based cues on the size of numbers. Understanding the properties that indicate the size of numbers is also known as what?
Numerical magnitudes
What resolution have developmental psychologists come to when it comes to the nature vs. nurture debate?
Our biological endowment, along with our social and physical environments, interact to determine developmental outcomes
One element that shapes personality is temperament, which is related to self-regulation and is:
Biologically based
Infants develop a confidence regarding the sensitivity and responsiveness of their caregivers. This security of attachment has been recognized as a cornerstone of social and personality development for which of the following reasons?
Knowing a child’s attachment predicts his/her emotional intelligence, strength of friendships, and positivity of one’s self-concept.
Marcellus has an 8-year old daughter. He showers her with love and gifts and generally lets her make her own decisions. Baumrind (2013) would suggest that Marcellus has a(n) ____ parenting style.
When Rachel, a toddler, visits a neighbor’s home with her mother, she explores the room where the adults are sitting, but she will not leave the room. When her mother leaves to inspect the garden, she gets agitated and later rushes to her immediately when mother returns. Rachel’s behavior demonstrates _____ attachment.
Peer relationships are an important part of children’s social development. Peer acceptance is a source of affirmation and _____________ whereas peer rejection is a source of bullying and victimization.
Julee’s mom has noticed that her daughter has been especially good at resisting the cookies in the kitchen so she doesn’t spoil her dinner each night. Julee knows if she can wait until after dinner she can eat two cookies. This successful experience of motivated self-regulation can also be referred to as what?
Effortful control
Hector is a strict father who demands and expects obedience from his children. What is his style of parenting known as?
Nick and Brenda are attentive parents. They are encouraging and warm, yet they are firm with boundaries, and make sure the rules of the home are clearly communicated. When their children make mistakes, Nick and Brenda try to use the mistakes a learning experiences, even when punishment is administered. What kind of parenting style is this?
Which of the following is being tested in Ainsworth’s Strange Situation?
Child’s response when parent returns
Erikson believed that individuals should strive to reach identity formation during adolescence. This is similar to what stage in Marcia’s identity theory?
Identity achievement
Shannon decided to become Catholic after attending one mass service. She did not look at any other religions. This describes which type of identity formation?
Family adversity, abuse, and parental psychopathology are predictors of _____________ during adolescence.
Which of the following statements best describes brain changes during adolescence and may be related to risky behavior?
The dopamine system develops before the prefrontal cortex.
What type of change in adolescence is fairly universal?
Memory recall, processing speed, and inhibitory functioning are all cognitive abilities that ____ in older adulthood.
Decreases, or gets worse
Which factor is not one of Rowe and Kahn’s three criteria of successful aging?
A career with financial success
Using standardized intelligence tests and validated measures to assess cognitive ability and intelligence is known as the _____________ approach.
_________ studies are useful to developmental researchers interested in aging because they are not as confounded with cohort, time of study, or historical effects as other methods are.
Gary is not fast when completing a vocabulary test but if given enough time can get nearly 100% on the test. While Gary’s old age may influence his reaction time, his _______ intelligence is fully intact due to his large amount of life experience and knowledge.
Global subjective well-being is highest during ______ and lowest in ______.
Early and later adulthood; middle adulthood
Michael is 70 years old and reflects on his accomplishments throughout life. He sees purpose in how he achieved his educational goals, reached his professional accomplishments in his profession, and raised his children. Michael has a positive:
Self-perception of aging
This type of intelligence relies on the application of knowledge, experience, and learned information. It can be tested using measures such as vocabulary tests, solving number problems, and understanding texts.
Instead of socializing with large groups of acquaintances, Nancy spends her time with a few people with whom she is emotionally close. Choosing to keep a smaller social circle is in line with the:
Socioemotional selectivity theory
Wayne likes to travel to learn about new cultures. Whenever he returns from a trip he brings home a piece of art from that culture to add to his collection. Which of the Big 5 factors of personality would Wayne likely score high in?
A person does not “have” or “not have” a personality trait but instead can possess varying amounts of it. This is because personality traits reflect ____________________ rather than distinct personality types.
Continuous distributions
Adam tries to convince others to give him money for lunch, and one time he influenced his boss into letting him have a promotion despite the other candidate being more qualified than he was. Which of the following personality traits is most likely to describe Adam?
Kyle has a reputation for being very calm during an emergency. He copes very well with stress and is able to think clearly and make effective decisions. Which of the Big 5 factors of personality would Kyle likely score low in?
Gordon Allport and his colleagues’ approach to personality led to the development of the five-factor model. Their approach, called the __________________, theorized that all important personality characteristics should be reflected in the language that we use to describe other people
Lexical hypothesis
The HEXACO model proposes:
There is a sixth dimension to the Five-Factor model