Exam 3 Flashcards
This quote implies that at birth a person is either a leader or is forever relegated to the rank of follower
“leaders are born not made”
Most experts believe that almost ____ can develop leadership skills
The ability of an individual to influence the behavior of others
When nurses exert leadership they inspire other health care workers to work toward one or more of several goals that include what
- providing high quality patient care
- maintaining a safe working environment
- developing new policies and procedures
- increasing the power of the profession
This theory identifies qualities that are common to effective leaders
Trait theory
Why is trait theory limited
Because it focuses only on the traits of the individual and doesn’t take into account how the person acts in specific situations
Traits included in this theory are
- high level intelligence and skill
- self motivation and initiative
- ability to communicate well
- self-confidence
- assertiveness
- creativity
- persistence
- stress-tolerance
- willingness to take risks
- ability to accept criticism
Trait theory
Leadership style theory looks at ___ leadership styles that are viewed on a ____ of leadership that ranges from a mostly ___ approach to a high ___ one
This type of leader allows the group members to determine their own goals and the methods to achieve them
permissive, nondirective, passive
This type of leader has little planning, minimal decision making and a lack of involvement by the leader. This type of leadership can leave people feeling lost and frustrated because of lack of direction
A key principle to this style is that all members of the group respect each other and are seen as unique and valuable. All aspects of the achieving goal process, from planning and goal setting to implementing and taking credit for the success of the project are shared by the group
Democratic style
What are the hallmarks of the democratic style
This type of leadership style is supportive, participative, and transformational
Democratic style
This type of leadership style is controlling, directive, or autocratic
Authoritarian style
This leadership style maintains strong control over all aspects of the group and its activities.
Authoritarian style
These kinds of leaders provide direction by giving orders that the group is expected to carry out without question
Authoritarian leaders
Authoritarian style of leadership consists of ___ ___ who closely monitor everything that the group members do and often make on the spot changes when they believe they know a better way to achieve a task or goal
Micro managers
This is an extreme form of authoritarian style
Dictatorial leadership
This leader has no regard for the feelings and needs of the group members
Achieving the goal is the only thing that matters and the dictator will use any means, including harsh criticism to do so
Dictatorial leadership
A benevolent authoritarian leader uses a more ____ ___
Paternalistic approach
This leader attempts to include the group’s feelings and concerns in the final decision but ultimately the leader makes all the decision
Benevolent authoritarian leader
The benevolent leader is considered ___ and ___
Condescending and patronizing
This works well in a research lab, they work best when the members of the group have the same level of educations as the leader and the leader performs the same tasks as the group of members
Laisse-faire style
This works best with groups whose members have a relatively equal status and who know each other well because they have worker together for an extended period
Democratic style
This style works best in emergency situations when clear directions are required to save a life or prevent injury or in situations in which it is necessary to organize a large group of individuals
Authoritarian style
When faced with a difficult decision, ____ leaders usually avoid making a decision in the hopes that the problem will resolve itself
In the ___ ____ after considering all the opinions of the group members, the leader makes the final decision based on what is best to achieve the goal
Democratic style
In this style the final decision making authority rests with the leader alone, although input from the group may or may not be considered
Authoritarian style
This theory rates leaders on whether they are oriented more toward establishing relationships or achieving assigned tasks and resolving problems
Relationship-task orientation theory
The ___ setting often dictates whether the leader is more oriented toward building relationships or completing tasks
Leaders with ___ relationship- ___ tasks orientations are usually well liked by their groups because of their acceptance of the group members as individuals. Consideration of their feelings, encouragement and promotion of good feelings among all the group
These kinds of relationship-task leaders often sacrifice the achievement of the task or resolution of a problem when it conflicts with the feelings or good will of the group
High relationship-low task
This style is where the leader does all the planning with little regard to the input or feelings or the group, gives orders, and expects them to be carried out without question.
Authoritarian style
Various forms of punishment are used by this leader, ranging from verbal put downs to poor performance evaluations that are used to determine pay raises
Authoritarian style leader
This kind of relationship-task leader combines the best of both worlds. They are open to input and actively communicates with the group members, provides constructive direction, quickly resolves conflicts and ultimately achieves creative and effective solutions to problems
High relationship-high task orientation
This kind of relationship-task leader combines the best of both worlds. They are open to input and actively communicates with the group members, provides constructive direction, quickly resolves conflicts and ultimately achieves creative and effective solutions to problems
High relationship-high task orientation
The worst leader is the person with __ relationship- ___ task orientation.
Low relationship-low task orientation
This kind of relationship-task leader style stimulates the laissez-faire style in which the leader is uninvolved, does no planning, has little concern for the group members feelings and accomplishes little
Low relationship-low task orientation
True or false: Perfect leaders are difficult to find, most use a combination of styles and adjust them to the circumstances surrounding the problem.
This theory recognizes that no one approach works in all situations. A true leader acknowledges this and adjusts the leadership style and behavior to the situation considering the many variables that may be involves. The environment is always important in exercising leadership
Situation theory
This theory takes the situational theory one step further. It recognizes that multiple intangibles exist whenever people interact. Factors such as sense of meaning, creativity, inspiration, and vision are all involves in creating a sense of mission that exceeds good interpersonal relationships and rewards
Transformational theory
This key leadership behavior states that a trusting relationship is key to the success of a leader on both individual and group levels. The leader can use the trust to build stable relationships within the group by recognizing the differences and directing people to their highest level of achievement
Establishing trust and cooperation among individuals and groups
Establishing trust and cooperation among individuals and groups takes some time and involves individuals recognizing that the leader is what
Honest Motivated Reliable Predictable Consistent
This key leadership behavior involves providing rewards for efforts that individuals make the leader provides a powerful motivation for the individual to continue working hard and being successful
Acknowledge good work and success
This key leadership behavior shows that you treat other people as you would want to be treated
Show respect for individuals
This key leadership behavior means that leaders need to demonstrate by their actions that they are working towards achieving goals at the personal, unit and organizational levels
Provide a sense of direction
This key leadership behavior is one of the best ways to promote better performance to provide individuals with more difficult challenges
Promote higher levels of performance
This key leadership behavior is to ____ before they get out of control
Resolve conflicts successfully
It is important to foster a culture of ___ ___ on the unit in the facility as a key leadership behavior
Cooperation and teamwork
This key leadership behavior must be done with groups who lack clear goals who often feel frustrated and lost. Initially, leaders must clearly identify their goals and then continually reinforce the goals or establish new goals as the old ones are reached.
Reinforce goals
In this key leadership behavior you use the strengths of one employee to cross train with a nurse who is weak in that skill
Develop staff strength
In this key leadership behavior you demonstrate ability to motivate which is an essential behavior for all levels of leaderhsip
Motivating personnel
What are key leadership qualities
Critical thinker problem solver integrity active listener skill communicator courage initiative energy optimism perseverance well-roundedness coping skills self-knowledge
A ___ can be viewed as a person who believes in the traditional social hierarchy of leaders and followers and then identifies as a follower in the structure
The concept of ___ is similar to followership except that it includes the idea of the follower having a title and a formal role in an organizational setting who reports to a supervision or manager
As a subordinate they want to and ______
Need to know that they are important to the organization
Individuals who follow are those who ___, ___, and ___ leaders
The ___ approach discussed for leaders is also valid when considering followers
Although leadership skills are highly useful in management positions they move to manager involves a new set of ___ and ___ that the nurse must master
Skills and behaviors
This theory is concentrated on ways to complete a task most easily and effectively.
Time-Motion theory
In time-motion theory, efforts resulted in ____ productivity but ____ employee satisfaction
From this viewpoint management can be defined as planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling the work of any particular group of employees
Time-motion theory
In the time motion approach, providing the right incentives, primarily money is expected to ___ employee productivity. They implement new procedures by first ensuring they comply with standards of care
In this theory the limits of the time-motion approach became evident; researchers observed that some lower paid employee groups had higher levels of productivity than other with higher pay who were doing the same jobs
Human Interaction Theory
It appeared that factors such as employees’ attitudes, fears, hopes, personal problems, social status in the group and visions strongly ___ how they work
Key behaviors of managers are being ___, identifies ___ ___ and are ___ ___
restraining forces
goal oriented
Can be exerted either formally or informally. Often the most effective leaders in a group are not the ones who are officially designated as the leader
___ are given the title by some higher authority and have formally designated authority to supervise a group of employees in the achievement of a task
Managers can be held formally ___ for the quality, quantity, and cost of the work that they supervised employees produce
The most effective managers will have ___________
Highly developed leadership skills
By virtue of their title and position, even managers with poor leadership skill are still the official authority although their effectiveness is ___
The process of decision making at the top levels of an organization that ensure that the organization achieves its goals and produces high-quality outcomes by defining expectations, delegating power to key personnel and overseeing administrative process
Governance in the health care setting
This is where the power authority are transferred to the nursing staff, not primarily to nurse administration
Shared governance
What are the two key elements of a budget
Income and expenses
What are the two key tasks of managers
Running of the shift (solving problems, developing personnel, and delegating tasks)
Budget preparation and planning for staffing of the unit
One of the tasks assigned to most nurse managers is creating ___
What is the goal of creating a budget
To pay all the expenses while not excessing the amount of income
This is the budget the manager develops which helps the nurse manager to manage unit the unit to produce the highest quality care in most economic manner
Operational budget
The budget should focus on the ___ but yet remain ___
The nurse manager must always work within the historical context of ___ budgets so that they can better identify areas where there were problems with expenditures
All facilities use a ______ format for budgets
Budgets are not ___. Over the course of time period when they are implemented they must be evaluated and updated
These were implemented in several states in attempt to ensure that there were enough RNs on the floor to adequately care for clients
Mandatory staffing ratios
The key elements to be considered in staffing are client ___ as the primary consideration when doing staffing is client ___, layout of the unit, and ancillary support
This theory is defined as the ability to influence the choices people make among a number of possible choices open to them
Motivational theory
This theory has some similarities to Maslow’s particularly in their applications. This theory believes that people have two different categories of needs that are fundamentally different from each other
Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene theory
According to Herzberg if these needs are not met, the person feels dissatisfied with his/her job and focuses more on the environment than the work that is supposed to be done
Needs dissatisfiers or hygiene factors
Hygiene factors are related to the ___ ___ and include _____, job security, status in the organization, work conditions, policies, and relationship with coworkers. They only serve as negative motivators when they are not met
work environment
____ or ___ focus primarily on the work.
Satisfiers or needs motivators
Herzberg concludes that employers must satisfy the hygiene factors as a minimum requirement before there can be any ___ in productivity
Goal of education and growth is always to produce ___ in the individual.
____ people to change is one of the most challenging and most important functions of leadership
Two primary sources bring about change :
External forces
Internal forces
Change can be ___ or ____
Planned or unplanned
This is change that is more productive and occurs when there is a directed and designed implementation of some element within the organization
Planned change
This change is sometimes called reactive change; occurs when a problem forces a person or organization into a situation in which it must respond
Unplanned change
A group exists when __ or more people interact and are held together by a common bond or interest .
True or false: Groups establish and exert their power through a set of unique behaviors or norms that their members are expected to follow
Norms that members of a group are expected to follow may be
Formal or informal
Written or unwritten
Promulgated or merely understood
Nurses who do not learn and fail to display the expected ___ behaviors may be ostracized from the group, thus making the work environment psychologically uncomfortable and perhaps even physically difficult
This involves many factors including methods of communication, professional behaviors, professional growth, flexibility, problem solving, participation, and competition. The ability to understand and use the elements of group dynamic has a direct relationship to the behaviors, cooperation and effectiveness of the team. Often when a team labels an individual member as difficult it most likely means that the individual is not following one or more of the informal, unwritten group norms
Group dynamics
This is the cornerstone of nursing practice
Nurses must be able to communicate with clients, family members, physicians, peers and associates in effective and constructive manner to achieve their goals of ___ ___ care
In the health care system RNs are called on to ____ or lead a growing number of assistive and unlicensed personnel
One of the keys to good leadership is the ability to ___ to people what they must do to provide the required care and how the care should be given
This is an interactive sharing of information requiring a sender, message, and a receiver
This process happens when the receiver thinks about the info, understands it, and forms an idea based on the message
On the ___ side these can be factors such as unclear speech, convoluted and confused message, monotone voice, poor sentence structure inappropriate use of terminology or jargon or lack of knowledge about the topic.
On the ___ side factors that may interfere with encoding include lack of attention, prejudice and bias, preoccupation with another problem, or even physical factors such as pain drowsiness or impairment of the senses.
True or false: Effective communication requires understanding that the perceptions, emotions, and participation of both parties are interactive and have an effect on the transmission of the message. Nurses often encounter situations that require clarification of the information for accuracy and encoding.
This type of communication style is the preferred style in most settings
Assertive communication
This style of communication involves interpersonal behaviors that permit people to defend and maintain their legitimate rights in a respectful manner that doesn’t violate the rights of others
Assertive communication
Assertive communication is ___, ___, and accurately ___ feelings, beliefs, ideas and opinions.
Honest, direct, expresses
___ communication always implies that the individual has the choice to voice an opinion, sometimes forcefully, and to not say anything at all.
One of the keys to assertive communication is that the individual is in ___ of the communication and it not merely ___ to another’s emotions
The goal of assertive communication is to __ an I ___ you ___ situations and encourage an I __ you ___ outcome
win, lose
win, win
This style of communication is referred to as submissive communication
Nonassertive communication
When people display submissive behavior or use a submissive communication style, they allow their rights to be ____. Their requests and demands are ____ to others without regard to their own feelings and needs and refer situations to others
Violated by others
Many experts believe that submissive behavior and communication patterns are a ___ mechanism that helps insecure people maintain their ___-___ by avoiding negative criticisms and disagreement from others
In other situations, submissive behavior and communication patterns may be a means of ___ by way of passive aggressive behavior
Because of fear of displeasing, personal rejection, and future retaliation ____ communicators dismiss their own feelings as being unimportant
At a deeper level ___ behavior and communication merely reinforce feelings of powerlessness, helplessness and decreased self worth
Submissive communication traders ability to choose what is best for ___ of conflict
Every communication by a submissive person becomes an I ___ you ___ situation
lose, win
This kind of communication permits individuals to honestly express their ideas and opinions while resecting the others rights, ideas, and opinions
Assertive communication
____ communication asserts the speaker’s legitimate rights and opinions with little regard or respect for the rights and opinions of others and easily becomes a communication blocker
This communication is used to humiliates, dominate, control, or embarrass the other person or lower that person’s self-esteem
Aggressive communication
I win you lose situation
Aggressive communication
Experts view aggressive communication as a ____ mechanism that compensates for a person’s own insecurities and others view it as a form of ____
This kind of communication can take on different forms like screaming, sarcasm, rudeness, belittling jokes and even direct personal insults
Aggressive communication
Aggressive communication is an expression of the ___ feelings of power, domination and low ___
Anything done or said that interferes with communication
Communication blocker
Actions and speech that encourage and build communication are called
Communication builders
Communication builders are often called
Therapeutic communication techniques
Other factors such as the ___ the communication is taking place in, ___ ___ of the parties communicating, grief and change experiences, and people feeling ___ can also block communication
stress levels
When facilitating communication remember SOILER=
Sit Open Posture Invite the client to speak Lean toward client Eye contact if appropriate Relax
Nurses need to able to ___ ___ that produce stress, recognize the ___ shown by someone in a stressful situation, know how to reduce stress, and be able to use appropriate communication techniques with someone under stress
identify situations
People who are ___ always always find it difficult if not impossible to successfully communicate
True of false: anger can be negative or positive
When anger is used it ___ productive manner, it can promote change and release tension it can be used to increase other attention, initiate communication, problem-solve, and energize the change process
Anger that is used ___ is very destructive, it ___ communication, makes coworkers fearful, and erodes relationships with others
____ management is considered more emotionally charged than problem solving.
The steps of conflict management and problem solving are almost ___ to those of the nursing process with an addition of the use of assertive behaviors and communication when discussing the issues
In the work environment primary contributing factors include ___ issues ___, lack of ___ and ____ issues
___ is often a symptom of some deeper problem and the conflict really never gets resolved without dealing with the underlying issue
Using ___ skills is a key element in conflict and crisis resolution and removing themselves from the conflict they are less likely to take things personally and more likely to begin to focus on the underlying issues causing the problems than on the other person’s behavior
Reasons people give for not ___ conflicts
- fear of retaliation
- fear of ridicule
- fear of alienating others
- mistaken belief that they’re unable to handle the conflict of the situation
- feeling that they don’t have the right to speak up
- past negative experiences with conflict situations
- family background and experiences
- lack of education and kills in conflict resolution
___ simply means that people are different from each other. It is multifaceted issue that involves many areas of people’s lives, including culture, values, life experiences, instinctual responses, learned behaviors, personal strengths and weaknesses and native abilities or skills
To communicate effectively both parties need to recognize that the other person is ___
Conflicts based on diversity can be resolved by ___ the diversity and then using it to promote teamwork, improve communication and increase productivity
This is a form of communication
In dealing with a group labeled as ___ our goals are to change our response to the behaviors and attempt to change the behaviors they are displaying
____ is often misused to mean that an individual is outgoing, humorous, and generally friendly to other people some say that so and so has no ___ at all when they mean they are quiet and withdrawn
The truth is that everyone has a ____
all children are genetically stamped in the womb with innate ____ that help them survive in a world that they really don’t understand and is very frightening to them
Feelings of anger, jealousy, selfishness and self-centeredness along with their behavioral expressions help children manipulate adults, particularly the parents and ___ with what is to them a big and hostile environment
Some people go through their whole lives using ___-___ coping mechanisms and behaviors to deal with the adult world
The lack of developed coping mechanisms results in responses that are ___ or over ___
Child-like coping mechanisms don’t work very well and people who use these end up getting labeled as ___ people.
Difficult people never learned or accepted adult coping mechanisms like being able to ___ which is the opposite of __-___
Generally when a person is displaying difficult behavior, they are hard to ___ with or their behavior is such that it makes it very difficult to work with them to ___ a __ or finish a task
achieve goal
___ what goals difficult people are trying to achieve whether they are a client or a coworker is one of the keys to understanding them and ____ with them effectively
In working with difficult people a ____ of their backgrounds and understanding of their needs and goals better prepares the nurse to communicate in a positive way
The behavior displayed by a difficult person is really a ___ of deeper underlying ___
Identifying the cause of the problem and the ___ the client is trying to achieve permits the nurse to treat the disease rather than just the symptom
____ hierarchy of needs is one of the most effective ways to ___ client care
The needs on the ___ of maslow’s triangle particularly the _____ and ___ needs are necessary for the clients survival and maintenance of life and must always be met first
physiological and safety
The ___ needs can’t be met if the person is not able to fulfill the basic needs to stay alive and remain safe
Maslow’s hierarchy can also be used in understanding and interacting with people in the health-care setting who are displaying ____ ___
difficult behaviors
Understanding what causes people to behave in a difficult manner is directly related to the hierarchy of needs and differentiates the ___ between difficult coworkers and difficult clients
The needs that are producing ____ difficult behaviors are generally related to the ___ level needs
In the cases of difficult ___ their illnesses injuries or surgeries often threaten their ___ ___ for merely surviving physically
basic needs
The two most common types of difficult personalities in the work setting include the __ and the ___
The ___ is also called the dictator and generally displays an attitude of being superior to others and being in __
The ___ attempts to humiliate, intimidate, threaten, or demean other individuals or groups with the goals of overcoming their own lack of ___, feeling more powerful and inflating their low self-esteem
The __ attempts to maintain __ by putting others down and ruling from a command post
If the dictator is in a ___ position such as a charge nurse or supervision this type of behavior is called ___ violence
When the dictator is a ___ ___ at the same authority level the behavior is referred to as ___ or ___ violence
fellow employee
lateral or horizontal
The __ is devious, underhanded, and often malicious to fulfill their self-esteem needs and achieve their goal to be in control
The sneak is also called
double-crossers or backstabbers
These kinds of difficult coworkers will attack when you aren’t looking and gets his or her rewards by watching you discomfort and confusion in not knowing where the attack came from
The methods sneaks use are really forms of ___ which demonstrates that they are insecure and unsure of where they belong in the work setting
What are some methods used by the sneak to achieve their goals
- personal digs
- rumors
- accusations
- allegations
- finger pointing
- innuendos
Sneaks often appear very ___ when they are communicating face to face with you but they do not have your best interests in mind and are looking for a weakness they can exploit to lower your esteem
Dealing with difficult clients requires you as the nurse to provide the best care possible to assist them in overcoming their illness and help them through the ___ __ ___ by active listening to concerns and in turn trying to find solutions to overcoming it
stages of grief
Remember that each person deals with all emotions differently therefore, your approach with each client who exhibits difficult behaviors will also be ___
Maslow: ensure that the ___ ___ levels are met first to ensure ability to have possibilities to meet __ levels
lowest levels
When establishing trust nurses must meet 4 key aspects
- respect
- consistency
- confidentiality
- loyalty
When helping a patient work through the stages of grief the___ ___ is to provide the best care possible so that the patient will ___ and ___ from his her illness by meeting the lowest needs of maslows
highest priority
this is a coping mechanisms to adjust to sudden traumatic situations
Denial ___ patients from accepting the reality of their condition which may significantly alter their body image and prevent the need for them to make___ changes such as eating a restricted diet or limiting their activities after discharge
common \_\_ behaviors include refusing meds refusing tests pulling off monitor electrodes not compliant
When dealing with patients in denial we still must respect their ___ and right to ___-___, remember legally and ethically they have the right to refuse any and all treatment
clients in this stage of grief are not prepared for the flood of emotions they are experiencing. they have suddenly become vulnerable and recognize that they have lost most of their control over their lives and their future
anger stage
Clients in the angry stage may exhibit mild sense of ___ to declarations of injustices or raging destructive behaviors that must be stopped immediately
Common __ behaviors include
tightening jaw, clenched fists, aggressive body language and posture, fidgeting, physiological responses (v.s.), red face, raised voice
Angry patients will __ with most treatments and meds even if done grudgingly
Expressions of anger need a ___ its usually a target of ___
This stage is a form of negotiation in which two parties attempt to reach a deal that is satisfactory to both parties over some item or issues (___ ___) almost an entirely internal mental process
higher power
Clients in the bargaining stage of grief are focused on what they could have done ___ in the past to prevent what is happening to them now.
clients in the bargaining stage can have high levels of ___ and ___ that will ultimately block their ability to successfully cope with their situation
this stage is a natural response to the loss of independence, control, self-esteem and to some degree hope that the client is experiencing from their illness/injury
one of the keys in communicating with a client in the stage of ___ is to let them talk and not interrupt.
these are the primary behaviors of this stage of grief:
tendency to withdraw from personal relationships and to avoid interacting with others, spend much time sleeping crying and grieving
what are the 3 primary goals that we have for clients in the depression stage
- preventing physiological injury of the client
- allowing the client to speak about feelings and concerns
- helping the client cope successfully with the reality of the changes brought on by injury without experiencing sadness or grief
this stage of grief does not mean that the client is cure or that they’ve forgotten about what happened to them. this means that they are willing to deal with the future and are willing to accommodate the changes brought by the illness
the stage of acceptance is a state of __ and ___ that comes from coming to terms with the reality they are facing
Inappropriate sexual behavior or speech on the part of a coworker is really a form of ___
individuals who have inappropriate sexual behavior are attempting to ___ or ___ their coworkers using this behavior
When dealing with a coworker using inappropriate sexual behavior you need to keep a ___ ___ of the behavior with __ and ___ and what was done or said and then contact HR.
complete record
dates and times
True or false: you must follow the facility’s procedures for dealing with sexual misbehavior to the letter for the case to be valid
the first stage of dealing with coworker inappropriate sexual behavior is ___ the offender with a statement that the behavior is ___ and ___
Second stage of dealing with coworker inappropriate sexual behavior is
meeting with offender, HR and yourself
Third stage of dealing with coworker inappropriate sexual behavior is
meeting with medical or hospital
when dealing with coworker inappropriate sexual behavior nurses must walk a fine line between ___ themselves and ___ quality care
sexual behavior from clients may be related to a stage of ___ particularly ___ but is more typically a form of behavior that is used by clients experiencing ___
dealing with coworker inappropriate sexual behavior can decrease quality of care by making nurse feel ___ and ___ and can destroy the nurse client trust
clients with mental illnesses or who are diagnosed with __ or who have brain damage or surgery may not be able to grasp the consequences of their actions or statements and therefore can’t be held ___ __ for them
legally responsible
One of the most common is not most annoying types of difficult person is the constant ___ and ___
The reality is that everyone complains at times as a way to reduce ___, lessen the impact of unpleasant news, and identify areas of concern. This is ___ complaining because they are useful in focusing attention on and resolving issues the person is facing
____ complaining is contagious and chronic complainers may seek out other chronic complainers to commiserate with them
Approaches to dealing with complaining and whining behaviors
- look at the core of the complaint
- determine if it’s legitimate
- find a solution
- address the issue
This key leadership quality says that you must be able to analyze data, organize, plan, and use creativity in the resolution of problems. This kind if quality is vital because leaders often make important decisions on the basis of incomplete data. Good leaders because they may have to have short resources
Critical thinker
Leaders in the health care setting face problems that arise from many sources including staffing and personnel scheduling and administrative, budget and client demands. What is this key leadership quality
Problem solver
Nursing is held as high __ profession. If a group observes less than complete integrity in their leader that person’s ability to lead is markedly diminished. What key leadership quality is this
To be effective, leaders must be able to hear the words the person is saying and observe the body language and its underlying emotions and meaning. Leaders often fail in their leadership roles when they do not listen to the full message of the individuals they are attempting to lead. To be a good leader they must be able to listen to what their followers say. What key leadership quality is this
Active listener
Mistakes happens on both sides when the information being shared is incomplete or confusing. Have good communication skills to be able to get across your point. What key leadership quality is this
Skillful communicator
All leaders must have the ___ to maintain their convictions in the face of adversity, certain leadership positions may require a higher degree of courage. In nursing as a nurse manager, house supervisor etc., you may find yourself needing to risk offending on or the other individual or group to resolve a difficult problem. What is this key leadership quality
effective leadership demands that the leader be a self starter and have the ability to start projects without pressure from above. What is the key leadership quality.
refers to the ability to do work and to display that energy in the form of enthusiasm for the work. Charismatic leaders are the ones who are the most energetic and enthusiastic. What key leadership quality is this
A positive attitude as well as a negative attitude is contagious. A leader who has an overall positive attitude and views new problems as opportunities for success will be much more successful than the leader who constantly complains about each new crisis. What key leadership quality is this
leaders must be able to continue to work through difficult problems in difficult circumstances, even when others feel like quitting. What key leadership quality is this
it is important to develop and foster non-work relationships with friends and family. Time at work should be balanced with recreational, spiritual, social, and cultural activities it that complete the person and round out the personality.
What is the key leadership quality
People in leadership positions often experience higher levels of stress. Stress can be handled either unconsciously or consciously by bringing learned ___ skills into play. What key leadership quality is this
Leaders who do not know and understand themselves are less able to understand those who are working for them. Self-awareness is the beginning of self acceptance as a thinking, feeling person who interacts with other thinking feeling persons. Knowing your beliefs and knowing where you stand.
What key leadership quality is this
Does higher pay always mean higher productivity
What are key behaviors of managers
- being optimistic
- identifies restraining forces
- goal directed
an ___ budget manages the unit to produce the highest quality of care in the most economical manner
There are four key elements to a ___ budget:
-budget should focus on the goals of the institution but remain realistic
-the nurse manager must always work within the historical context of past budgets
-all facilities use a standardized format for budgets
-budgets are not states they need to be evaluated and updated
It is up to the manager to present needs for change in staffing ratios at the budget meeting, as most needs for change would require more nurses affecting the budget. To do so the manager must be able to present that the change would ___ quality of care for the clients.