Exam 20/21 Flashcards
Choose the correct statement
- HACCP is a food-quality risk analysis and management system
- HACCP is a food-safety risk analysis and management system
- The HACCP concept is based on the good hygiene practice
- The good hygiene practice is based on the HACCP concept (Objectives for Good Hygiene Practices)
- HACCP is a food-safety risk analysis and management system
- The HACCP concept is based on the good hygiene practice
Choose the correct answers:
- The F0 value is a technological characteristic expression the thermal death time equivalent at 121,1C for the applied heat treatment procedure
- The F0 value is a microbiological characteristic which expresses the thermal death time at 121,1C
- According to the 12D principle, the food microbiological safety requirement is F2,52 minutes
- According to the 12D principle, the food microbiological sefety requirement is F 0,21 minutes
-The F0 value is a technological characteristic expression the thermal death time equivalent at 121,1C for the applied heat treatment procedure
According to the 12D principle, the food microbiological safety requirement is F2,52 minutes
Choose the correct answers:
- Food chain of animal foodstuffs does not include the farm and the feed industry
- Food chain of animal foodstuffs also includes the farm and the feed industry
- Food safety is based primarily on consumer’s expectations
- Food quality is based primarily on consumers expectations
Food chain of animal foodstuffs also includes the farm and the feed industry
Food quality is based primarily on consumers expectations
Choose the correct answers:
- The D value is the time needed to decimal reduction of the live cell count
- The D value is the temperature increase necessary for a tenfold reduction of the thermal death time
- The Z value is the time needed to a decimal reduction of the live cell count
- The Z value is the temperature increase necessary for a tenfold reduction of the thermal death time
The D value is the time needed to decimal reduction of the live cell count
The Z value is the temperature increase necessary for a tenfold reduction of the thermal death time
Choose the correct answers:
- In case of food poisoning, the causative agent produces exotoxin in the food
- In case of food poisoning, the causative agent produces exotoxin in the GI tract
- In case of toxico-infection, the causative agent produces exotoxin in the food
- In case of toxico-infection, the causative agent produces exotoxin in the GI tract
In case of food poisoning, the causative agent produces exotoxin in the food
In case of toxico-infection, the causative agent produces exotoxin in the GI tract
Choose the correct answers!
- The HACCP plan should be establishment- and product-specific
- The GHP plan should be establishment- and product-specific
- The GHP concept focuses on the hazards not properly manageable by HACCP
- The HACCP concept focuses on the hazards not properly manageable by GHP
The HACCP plan should be establishment- and product-specific
The HACCP concept focuses on the hazards not properly manageable by GHP
Choose the CORRECT answers
- In general, the water activity demand of Gram positive bacteria is higher than the gram negative ones
- In general, the water activity demand of gram negative bacteria is higher than the gram positive ones
- In general, the water activity demand of bacteria is higher than the yeasts
- In general, the water activity demand of bacteria is lower than the yeasts
- In general, the water activity demand of gram negative bacteria is higher than the gram positive ones
- In general, the water activity demand of bacteria is higher than the yeasts
Choose the correct answers:
- Botulinum toxin is a neurotoxin that causes a flaccid paralysis of the muscles
- Botulinum toxin is an emetic toxin that causes gastrointestinal signs
- The emetic toxin of bacillus cereus is heat sensitive
- The diarrhoeic toxin of Bacillus is heat sensitive
Botulinum toxin is a neurotoxin that causes a flaccid paralysis of the muscles
The diarrhoeic toxin of Bacillus is heat sensitive
Choose the correct answers:
- Listeria monocytogenes is a psychrophilic bacterium
- Listeria monocytogenes is a mesophilic bacterium
- Salmonella enteritidis is a psychrophilic bacterium
- Salmonella enteritidis is a mesophilic bacterium
Listeria monocytogenes is a psychrophilic bacterium
Salmonella enteritidis is a mesophilic bacterium
Choose the correct answers:
Yersinia enterocolitica is a mesophilic bacterium
Yersinia enterocolitica is a psychrophilic bacterium
Yersinia enterocolitica typically cause extraintestinal signs in humans
Yersinia enterocolitica typically cause intestinal signs in humans
Yersinia enterocolitica is a psychrophilic bacterium
Yersinia enterocolitica typically cause intestinal signs in humans
Choose the correct answers:
- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) can be generated during the frying of foods of high carbohydrate content.
- Acrilamide can be generated during the frying of foods of high carbohydrate content
- Heterocyclic amines can be formed during the frying of foods of high carbohydrate content
- Heterocyclic amines can be formed during frying of meat.
Acrilamide can be generated during the frying of foods of high carbohydrate content
Heterocyclic amines can be formed during frying of meat.
Choose the correct answers:
- Patulin may be produced mostly in fruits causing the contamination of apple juices
- Zearaleonone may be produced mostly in fruits causing the contamination of apple juices
- Fumonisins can be produced mainly on oilseeds
- Fumonisins can be produced mainly of damaged kernels of maize
Patulin may be produced mostly in fruits causing the contamination of apple juices
Fumonisins can be produced mainly of damaged kernels of maize
Choose the correct answers:
Scombrotoxin is a biogenic amine
Scombotoxin is a mycotoxin
patulin is a mycotoxin
solanine is a mycotoxin
Scombrotoxin is a biogenic amine
patulin is a mycotoxin
Choose the correct answers:
- Nitrosamines can get into the organism of the consumer with foods, but can also be generated in the stomach
- Nitrosamines can get into the organism of the consumer with foods, but can also be generated in the intestines
- PAHs are generated during the imperfect combustion of organic materials
- Nitrosamines are generated during the imperfect combustion of organic materials
Nitrosamines can get into the organism of the consumer with foods, but can also be generated in the stomach
PAHs are generated during the imperfect combustion of organic materials
Choose the correct answers:
- Aflatoxin is a genotoxic carcinogen, its main target organ is the liver
- Aflatoxin is genotoxic carcinogen, its main organ is the kidney
- Ochratoxin are genotoxic compounds, their target organ is the liver
- Ochratoxin are genotoxic compounds, their main organ is the kidney
Aflatoxin is a genotoxic carcinogen, its main target organ is the liver
Ochratoxin are genotoxic compounds, their main organ is the kidney
Choose the correct answers:
- The primary objective of pasteurisation is to destroy all forms of pathogenic bacteria
- The primary objective of pasteurisation is to destroy the vegetative forms of pathogenic bacteria
- Pasteurisation is a heat treatment performed at a temperature below 100C
- Pasteurisation is heat treatment performed at a temperature above 100C
The primary objective of pasteurisation is to destroy the vegetative forms of pathogenic bacteria
Pasteurisation is a heat treatment performed at a temperature below 100C
Choose the correct answers:
- Plants take up cadmium from soil through their roots and store it in their tissues
- Plants take up lead from soil through their roots and store it in their tissues
- Mathylmercury is bioaccumulated in the aquatic food chain and may reach high concentration in predators
- Methylmercury is bioaccumulated in the terrestrial food chain and may reach high concentration in predators
Plants take up cadmium from soil through their roots and store it in their tissues
Mathylmercury is bioaccumulated in the aquatic food chain and may reach high concentration in predators
Choose the correct answers:
- As a part of the ante mortem health inspection at the farm, identity checks must be performed at a minimum of 10% of pigs
- As a part of the ante mortem health inspection at the farm, identity checks must be performed at a minimum of 10% of bovine animals
- As a part of the ante mortem health inspection at the farm, each single cattle must be identified
- As a part of the ante mortem health inspection at the farm, each single pig must be identified
As a part of the ante mortem health inspection at the farm, identity checks must be performed at a minimum of 10% of pigs
As a part of the ante mortem health inspection at the farm, each single cattle must be identified
Choose the correct answers:
- Broilers infected with salmonella Enteritidis must be slaughtered by immediate slaughter at a designated slaughterhouse
- Broilers infected with salmonella enteritidis must be slaughtered separately
- Cattle producing positive tuberculin test must be slaughtered by immediate slaughter at a designated slaughterhouse
- Cattle producing positive tuberculin test must be slaughtered separatly
Broilers infected with salmonella enteritidis must be slaughtered separately
Cattle producing positive tuberculin test must be slaughtered separatly
Choose the correct statement
Milk fat occurs in the milk plasma in the form of colloidal micelles
Milk fat occurs in the milk plasma in the form of globules
Caseins can be found in the milk in the form of globules
Caseins can be found in the milk in the form of colloidal micelles
Milk fat occurs in the milk plasma in the form of globules
Caseins can be found in the milk in the form of colloidal micelles
Choose the correct answers
- The fermentation of yoghurt is performed with a mixture of two thermophilic bacteria
- The fermentation of kefir is performed with a mixture of two thermophilic bacteria
- For manufacturing of yoghurts, the milk is pasteurised at high temperature for 2-3 minutes
- For manufacturing of yoghurts, the milk is pasteurised at low temperature without holding
The fermentation of yoghurt is performed with a mixture of two thermophilic bacteria
For manufacturing of yoghurts, the milk is pasteurised at high temperature for 2-3 minutes
- An increased potential acidity degree indicates the souring of milk
- A decreased potential acidity degree indicates the souring of milk
- The potential acidity degree of mastitic milk is typically lower than normal
- The potential acidity degree of mastitic milk is typically higher than normal
An increased potential acidity degree indicates the souring of milk
The potential acidity degree of mastitic milk is typically lower than normal
Choose the correct statement
- Rigor mortis develops as a result of anaerobic glycolysis
- Rigor mortis develops because of the lack of atp
- Rigor mortis passes due to the ph increase caused by the bacteria
- Rigor mortis passes due to protease enzymes
Rigor mortis develops because of the lack of atp
Rigor mortis passes due to protease enzymes
Choose the correct answers:
- Identification marking shall be applied on the packaging of the poultry carcase
- Identification marking shall be applied directly on the poultry carcase
- Every poultry carcase shall be tested for surface Salmonella contamination at the slaughterhouse
- Once a week, minimun 15 poultry carcases shall be tested for surface salmonella contamination
Identification marking shall be applied on the packaging of the poultry carcase
Once a week, minimun 15 poultry carcases shall be tested for surface salmonella contamination
Choose the correct answers:
The head of cattle is removed during the slaughtering process
The head of pigs is removed during the slaughtering process
In pigs, the bleeding is performed by the two-knife method
In cattle, the bleeding is performed by the two-knife method
The head of cattle is removed during the slaughtering process
In cattle, the bleeding is performed by the two-knife method
Choose the correct answers:
- Emergency slaughter involves the urgent bleeding of animals being suspected of infection
- Emergency slaughter means the urgent bleeding of healthy, injured animals
- Immediate slaughter involves the slaughter of animals being suspected of infection
- Immediate slaughter means the urgent bleeding of healthy, injured animals
Emergency slaughter means the urgent bleeding of healthy, injured animals
Immediate slaughter involves the slaughter of animals being suspected of infection
Choose the correct answers:
- Cattle is stunned by carbon dioxide stunning
- cattle is stunned by mechanical stunning
- at the slaughterhouse, pigs are stunned by mechanical stunning
- at the slaughterhouse, pigs is stunned by carbon dioxide stunning
- cattle is stunned by mechanical stunning
- at the slaughterhouse, pigs is stunned by carbon dioxide stunning
Choose the correct answers:
- If paratuberculosis is diagnosed at the meat insepction , only the affected organs shall be condemned
- If paratuberculosis is diagnosed at the meat inspection, the whole carcass shall be condemned
- if leptospirosis is diagnosed at the meat inspection, only the affected organs shall be condemed
- If leptospirosis is diagnosed at the meat insepction, the whole carcass shall be condemned
If paratuberculosis is diagnosed at the meat inspection, only the affected organs shall be condemned
If leptospirosis is diagnosed at the meat insepction, the whole carcass shall be condemned
Choose the correct answers:
- The infective dose of campylobacter is high, at least 10.000 cells are needed to induce disease in humans
- The infective dose of campylobacters is low, even 100-500 organisms may induce disease in humans
- The infective dose of campylobacter is higher than that of salmonella
- The infective dose of campylobacter is lower than that of salmonella
The infective dose of campylobacters is low, even 100-500 organisms may induce disease in humans
The infective dose of campylobacter is lower than that of salmonella
What is the sample size?
0,1 ml for pour-plate
1ml for pour plate
1ml for spreading
0,1ml for spreading
1ml for pour plate
0,1ml for spreading
What is the correct answers?
- In the CAMP test, listeria monocytogenes gives a positive reaction with rhodococcus equi
- In the CAMP test, listeria monocytogenes reacts positively with staphylococcus
- Salmonella decarboxylates lysine
- Salmonella digests urea
In the CAMP test, listeria monocytogenes reacts positively with staphylococcus
Salmonella decarboxylates lysine
Choose the correct answers:
- Water activity means the total water content of foods
- Water activity means the free, chemically unbound water content of foods
- Water activity of foods is characterised by the aw value
- Water activity of foods is characterised by the Eh value
Water activity means the free, chemically unbound water content of foods
Water activity of foods is characterised by the aw value -
Which methods may be used for determining the water added to the milk (possible food adulteration) Alcohol test Density measurement Peroxidase test Measuring the freezing point
Density measurement
Measuring the freezing point
Choose the correct answers:
Skimming increases the density of milk
skimming decreases the density of milk
mastitis usually increases the electrical conductivity of milk
masitis usually reduces the electrical conductivity of milk
Skimming increases the density of milk -
mastitis usually increases the electrical conductivity of milk
Choose the correct answers:
- Alkaline phosphatase test can be used for determining the effectiveness of high-temperature short-time (HTST) pasteurisation
- Peroxidase test can be used for determining the effectiveness of HTST pasteurisation
- Alkaline phosphatase is inactivated at 72C within 15 seconds
- Peroxidase is inactivated at 72C within 15 sec
Peroxidase test can be used for determining the effectiveness of HTST pasteurisation
Alkaline phosphatase is inactivated at 72C within 15 seconds
Choose the correct answers:
- Coxiella brunetti is rather resistant to heat, it can survive the pasteurisation
- C.brunetti is rather sensitive to heat, it cannot survive the pasteurisation
- Zoonotic EHEC strains are rather resistant to heat, they can survive the pasteurisation
- Zoonotic EHEC strains are rather sensitive to heat, they cannot survive the pasteurisation
Coxiella brunetti is rather resistant to heat, it can survive the pasteurisation
Zoonotic EHEC strains are rather sensitive to heat, they cannot survive the pasteurisation
Choose the correct answers:
- Campylobacter usually form a biofilm on the surfaces
- L. monocytogenes usually form a biofilm on the surfaces
- The clinical symptoms caused by L. monocytogenes in humans are characterised mostly by extraintestinal signs
- The clinical symptoms caused by L.monocytogenes in humans are characterised mostly by intestinal signs.
L. monocytogenes usually form a biofilm on the surfaces
The clinical symptoms caused by L. monocytogenes in humans are characterised mostly by extraintestinal signs
Choose the correct statements:
Buttermilk is a byproduct of churning
Buttermilk cannot be separated by washing
Physical ripening of cream results sour better
Biological ripening of cream results sour cream
Buttermilk is a byproduct of churning
Biological ripening of cream results sour cream
- Cheese made from raw milk may pose higher microbiological risk than those made from pasteurised milk
- Cheese made from raw milk may pose lower microbiological risk than those made from pasteurised milk
- Early blowing of semi-hard cheeses resulting in many small holes are caused by clostridia
- Early blowing of semi-hard cheeses resulting in many small holes are caused by coliforms
Cheese made from raw milk may pose higher microbiological risk than those made from pasteurised milk
Early blowing of semi-hard cheeses resulting in many small holes are caused by coliforms
Choose the correct answers:
- Rigor mortis develops because of the reduction of pH
- Rigor mortis develops because of the lack of ATP
- The lack of ATP makes it impossible for actomyosin to dissociate
- the inadequate reduction of pH makes it impossible for actinomycin to dissociate
Rigor mortis develops because of the lack of atp
The lack of ATP makes it impossible for actomyosin to dissociate
Choose the correct answers:
Dioxins accumulate in the adipose tissues of consumer
Dioxins accumulate in the kidneys of the consumer
Dioxins are widely used compounds in different industrial processes
Significant sources of dioxins include the waste incineration or the forest fires.
Dioxins accumulate in the adipose tissues of consumer
Significant sources of dioxins include the waste incineration or the forest fires.
Choose the correct answers:
Ciguatera toxins accumulate in shellfish
ciguatera toxins accumulate in fish
scombotoxin is histamine
scombrotoxin is a shellfish poison
ciguatera toxins accumulate in fish
scombotoxin is histamine
Choose the correct answers!
Carcasses containing veterinary drugs above the permitted level must not be used for production of animal feedstuffs
Carcasses containing veterinary drugs above the permitted level can be used for production of animal feedstuffs
Carcasses containing prohibited substances must not be used for production of animal feedstuffs
Carcasses containing prohibited substances can be utilized for production of animal feedstuffs
Carcasses containing veterinary drugs above the permitted level must not be used for production of animal feedstuffs
Carcasses containing prohibited substances must not be used for production of animal feedstuffs
Choose the correct answers!
- Combined preservation is based on the hurdle concept
- combined preservation is based on the hazard analysis concept
- in protective atmosphere packaging, oxygen is partly replaced by carbon dioxide and nitrogen
- In protective atmosphere packaging carbon dioxide is partly replaced by oxygen and nitrogen
Combined preservation is based on the hurdle concept
in protective atmosphere packaging, oxygen is partly replaced by carbon dioxide and nitrogen
Choose the correct answers:
Category 1 waste shall be disposed by incineration
Category 1 wastes can be used for manufacture of pet food
Blood from cattle declared fit for human consumption can be used for human consumption
Blood from pigs declared fit for human consumption can be used for human consumption
Category 1 waste shall be disposed by incineration
Blood from pigs declared fit for human consumption can be used for human consumption
Choose the correct answers:
- One of the decisions concerning the meat is the conditional fitness for human consumption
- the meat can be declared fit for human consumptions after treatment
- In poultry, the fact that the meat is fit for human consumption is expressed by the application of the health mark (meat stamp)
One of the decisions concerning the meat is the conditional fitness for human consumption
the meat can be declared fit for human consumptions after treatment
Choose the correct answers:
- In cattle, the last 4 meters of the ileum and the caecum are classified as SRM regarding the intestinal tract
- In cattle, the whole intestinal tract is classed as SRM
- In sheep, the whole intestinal tract is classed as SRM
- In sheep, only the ileum is classed as SRM regarding the intestinal tract
In cattle, the last 4 meters of the ileum and the caecum are classified as SRM regarding the intestinal tract
In sheep, only the ileum is classed as SRM regarding the intestinal tract
Choose the correct answers:
- Broliers are usually scaided at higher temperature than waterfowl
- waterfowl are usually scalded at higher temperature than broilers
- Air chilling is superior to immersion chilling in terms of hygiene
- Immersion chilling is superior to air chilling in terms of hygiene
waterfowl are usually scalded at higher temperature than broilers
Air chilling is superior to immersion chilling in terms of hygiene
Choose the correct answers:
- The routine meat inspection of young bovine animals (<8 months) shall be performed by visual
- The routine meat inspection of young bovine animals (<8 months) shall be performed by visual inspection, palpation and incision
- As a part of the routine meat inspection of young cattle (<8 months old), the retropharyngeal shall be sliced
- In young cattle (<8 months old), the retropharygeal lymphodnodes shall be sliced in case suspect only
The routine meat inspection of young bovine animals (<8 months) shall be performed by visual inspection, palpation and incision
In young cattle (<8 months old), the retropharygeal lymphodnodes shall be sliced in case suspect only
Choose the correct answers:
In cattle over 12 months, the skull is SRM, but the head may be used for human consumption
In cattle over 12 months, the skull including the head meat is classed as SRM
In cattle the spleen is classed as SRM
In sheep, the spleen is classed as SRM
In cattle over 12 months, the skull is SRM, but the head may be used for human consumption
In sheep, the spleen is classed as SRM
Choose the correct answers:
- Surface contamination of eggs shall removed by washing in the egg packing centres
- Surface contamination of eggs must not be removed by washing in the egg packing centres
- Candling shall be performed only at those farms that deliver eggs for direct sale on the market
- Candling shall be performed at all farms that produce eggs for human consumption
Surface contamination of eggs must not be removed by washing in the egg packing
Candling shall be performed only at those farms that deliver eggs for direct sale on the market
Choose the correct answers:
- Live bivalve molluscs collected from class A area are suitable for human consumption after treatment only
- Live bivalve molluscs deriving from class A areas can be collected for direct human consumption
- The production areas of live mollucs are classified based on the level of faecal contamination
- The production areas of live bivalve molluscs are classified based on the level of marine biotoxin contamination
Live bivalve molluscs deriving from class A areas can be collected for direct human consumption
The production areas of live mollucs are classified based on the level of faecal contamination
Choose the correct answers:
- In the game processing establishment, the meat inspection of hunted game is performed by the trained person
- In the game processing establishment, the meat inspection of hunted game is performed by an official veterinarian
- In the game processing establishment, the post mortem meat inspection of large games shall be performed by the official veterinarian on skinned animals
- In the game processing establishment, the post mortem meat inspection of large games shall be performed by the official veterinarian on unskinned animals
In the game processing establishment, the meat inspection of hunted game is performed by an official veterinarian
In the game processing establishment, the post mortem meat inspection of large games shall be performed by the official veterinarian on unskinned animals
Choose the correct answers:
- The official veterinarian shall perform individual meat inspection of fish
- The official veterinarian shall perform the meat inspection of fish on a batch basis only
- scombrotoxicosis is due to the formation of large amounts of biogenic amines by spoilage bacteria
- scombrotoxicosis is due to the presence of marine biotoxins in the flesh
The official veterinarian shall perform the meat inspection of fish on a batch basis only
scombrotoxicosis is due to the formation of large amounts of biogenic amines by spoilage bacteria
Choose the correct answers:
- Animals suspected for campylobacter infection can be slaughtered unconditionally
- animals suspected for campylobacter infection shall be slaughtered separately
- If any form of yersiniosis is diagnosed at meat inspection, the whole carcass shall be declared unfit for human consumption
- If any form of yersiniosis at meat inspection, only the affected organs shall be declared unfit for human consumption.
Animals suspected for campylobacter infection can be slaughtered unconditionally
- If any form of yersiniosis is diagnosed at meat inspection, the whole carcass shall be declared unfit for human consumption
Choose the correct answers:
- If trichinellosis is diagnosed at the post mortem meat inspection, the whole carcass shall be condemned
- If trichellosis is diagnosed at the post mortem meat inspection, the affected parts shall be condemned and the other parts are fit for human consumption after freezing
- If hydatid cysts of Echinococcus granulosus are found in the liver, only the affected organ shall be condemned
- If hydatid cysts of echinococcus granulosus are found in the liver, the whole carcass shall be declared unfit for human consumption.
If trichinellosis is diagnosed at the post mortem meat inspection, the whole carcass shall be condemned
-If hydatid cysts of Echinococcus granulosus are found in the liver, only the affected organ shall be condemned
Choose the correct answers:
Verotoxin producing E.coli may cause haemolytic uraemic syndrome in humans
Listeria monocytogenes may cause haemolytic uraemic syndrome in humans
Verotoxin- producing E.coli may cause colitis in calves
Verotoxin producing E.coli may cause colitis in piglets
Verotoxin producing E.coli may cause haemolytic uraemic syndrome in humans
Verotoxin- producing E.coli may cause colitis in calves
Choose the correct answers!
Heat treatment is the fundamental method used for destroying microorganisms and inactivating tissue enzymes
Freezing is the fundamental method used for destroying microorganisms and inactivating tissue enzymes
Spoilage bacteria can grow even down to -18°C
Spoilage moulds can grow even down to -18°C
Heat treatment is the fundamental method used for destroying microorganisms and inactivating tissue enzymes
Spoilage moulds can grow even down to -18°C
Choose the correct answers:
- The health mark (meat stamp) may still be replaced in wholesale establishments before the meat gets in the retail shops
- The health mark (meat stamp) must not be replaced in wholesale establishments before the meat gets in the retail shops
- In re-wrapping centres the re-wrapped product shall be marked with the identification marking of the re-wrapping establishment
- In re-wrapping centres the re-wrapped product shall be marked with its original identification marking
The health mark (meat stamp) may still be replaced in wholesale establishments before the meat gets in the retail shops
In re-wrapping centres the re-wrapped product shall be marked with the identification marking of the re-wrapping establishment
At what stage of the food analytical procedure may a veterinarian be responsible?
Sample preparation
determining the analytical strategy, carrying out the analysis
interpretation of results
interpretation of results
For which food is the annual sample number determined based on the production figures of the previous year?
Broiler chicken
Broiler chicken
(Swine- nr of slaughtered animals previous year
Cattle - nr of slaughtered animals previous year)
Choose the right solutions
the whipped cream must be matured
the churring is a phase reversion process
Butter rancidity is the result of proetin breakdown
rancing is caused by microbial activity
the churring is a phase reversion process (!)
ELLER the whipped cream must be matured
Butter rancidity is the result of proetin breakdown
Choose the correct answers:
- Control of the proper identification of critical control points is a major element of the GHP audit
- Control of the proper identification of critical control points is a major elements of the HACCP audit
- The poutry meat put on the market without identification marking shall be regarded as an illegal distribution
- The poultry meat put on the market without health marking (meat stamp) shall be regarded as an illegal distribution
Control of the proper identification of critical control points is a major elements of the HACCP audit
The poutry meat put on the market without identification marking shall be regarded as an illegal distribution
Choose the correct answers:
- Clostridium botulinum spores surviving in the honey may germinate and cause toxico-infection in infants
- Clostridium botulinum spores surviving in the honey cannot germinate in the intestines of infants
- Wine is safe in microbiological terms as pathogenic bacteria cannott survive in it
- Depending on the environmental conditions, listeria monocytogenes can survive in the wine posing a food safety risk
Clostridium botulinum spores surviving in the honey may germinate and cause toxico-infection in infants
Wine is safe in microbiological terms as pathogenic bacteria cannott survive in it
Choose the correct answers:
- In sheep, foot and mouth disease (FMD) is characterised by vesicle formation in the mouth without salivation
- In goats, FMD is characterised by vesicle formation in the mouth without saliavation
- In cattle, FMD is characterised by vesicle formation in the mouth with salivation
- In pigs, FMD is characterised by vesicle formation in the mouth with salvation
In goats, FMD is characterised by vesicle formation in the mouth without saliavation
In cattle, FMD is characterised by vesicle formation in the mouth with salivation
What curing methods were demonstrated in the technology lab?
Dry curring method: meat was covered with curing/picking salt
wet curing with injection 8% sodium nitrite soultion was injected
Dry salting: meat was covered with pure sodium chloride
Tumbling: tumbler was applied to perform fast curing
Dry curring method: meat was covered with curing/picking salt
Tumbling: tumbler was applied to perform fast curing
What were the applied technology steps during peasant sausauge manufacture in technology lab?
Inoculation of meat with starter culture
Heat treatment (cooking)
Chris mener
culture og stuffing
What product groups safety alerts are published in RASFF system?
Nutritional supplements
human foods
animal feeds
medical feeds and foods
human foods
animal feeds
For which plants is registration not sufficient (subjects to authorization)
small-scale fruit slicer
large-scale fruit slicer
cold store
cold store
Choose the correct answers:
Any hunted large game shall be eviscerated on the spot as soon as possible
The hunted large game shall be eviscerated in the game collection centre
The hunted large game shall be skinned on the spot
The hunted large game must not be skinned on the spot
Any hunted large game shall be eviscerated on the spot as soon as possible
The hunted large game must not be skinned on the spot
Choose the correct answers:
- S. aureus may survive in chocolates and may produce enterotoxins posing a food safety risk
- S. aureus may survive in chocolates, but cannot produce enterotoxins posing a food safety risk.
- Clostridium botulinum spores may germinate and produce toxin in the honey
- Due to the low water activity and low pH of honey, even bacterium spores are unable to germinate in it.
S. aureus may survive in chocolates and may produce enterotoxins posing a food safety risk
Clostridium botulinum spores may germinate and produce toxin in the honey - spores survive
Choose the correct answers:
- If foot and Mouth disease is confirmed at the slaughterhouse all susceptible animals present at the slaughterhouse shall be slaughtered according to the rules of the immediate slaughter
- If foot and Mouth disease is confirmed at the slaughterhouse all susceptible animals present at the slaughterhouse shall be killed
- The meat inspection significance of foot and mouth disease is due to the strong zoonotic potential of its causative agent
- The meat inspection significance of foot and mouth disease is due to the highly contagious nature of its causative agent
- If foot and Mouth disease is confirmed at the slaughterhouse all susceptible animals present at the slaughterhouse shall be killed
- The meat inspection significance of foot and mouth disease is due to the highly contagious nature of its causative agent
Choose the correct answers:
- in the intra-community trade, the fresh meat of pigs or cattle shall be marked with an identification marking
- in the intra-community trade, the fresh meat of pigs or cattle shall be health marked (meat stamp)
- Restaurants belong to retail establishments
- Restaurants belong to wholesale establishments
in the intra-community trade, the fresh meat of pigs or cattle shall be health marked (meat stamp)
Restaurants belong to retail establishments
Choose the correct answers:
- Only, the food establishments operating under the scope of the regulation 853/2004/EC shall be approved
- All the food establishments shall be approved by the competent authority
- approval process of a food establishment needs a previous on-site visit
- Registration process of a food establishment needs a previous on-site visit
Only, the food establishments operating under the scope of the regulation 853/2004/EC shall be approved
-approval process of a food establishment needs a previous on-site visit
Choose the correct answers!
- The EU legislation does not quantify the frequency of official controls
- According to the corresponding EU legislation, food processing establishments shall be controlled at least annually
- Conformity of the monitoring procedures with the critical limits is a major element of the GHP audit
- Conformity of the monitoring procedures with the critical limits is a major element of the HACCP audit
- The EU legislation does not quantify the frequency of official controls
- Conformity of the monitoring procedures with the critical limits is a major element of the HACCP audit
Choose the correct answers:
- Basics document of the intra-community trade of foodstuffs in the EU is the common Health Entry Document (CHED)
- Basic document of the international trade of foodstuffs imported from third countries is the common health entry document (CHED)
- Foodstuffs of animal origin can enter the territory of the European Union Through border inspection posts only
- Foodstuffs of animals origin can move in the territory of the EU through border inspection posts only
- Basic document of the international trade of foodstuffs imported from third countries is the common health entry document (CHED) -
- Foodstuffs of animal origin can enter the territory of the European Union Through border inspection posts only