Exam 2 Vocab Flashcards
Malignant hyperthermia
genetically-linked major adverse reaction to general anesthesia, characterized by rapid rise in temperature, tachycardia, tachypnea, and sweating.
Moderate sedation aka Conscious sedation
anesthesia induced by combinations of parenteral benzodiazepines and an opiate. reduces anxiety, sensitivity to pain, and recall of procedure.
relieves anxiety
class of drugs that are chemical derivatives of barbituric acid. induce sedation and sleep.
Most frequently prescribed as sedative-hynotic and anxiolytic drugs.
Gamma-aminobutyric acid.
inhibitory neurotransmitter found in the brain.
drugs that when given low to moderate dosages, calm or soothe CNS without inducing sleep, but high doses may cause sleep.
REM interference
drug-induced reduction of rem sleep time.
REM reboud
excessive rem sleep following discontinuation of sleep-altering drug.
drugs that have in inhibitory effect on the CNS to the degree that they reduce nervousness, excitability, and irritability without out causeing sleep.
drugs that can act in the body as either sedatives or hypnotives
Sleep architecture
structure of various elements involved in the sleep cycle
rapid appearance of a progressive decrease in response to a drug after repetitive administration of the drug
Therapeutic Index
ration between toxic and therapeutic concentrations of a drug. small therapeutic index= dangerous
metabolic process that occurs when a drug increases its own metabolism over time, leading to lower than expected drug concentrations