Exam 2 Study Guide Flashcards
What is the difference between a population and a sample?
A population is the entire group that you want to draw conclusions about. A sample is the specific group that you will collect data from
What is the sampling error?
difference between
results obtained from a
sample and those that
would have been
obtained from the
What is the difference between a probability sample and a nonprobability sample?
Probability sample involves random selection while non probabllity sample involves non random selection based on convenience or some other factor.
What are the different nonprobabllity sampling techniques?
- convience
- judgement
- snowball
- quota
What is a convenience sample?
Population elments are sampled because they are in the right place at the right time.
What is a judgement sample
Population elements are handpicked by researcher. Example hiring experts on a subject for a panel.
What is a snowball sample?
Previous study subjects recruit more subjects.
what is a quota sample?
certain important characteristics of the population are represented proportionately in the sample. Example 30% freshman 20% sophmores.
What are the differnet probability sampling techniques?
- simple random
- sysmatic
- stratified
- cluster
- area
What is a simple random sampling technique?
Each member of the population has an equal chance of being
selected. Number drawn at random
What is a systmatic sampling technqiue?
Every ___th element is selected from a list.
What is a startified sampling technique?
Divide group into strata based on characteristics then pull them at random.
What is a cluster sampling technique?
Same thing as stratfied sampling just the group isn’t homogeneous.
What is an area sampling technique?
sampling from a map.
What are the factors taht determine sample size?
- amount of divestiy or variation
- degree of precision
- degree of confidence
What are the different types of nonsampling errors?
1.non observation errors
2. Observation errors
What are the types of non observation errors?
- non coverage errors
- non response errors
What are the types of observation errors?
- response erorrs
- office errors
How is response rate calculated?
RR= response rate
CI= number of completed interviews with responding unites
E= number of eligible responding units in a sample
How can response rate be improved?
- reducing survey length
- guarantee of confidentiality
- interviewer characteristics and training
- personalization
- response incentives
- follow up surveys
What is data editing?
The inspection and correction of the data received from
each element of the sample (or census) to make certain
that the data meet minimum quality standards
What are the primary tasks in editing?
- convert all responses to consistent units
- asses degree of non response
- where possible check for consistency across responses
- verify that branching questions were followed correctly
- add any needed codes
- look for evidence that respondent wasn’t really thinking about his or her answers.
What is coding?
The process of transforming raw data into symbols
(usually numbers) that can be utilized for analysis
How are coding closed ended items?
1= female 2= male
How are coding open ended items?
Factual open-ended items are highly structured and easy to
Exploratory open-ended items are less structured and allow
for multiple responses making it more difficult to code
What are the steps to coding open ended items?
- Go through each questionnaire and highlight each
separate response. Ideally, at least 2 coders should
review all responses - Categorize responses into mutually exclusive and
exhaustive categories, e.g.; Personal reasons: my family lives in a different state, and Better job opportunities: I got better job in houston - Assign a code to every response based on the categories
identified in step 2 - At least 2 coders should independently complete step 3.
Disagreements are resolved through discussion or by a third
What is a codebook?
Gives information to be used later on how it was coded
What does a codebook include?
variable name, description, response options
What is a blunder?
An error that arises during editing, coding or data entry
Blunders are usually due to researcher carelessness
How can bludners be located?
- examing frequency distributions on all variables
- checking a sample of questionnaires against the data file
- double entry of data in which data re entered into two separate data files and compared for discrepancies
- optical scanning can be used to read responses
- missing data should be investigated
how are missing responses handled?
- elimante the case with missing items from all further analysis
- substitute values for missing items
- contact the respondent again
What is the diffence between multivariate analysis and univariate analysis?
multivarate involves analyzing multiple variables while univariate analysis involves one variable.
What is frequency analysis?
A count of the number of cases that fall into each of the
response categories
How can frquency analysis be used?
- Communicate the results of a study via univariate categorical analysis
- Determine the degree of item nonresponse
- Identify blunders
- Identify outliers
What is sampling error?
the difference
between results
obtained from a
sample and those
that would have
been obtained
from the
What is a hypothesis?
An educated guess about what is “true” in the world
How do you write a hypothesis?
- Null Hypothesis- there is no difference between groups
- Alterntative hyptohesis- there is a difference between groups
What is a CHI-square test?
A commonly used statistic for testing the null hypothesis that
categorical variables are independent of one another
What is a T test
A t-test is used to compare a continuous measure across
What is the difference between an independent and dependent variable?
A Dependent variable is what happens as a result of the independent variable
What is the difference between a continuous and categorial variable?
Categorical variables take on values in a set of categories, different from continuous variable, which takes on a range of values.
What are the different ways to measure continuous variables/
- Categorial: nominal and ordinal
- Continous: interval and Ratio
What is cross tabulation?
A multivariate technique used for studying the
relationship between two or more categorical
What is cross tabulation used to investigate?
It is used to investigate whether two or more categorical
variables are dependent and to assess the strength of
their relationship
What is correlation Analysis?
A statistic that indicates the degree of linear association
between two continuous variables.
What does correlation coefficent analysis asess?
It assesses the degree to which the two variables change
consistently across cases
What is an independent sample T test?
A commonly used technique used to determine whether two
groups differ on some characteristic
What is an indpependent sample t test used to compare?
Used to compare mean scores for the same variables
measured in two groups
What is a pair Sample T-test?
A technique for comparing two means when scores for
both variables are provided by the same sample
What is the coefficient of determination?
- proportion of change in one variable explained by change in
another (“explained variance”) - It is how much change in y can be explained by x.
How is coefficient correlation calculated?
You take the R value and square it. Example R=.9. .9^2=81%
81% of the variance can be explained by the number of years in school
What are the different sections of a research report?
- title page
- table of contents
- executive summary
- introduction
- method
6 results- limitations
7 conclusions and recommendations
8 appendiences
What are the three writting standards
- completeness- does the report provide all the information the readers need in a language they understand
- accuracy- is the information correct
- Clarity- is the phrasing precise
Why is the executive summary the most important part of the report?
The Executive Summary is the most important part of the report
because it is the only section that many executives will read
What does the executive summary include?
◦ Introduction
◦ Results
◦ Conclusions
◦ Recommendations
What is the difference btween a conclusion and a recommendation?
- conclusion- interpretation of results
- recomendation- a suggestion for appropriate further marketing action
What are the dos of a research presentation?
- keep slides simple
- make slides easy to read
- leave space between lines of different points
- use template to standardize positon, colors and style,
- be careful what colors you use.
What are the don’ts of a research presentation?
- avoid red blue conflect
- avoid low color contrast
- avoid crowded slides
- avoid distracting animations