Chapter 3 flashcards
What are the types or research design?
- exploratory research
- descriptive research
- casual research
What is exploratory research?
Discover ideas and insights
What is descriptive research?
Describing a population with
respect to important variables
What is casual research?
Used to establish a cause and effect
relationships between variables
Exploratory research is conducted to describe and provide a better
understanding of a particular situation:
o Not designed to come up with answers or decisions
o Typically leads researchers to a hypothesis
What are the types of exploratory research?
- Literature Search
- Depth interviews
- Focus Groups
- Case Analyses
What is literatrue search?
Search of popular press, trade, and academic
literature or published statistics from
research firms or governmental agencies
Fast and inexpensive
All projects should start here
What are depth interviews?
interviews with people knowledgeable about the subject
What are the cons to depth interviews?
-expensive and time consuming
- requires well trained interviewers with high salaries
- requires researches with specfic skills to analyze the data.
How is the method of depth interviews performed?
with netural probes during interview
What is laddering technique?
moving questions from functional benefits to higher order benefits.
What are the steps in the laddering technique?
- features
- product benefits
- consumer rewards
4 emotional benefit
What is a foucs group?
a group discussion of 8-12 people that lasts 1-2 hours. Group should be homogenous on key characterisitcs
what is the main benefit of a focus group?
less expensive than depth interviews
What are the reasons to using focus groups?
-improve an existing product or service
Best develop a new product or service concept
Best develop marketing material, such as promotions and advertisements
Improve the customer or employee experience
What are the two major pitfalls of focus groups?
It is easy for managers to see what they expect to see in focus group results
Focus groups are one form of exploratory research and should not be expected to deliver final
results or answers to decision problems – yet many managers seem to use them for that purpose
What is case analysis?
Intensive study of selected examples of phenomenon
What are the two frequently used techinques in case analysis?
Benchmarking; e.g., observing the behaviour of a competitor, reverse engineering
2. Ethnography; e.g., observing consumers during the course of their daily life
What is descriptive research used for?
Describe the characteristics of certain groups
Determine the proportion of people who behave in a certain way
Make specific predictions
Determine relationships between variables
Key questions descriptive research should attempt to answer
Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
What is longitudinal analysis?
Repeated measures, over time, of a fixed sample, e.g.; National Consumer Panel
What are the two primary types of longitudinal analysis?
- Continuous panel – Fixed sample of respondents who are measured repeatedly over time with
respect to the same variables - Discontinuous panel – Fixed sample of respondents who are measured repeatedly over time with
respect to different variables
What is cross sectional study?
Single point in time measures of a sample selected from a population
What is the difference between logitudinal study and cross sectional study?
longituduinal is repeated measures over time cross sectional is one time.
What is the advantages of a longitudinal study?
Accurate results for
purchasing behaviour
What are the disadvantages of a longitudinal study?
-Sample is non-random
less representative of
- Low cooperation rates
What are the advantages of a cross sectional study?
-Can target specific
populations (e.g.; minorities)
-Random samples
What are the disadvantages of a cross sectional study?
Reliance on memory less
accurate results
What is casual research?
Condition X causes Event Y. Used to isolate relationships between variables. Point is to change x variables to see impact on y variables
What are the types of casual research?
- laboratory experiment
- field experiment
What is market testing?
It involves the use of a controlled experiment done in a limited, but
carefully selected, section of the marketplace
What is standard market testing?
A test market in which the
company sells the product
through its normal
distribution channels
What is an examle of standard test market?
Taco Bell test marketed its
Grilled Stuft Burrito in
Fresno, CA
What is controlled test market?
An entire test program
conducted by an outside
service in a market in which
it can guarantee distribution
what is an example of controlled test market?
Behaviorscan from
SymphonyIRI Group is a
leading supplier of
controlled test market
What is simulated test market?
A study in which consumer
ratings and other
information are fed into a
computer model that then
makes projections about
the likely level of sales for
the product in the market
What is an example of simulated test market?
BASES from Nielsen is an
industry leader in
simulated test markets
What are the advantages of standard test market?
speed, cost, security, internal valdity.
What is the cons to standard market testing?
external validity and prediction accuracy
What is the benefits and cons of controlled test market?
does everything ok. 2 on every category out of a 1-3 scale
What is the benefits of simulated test market?
external validity and prediction accuracy.