Exam 2 Study Cards Flashcards
What type of joint is the glenohumeral joint?
Synovial joint
What type of joint is the acromioclavicular joint?
Synovial joint
What type of joint is the sternoclavicular joint?
Synovial joint
What part of the clavicle is easily palpable?
Acromial end
What part of the clavicle is flat and rises slightly above
the acromion?
Acromial end
What part of the clavicle curves inferiorly?
Sternal end
Describe where the convex and concave features are of the clavicle.
Convex medially and concave laterally
What two structures does the clavicle articulate with?
The scapula and the sternum
What is the joint capsule of the shoulder supported by?
The rotator cuff, coracohumeral, superior glenohumeral ligaments
The joint capsule of the shoulder creates what kind of joint pressure?
Negative (suctioning)
What is the function of the joint capsule in the shoulder?
Suctions in the humeral head into the glenoid labrum
What does the glenoid labrum connect to?
Glenohumeral joint capsule, Glenohumeral ligaments, Long head of biceps, Rotator cuff muscles
What is the glenoid labrum composed of?
Dense fibrous tissue with few elastic fibers
What are the 6 purposes of the glenoid labrum?
- Controls joint movement
- Load-bearing structure
- Protects bone edges
- Assist in joint lubrication
- Ligament attachment
- Increases contact area for articulating regions
The incongruous aspect of the joint…
-Allows the humerus to have a wide array of
-Naturally positioned to discourage inferior
Structurally, what kind of joint is the glenohumeral joint?
Ball and socket joint
Functionally, what kind of joint is the glenohumeral joint?
Diarthrotic multiaxial joint
What movements does the glenohumeral joint have?
Flexion and Extension; Abduction and Adduction; Internal and External Rotation
What 4 accessory movements does the glenohumeral joint have?
Rolling, Spinning, Gliding and Combination
Is the movement in the glenohumeral joint in the same or opposite direction?
Describe the convex and concave movement of the glenohumeral joint?
Rolling of convex humeral head upwards, there is a downward sliding of the concave glenoid fossa
T or F: The convex head of the humerus fits perfectly into the concave glenoid fossa.
Since the humerus does not fit perfectly into the glenoid fossa, that means the movement is
Spin as well as rolling and
Since the humerus does not fit perfectly into the glenoid fossa, that prevents impaction between
The humeral head on the acromion and coracocacromial ligament
In flexion and extension of the glenohumeral joint, rotation of the humerus is in what plane around what axis?
Sagittal plane around a coronal axis
In flexion of the glenohumeral joint, the humeral slides and rolls in what direction?
The humeral head slides posteriorly and rolls anteriorly
T or F: In flexion and extension of the glenohumeral joint, it’s primarily a spinning motion
around a fixed point on the
In abduction and adduction of the glenohumeral joint, rotation of the humerus is in what plane around what axis?
Coronal plane around a sagittal axis
In abduction and adduction of the glenohumeral joint, the humeral slides and rolls in what direction?
Convex humeral head rolls up and slides downward on the scapula glenoid fossa
In internal and external rotation of the glenohumeral joint, rotation of the humerus is in what plane around what axis?
Horizontal plane around a vertical axis
T or F: In external rotation of the glenohumeral joint, the humeral head simultaneously
rolls posteriorly and slides
anteriorly on the glenoid fossa
Gravity pulls the humeral head
Downward, encouraging adduction
Ligaments attach
bone to bone
T or F: Ligaments are as strong as tendons with more fibroelastic tissues
What are the three ligaments in the glenohumeral joint?
Glenohumeral Ligament, Coracohumeral Ligament, Coracoacromial Ligament
T or F: The center of the humeral head is centered on the glenoid
cavity throughout the arc of
movement in the glenohumeral joint.
Elevation in the plane of the scapula in the glenohumeral joint permits what 5 movements of the scapula and clavicle?
Upward rotation of the scapula, posterior tilt, and external rotation with clavicular elevation and retraction
T or F: Elevation in the plane of the scapula is approximately 30-45 degrees anterior to the coronal plane
The sternoclavicular joint articulates with what three structures?
The clavical, the manubrium of the sternum, and the first rib cartilage
What are the purpose of intra-articular disks?
They are shock absorbers
What two units create gliding in the sternoclavicular joint?
-Sternal end of the clavicle
-Manubrium of sternum and
first costal cartilage
Functionally, what 3 kinds of joints is the sternoclavicular joint?
Diarthrotic triaxial, incongruous saddle shaped (sellar) joint, double gliding joint or a modified ball and socket joint
What are the three axes of freedom of the sternocalvicular joint?
Elevation and Depression; Protraction and Retraction; Rotation along the
longitudinal axis
During elevation and depression, the sternoclavicular joint is in what plane around what axis?
Coronal plane around a sagittal axis
T or F: In the sternoclavicular joint, during superior-inferior gliding, the axis is oblique through the sternal end of clavicle.
During protraction and retraction, the sternoclavicular joint is in what plane around what axis?
Horizontal plane around a “nearly” vertical axis
T or F: In the sternoclavicular joint, there is anterior-posterior gliding as the disks moves with the clavicle on the manubrium
T or F: Rotation along the
longitudinal axis for the sternoclavicular joint is the accessory motion when humerus is above 90 degrees and
scapula is upward rotation