Exam 2 review Flashcards
What is the customer order decoupling point?
where inventory is positioned to allow entities in the supply chain to operate independently.
What is make to stock?
firms that serve customers from finished goods inventory.
What is an assemble to order firm?
firms that combine a number of preassembled moudles to meet a customers specifications.
What is make to order?
firms that make the customers product from raw materials.
What is engineer to order firm?
firm that will work with the customer to design and then make the product.
What is a project?
product remains in a fixed location.
What is a work center?
similar equipment or functions are grouped together.
What is a manufacturing cell?
a dedicated area where products that are similar in processing requirements are produced.
What is assembly line?
work processes are arranged according to their progressive steps by which the product is made.
What is continous process?
assembly line only the flow is continous such as with liquids.
What is manufacturing process flow design?
A method to evaluate the specfic processes that material follow as they move through the plant.
What is an assembly drawing?
an exploded view of the product showing its compenent parts.
What is an assembly chart?
defined how parts go together their order of assembly and overall flow pattern.
What is a operation and route sheet?
Specifices operations and process routing.
What is process flow chart?
denotes what happens to the product as it progresses through the production facility
What is the service package?
- supporting the facility
- facilitating goods
- information
- explicit services
- implicit serrvices
What is supporting the facility?
the physical resources that must be in place before a service can be offered.
What is facilitating goods?
The material pruchased by the buyer or the items provided by the customer.
What is information in the service package?
data provided by the customer.
What is explict services?
benefits that are observable by the senses.
What is implicit services?
pyschological benefits the customer may sense only vaguely.
How does service design differ from product design?
- Process and producut must be developed simlutanesly.
- Service operations lacks legal protection commnoly available to products. (patents)
- The service package consitutes the major output of the development process
- many parts os the service package are defined by the training indviduals receive.
- Many service organizations can change their service offerings overnight.
What is the service system design matrix?
- mail contact
- Internet and onsite technology.
- phone contact.
- face to face tight specs
- face to face loose specs.
- face to face total customization
- low contact systems work more efficiently high contact systems have high sales opportunity
(1 being low contact 6 being high contact)
What are the three contrasting service designs?
- The production line approach
- the self-service approach
- the personal attention approach
What is the prodcution line approach?
service delivery is treated like manufacturing.
What is the self service approach?
custoemr takes a greater role in the production of a service. This is also known as the ATM machine approach.
What is the personal attention approach?
mass customization.
What are the service guarentees?
- any guarantee is better than no guarantee
- Involve the customer as well as employees in the design
- Avoid complexity or legalistic language
- Do not quibble or wriggle when customer invokes a gurantee
- make it clear that you are happy to invoke the guarentee.
What are the five types of varaibility?
- arrival variability
- request variability
- capability variability
- effort variability
- subjective preference variability
What is arrival variability?
customer arrive at times when there are not enough service providers.
What is request variability?
Travelers requesting a room with a view.
What is capability variability?
A patient being unable to explain symptoms to a doctor.
What is effort variability?
Shoppers not putting up carts.
What is subjective preference variability?
Interpreting service action differently.
How do you apply behavorial science to service encounters?
- the front end and back end of the encounters are not created equal.
- segment the pleasure combine the pain
- let the custoemr contreol the process
- Pay attention to norms and rituals
- people are easier to blame than systems.
- Let the punishment fit the crime in service recovery.
What is cycle time?
the average time between completions of successive units.
What is utilization?
the ratio of the time that a resource is actually being used, relative to the time that it is available to be used.
What is process flowcharting?
The use of a diagram to present the major elements of a process.
What are the bottlenecks?
What is a buffer?
a storage area between stages where the output of a stage is placed prior to being used downstream.
What is blocking?
Occurs when the activites in a stage must stop becuase there is not place to deposit the item.
What is starving?
Occurs when activities in the stage must stop becuase their is not work.
What is inventory turns?
cost of goods sold/ average inventory value.
What is days of supply?
Inverse of inventory turns scaled to days.
What is balking?
Customers decide not to join the queue if the line is too long.
What is renegging?
Customers leave the line prior to recieving service.
What cuases lines when capacity exceeds demand.
Customers demand varying amounts of service.
What is Total quality management (TQM)?
Managing the entire organization so that it excels on all dimensions of proudcts and services that important to the customer.
What is the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award?
An award established by the US department of commerce. Given Annually to companies that excel in quality. The award is administered by the national insitute of standards and technology, as well as the agency of the US department of commerce.
How many MBNQA awards are given anually?
A total of 18 awards may be given annually, in the following categories: manufacuting, service, small business, education, health care, and non profit.
What are the categories for the MBNQA?
- leadership
- strategic planning.
- customer and market focus
- information and analysis
- human resource focus
- process management
- business results
How is scoring done for the baldridge award?
total of 1,000 points. Those with 650 plus points get selected for site visits which decide the final winner.
What is design quality?
The inherent value of the product in the market place.
What is confomance quality?
degree to which prouddct or service design specifications are met.
What are the costs of quality?
appraisel costs- costs of inspection and testing
prevention cost- sum of all costs to prevent defects
internal failure cost- costs for defects incurred within the system
external failure costs- costs for defects that pass through the sytem
What is the six sigma methodlogy?
- define measure analyze and improve and control (DMAIC)
- developed my GE as a means of foucsing effort on quality using methodologial approach
- overall focus is to understand and acheive what the customer wants
- seeks to reduce the variation in the processes that lead to these defects.
What is shingo’s arguement?
- SQC methods do not prevent defects
- defects occur when people make errors
- defects can be prevented bby providing workers with feed back on errors. These feedbacks can be successive check, self check, or source inspection
What are the demisons of design quality?
performance features reliability/durability Aesthetics serviceability perceived quality
What is failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA)
is a structured approach to identify, estimate, prioritize, and evaluate risk of possible failures at each stage in the process
What is the Taguchi Loss function?
Taguchi views costs as increasing as variability increases, so seek to achieve zero defects and that will truly minimize quality costs
What is the concept of process capability?
- Taguchi argues that tolerance is not a yes/no decision, but a continuous function
- Other experts argue that the process should be so good the probability of generating a defect should be very low