Exam 1 review Flashcards
Why is Operations management a transformational process?
You take inputs and through a transformation process create outputs. Take something low value then add value and it becomes high value.
What are the supply chain processes
- making- where will the product be produced
- sourcing- what suppliers should we sue to deliver the goods
- delivering- how will we move products to the warehouses and customers
- planning- how will we coordinate all of this proactively
What is pure good or service?
Something that is strictly a product or service. Ex toilet paper is pure good. Insurance is a pure service.
What is efficency?
Doing something at the lowest possible cost.
What is effectiveness?
Doing the right things to create the most value for the customer
what is value?
the attractiveness of a product relative to its cost.
What are the competitive dimensions?
- price- make the product cheap
- quality- make a great product or delivery a great service
- delivery speed- make the product or deliver the service quickly
- delivery reliability- deliver when promised
- coping with changes it demand- change its volume
- flexibility and new product introduction speed.
what is an order qualifier?
the neccessary atributes a product must have to be entered into competiton. EX must have 16gb of ram.
what is an order winner?
The criteria that differentiates the product and services of one firm to another.
What is the risk mitigation framework?
- identify sources of potential disruptions and asses a type of vulnerability
- assess the potential impact of the risk. here the goal is to quantify the probability and impact of th risk.
- develop plans to mitigate the risk.
What is productivity a measure of?
how well resources are used.
What is the meaning of supply chain risk?
the likelihood of a disruption that would impact the ability of a company to continuously supply products or services.
What is a contract manufacturer
an organization who can manufacture the goods
What is a core competency?
The one thing a company can do better than its competitors
what are the three characteristics of a core competency?
- it provides potiental access to a wide variety of markets
- it increases perceived customer benefits
- its hard for competitors to immitate
What are the brainstorming rules?
- defer judgement
- build on the ideas of others
- stay focused on the topic
- one person at a time
- go for quantity
- encourage wild ideas
- be visual
what are the three R’s of rapid prototyping?
- Rough: it does not have to be perfect
- rapid: bulid models as fast as you can
- right: build lots of models that focus on specific problems
What are the six phases of development?
Phase 0: planning phase 1: concept development Phase 2: system-level design: phase 3: design detail phase 4: testing and refinement phase 5: production ramp up
what is phase 0 planning?
beigns with corporate strategy, includes assesment of techonlogy development and market objectives. Output is the mission statement.
What happens in phase 1
needs of the target market are identified, alternative product conepcts are generated and evaluated. Concpets are put into testing
what is a concept?
a description of the form funciton and features of a product.
what happens in phase 2?
Definition of the product architecture, decomposition of the product into subsystems and components. finally, assembly scheme for production defined.
What happens in phase 3?
identify parts that need to be purchased from suppliers. Complete specification of geometry materials and tolerances for all parts. A process plan is established, and tooling is designed.
What happens in phase 4?
Contruction and evaluation of preproduciton versions of a product. Protoypes are tested to determine if the prodcut will work as designed.
What happens in phase 5?
Product is made using intented production system, train workers to resolve any remaining problems. Products may be supplied to preferred customers for evaluation.
What are the generic variants of the product development process?
- Generic (market pull)
- Technology-push products
- Platform products
- process-intensive products
- customized products
- high-risk products
- complex systems
What is generic Market pull?
Begins with market opportunity and team selects appropraite technology to meet customer needs. Ex sporting goods, furniture, tools.
What is technology-push products?
Firm begins with new technology and looks for market. Ex goretex rain wear.
What is platform products?
built around a prexisting technological subsytem: consumer electronics, printers computers
what is process intensive products?
Production process that has an impact on the properties of the product. snack foods chemicals, semi conductors.
What is customized products?
new products that are a slight variations of existing products. ex motors swithces batteries
what is high risk products?
techincal or market uncertainities create high risks of failure. Ex pharemecuticals, space systems.
What is quick bulid products?
rapid modeling and prototyping enables many desing build test cycles. Software, celluar phones.
What is value analysis/ value engineering?
the purpose is to simplify products and processes. objective is to acheive better performance at a lower cost while maintaining all funictioanl requirments defined by customer.
what are the two apporaches of designing products for manufcature and assembly?
tradtional approach: we design it you builit it.
concurrent approach: let’s work together simultanesously.
Where does the greatest improvments arise from in designing for maunfacturing and assembly?
simplication of the product by reducin gnumber of sperate parts.
What is ecodesign?
consdering the envirment when designing a product. ex grocery bags that are biodegradeable.
Why is service design different?
direct customer involvement introduces significant varaiblility into the process.
What are the ree general factors for determing fit?
- Service experience fit- the new service should fit inot current service experience for the customer
- operational fit- existing processes should be able to support the operation of the new service.
- financial impact- introducing new service should be financially justified.
What are the perfomance measures for development projects?
- time to market- frquency of new product introductions
- productivity- engineering hours per project, and cost of materials and tooling per project.
- quality- reliablity in use, performance and customer satisfaction.
What is a pure project?
team works full time on the project
what is a functional project?
responsibility for the project lies within one area of the firm employees ussually work part time.
What is a matrix project?
A blend of pure and funictional project structures. people from different areas work on project possibility part time.
What are the advantages of a pure project?
- project manager has full authority
- team members report to one boss
- shortened communicaiton lines
- team pride, motivation, and comitment are high
what are the disadvantages of a pure project?
- duplicaiton of resources
- organizational goals and policies are ignored
- lack of technology transfer
- team members have no functional “home”
what are the advantages of a functional project?
- team members can work on multiple projects
- technical expertise maintained in functional area
- functional are is home after project completed
- critical mass of specialized knowledge
What are the disadvantages of a funcitonal project?
- aspects of the project that are not directly related to the funcitonal area get short changed
- motivation is often weak
- needs of clients are secondary and responded to slowly
What are the advantages of a matrix project?
- better communication between functional areas
- project manager held responsible for success
- duplicaiton of resources is minimized
- funcitonal home for team members
- policies of parent organization are followed
what are the disadvantages of a matrix project?
- too many boses
- depends on project mangers negotiating skills
- potiential for sub optimization
what is earned value management (EVM)?
a technique for measuring project progress in an object ive manner
what are the essential features of any EVM implementation?
- a project plan that identifies the activities to be accomplished
- a vlaution of each activity work
- pre defined earning or costing rules to quanitify the accomplisment of the work.
What is capacity?
an attainable rate of output
What are the capacity planning time durations?
- long range- greater than one year
- intermediate-range- monthly or quarterly plans for the next 6-18 months
- short range- less than one month
what are economies of scale?
as a plant gets larger, the average cost per unit drops
what are the diseconomies of scales
plant becomes to large
What is a focused factory?
only produces one good or services
what is a PWP plant within a plant
a smaller plant that creates a seperate focus from main factory.
what is the best operating level?
capacity for which the process was designed. Calculated by capacity utilization rate.
What are the two types of learning?
individual learning and organizaitonal learning
what is individual learning?
improvment that results when people repeat a process and gain skilll and efficency from own experience.
what is organizaitonal learning?
comes from changes in administration, equipment and product design.
What are some ways to facilitate indvidual learning?
Proper selection of workers Proper training Motivation Work specialization Do one or very few jobs at a time Use tools that support performance Provide quick and easy access for help Allow workers to help redesign tasks
What are some ways to facilitate orgnizaitonal learning
An organization also acquires knowledge in its technology, its structure, documents it retains, and standard operating procedures
Knowledge can also be embedded in the organizational structure
Knowledge can depreciate if individuals leave the organization
Knowledge can depreciate if technologies become inaccessible or difficult to use