Exam 2 Quiz Questions Flashcards
Ossification of the ligamentum flavum at the attachment site on the lamina will be associated with which classification of bone?
Accessory bone
Ossification within the length of the ligamentum flavum will be associated with which classification of bone?
Heterotopic bone
The greatest transverse diameter of the typical cervical vertebra occurs at____?
The greatest frequency of osteophytes associated with the vertebral body occurs at which typical vertebral couple?
What muscles may attach to the posterior tubercle of a typical cervical vertebra?
- Splenius cervicis
- Iliocostalis cervicis
- Longissimus cervicis
- Levator scapulae
- Middle scalene
- Posterior scalene
- Rotators
- Posterior intertransverse
What muscles will attach to the costotransverse bar?
- Middle scalene
- Posterior intertransverse
What is the orientation and angulation of a typical cervical transverse process?
60 degrees anterolaterally (from midsagittal plane), 15 degrees inferiorly (from horizontal plane)
What will cause remodeling of the anterior tubercle at C6?
The common carotid artery
What will occupy the typical cervical vertebra transverse foramen?
- Vertebral artery
- Vertebral venous plexus
- Postganglionic sympathetic motor nerve fibers
What is the classic angulation of typical cervical articular facets?
40-45 degrees from the coronal plane
What is the orientation of the typical cervical superior articular facet?
backward, upward, medial (BUM)
What is the orientation of the typical cervical inferior articular facet?
forward, lateral, downward (FoLD)
What muscles will attach to the typical cervical superior articular facet?
- Longissimus capitis
- Longissimus cervicis
- Semispinalis capitis
- Semispinalis cervicis
- Multifidis
- Rotators
What muscles will blend with the capsular ligament of cervical zygapophyses?
- Semispinalis capitis
- Multifidis
- Rotator longus
What modifications of the synovial joint are observed in the cervical spine?
Meniscoidal folds
The greatest range of flexion-extension among the typical cervical vertebrae occurs at which vertebral couple?
Typically C5/C6
What motions are coupled in the cervical spine?
Lateral bending and axial rotation
Ranges of couple motion among the typical cervical vertebrae will begin to decrease at what cervical vertebral couple?
The C5/C6 vertebral couple
What is the usual condition for the African-American typical cervical spinous process?
They are non-bifid
What muscles may attach to the typical cervical spinous process?
- Spinalis cervicis
- Semispinalis cervicis
- Semispinalis thoraces
- Multifidis
- Rotators
- Interspinalis
What joint classifications are observed on the anterior arch of C1?
- Fibrous (amphiarthrosis) syndesmosis
- Synovial (diarthrosis) trochoid
What is the orientation of the superior articular facet of C1?
backward, upward, medial (BUM)
What is the joint classification of the atlanto-occipital zygapophysis?
Synovial (diarthrosis) ellipsoidal joint
What are the morphological characteristics of the inferior articualr facet of C1?
Asymmetrical, slightly concave or flattened
What is the classification of the inferior articular facet of C1?
backward, medial, downward (BMD)
What is the joint classification of the atlanto-axial zygapophysis?
Synovial (diarthrosis) arthrodia joint
What muscles attach to the lateral mass of C1?
- Levator scapula
- Splenius cervicis
- Rectus capitis anterior
What is the distance from the posterior tubercle of the posterior arch to the skin in each gender?
Males: about 50 mm
Females: about 47 mm