Exam 2 -- questions Flashcards
where does heme synthesis occur
partly in mitochondria, partly in cytosol of liver and bone marrow
where does fa degradation occur
where does gluconeogenesis occur
first part in mitochondria, then in cytosol. (last step only possible in liver)
where does PPP occur
liver, adrenal cortex, lactating tissues, RBCs
PTL: dietary TG to MAG and glycerol
LPL: TGs in CMs to MAG and glycerol for adipocyte take up
HSL: hydrolyzes adipocyte TG to free fa’s
CM vs VLDL vs LDL vs HDL
CM: dietary TGs in small intestine–>tissues
VLDL: endogenous TGs in liver –> tissues
LDL: made from depleted CM/VLDL, goes to tissues, only one that enters cells (receptor mediated endocytosis)
HDL: returns tissue chol to liver for degradation
how are odd chain fa broken down?
propionyl CoA (3C) –> succinyl CoA. uses cofactors biotin and B12. Uses ATP.
how much energy is obtained in ONE round of beta-oxidation?
make 1 FAD --> 2 ATP make 1 NAD --> 3 ATP make 1 ACoA --> 12 ATP lose 2 ATP in making acyl-CoA total= 15 ATP
what are the lipogenic enzymes:
- ACoA carboxylase
- fa synthesis
- citrate lyase
- malic enzyme
- dehydrogenase in PPP
how/where does fa chain elongation occur?
- ER membrane
- acyl-Coa donates 2C units to carboxy terminus of malonyl CoA
how/where are double bonds added into fa’s?
- ER membrane
- accomplished by desaturases (9, 6, 5)
sphingolipid synthesis pathway
All derived from sphingosine.
(+fa) = ceramide
(+phosphotidyl choline) = sphingomyelin
OR ceramide + carb = glycosphingolipid
(Kaiser 5)
cellular control of chol synthesis?
inc chol activates protease, protease releases SREBP from ER, goes to nucleus to activate SRE. SRE now activates HMGCoa and LDL receptor production
KB synthesis pathway
2 ACoA –> acetoacetyl CoA –>3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl CoA –>acetoacetate–>acetone or 3-hydroxybutyrate
leptin vs ghrelin
leptin: produced by adipocytes, dec appetite, inc caloric expenditure
ghrelin: produced by stomach, inc appetite