Exam 2: Pulmonary Flashcards
Observation pieces of pulmonary assessment:
Rate/pattern/effort of breathing Tracheal position Thorax expansion Skin/soft tissue appearance Trach scar/stoma
Bronchial breath sounds are normally heard:
In the tracheobronchial tree
Trachea, R sternoclavicular
Characteristics of bronchial breath sounds:
I/E components equal with a pause between
Higher pitch, louder
Vesicular breath sounds are normally heard:
In the lung tissue
Characteristics of vesicular breath sounds:
Lower pitched and softer
Expiration shorter than inspiration without a pause between breath sounds
Consolidation sounds like:
Low pitched bronchial breathing
Cavitary disease sounds like:
High pitched bronchial breathing
Three adventitious sounds:
Seven appropriate candidates for PFTs:
COPD Smokers with persistent cough Wheezing/dyspnea on exertion Morbid obesity Thoracic surgery Open upper abdominal surgery > 70 y/o
Two categories of PFT:
Abnormalities of gas exchange (ABG, pulse ox, capnography)
Mechanical dysfunction of lungs/chest wall (spirometry)
Normal %s of volume & flow in spirometry:
Volume: 80-120% of predicted
Flow: 80% of predicted
Examples of obstructive lung disease:
Examples of restrictive lung disease:
NM disease
Normal vital capacity result:
> 80% of predicted value
Type of disease that affects VC:
Restrictive diseases ↓ VC
Interpretation of FVC results:
80-120% Normal
70-79% Mild
50-69% Moderate
FVC measures:
Resistance to flow; max inspiration with forced expiration
FEV1 measures:
Volume of air forcefully expired from full inspiration in the 1st second
Interpretation of % FEV1/FVC:
> 75% Normal
60-75% Mild
50-59% Moderate