Exam 1: Airway Assessment Flashcards
PPV pressure limit for LMAs:
10cm H2O
Examples of patients who almost certainly need an ETT:
Indications for mask case
Short, easy case Small patient Easy airway Surgeon does not need head/neck access No airway bleeding/secretions No position changes
Broad categories of questions to ask about airway hx:
Previous anesthesia, esp. if airway mgmt needed
Difficulty w/ anesthesia or intubation (incl. severe sore throat, dental damage)
Co-existing disease
Surgical hx
Diseases that can affect airway management:
Laryngeal lesions Thyroid disease Cancer GERD Diabetes OSA Obesity RA Scleroderma
Surgical hx that may affect airway mgmt:
Neck dissection
Cervical fusion
Normal mouth opening distance:
> 4cm
> 2 FB
Full ROM for flexion/extension:
Structures visible in Mallampati Class I:
Entire uvula
Pillars & fauces
Soft and hard palate
Structures visible in Mallampati Class II:
Uvula (not tip)
Soft and hard palate
Structures visible in Mallampati Class III:
Base of uvula
Soft and hard palate
Structures visible in Mallampati Class IV:
Hard palate only
Five strong predictors of a difficult airway:
Obesity Decreased ROM Decreased jaw movement Receding mandible Buck teeth
Pre-op airway documentation should include (5):
Dentition Cervical ROM Mallampati class Thyromental distance Mouth opening
Post-intubation documentation should include (4):
Equipment used (successfully and unsuccessfully)
Hemodynamic/respiratory changes
Post-extubation documentation should include (4):
Loose teeth intact/not
Airway patency
Airway maneuvers used