Exam 2 Psych Flashcards
Unconditioned Stimulus (US)
input to a reflex
Unconditioned Response (UR)
output of reflex
Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
initially results in investigatory response, then habituation; after conditioning, results in CR
Conditioned Response (CR)
response to CS; measure amplitude, probability, latency
Before training
US -> UR; CS -> no relevant response
After training
US -> UR; CS -> CR
Strength of conditioned response increases after…
increased number of reinforcement trials
Conditioned response declines and disappears over trials without unconditioned stimulus
extinction is due to…
the buildup of inhibition
spontaneous recovery
after rest interval, extinguished conditioned response reappears at almost previous strength, and extinguishes faster next time
spontaneous recovery is due to…
the dissipation of inhibition
Amount of saliva decreases because of…
increase in unreinforced trials
What kind of responses are involved in conditioning?
closeness in time is basis of acquisition of conditioned reflex
optimal time interval
this interval between the CS and US differs depending on particular response being conditioned; number of trials required for conditioning varies too
More intense conditioned stimulus leads to…
a greater conditioned response
What happens in higher order conditioning?
- establish conditioned stimulus (bell -> salivation)
- new conditioned stimulus is paired with old conditioned stimulus without unconditioned stimulus (tone paired with bell but no food-> salivation)
- eventually, new conditioned stimulus is established without unconditioned stimulus (tone -> salivation)
In higher order conditioning the unconditioned stimulus acts as _________ for conditioned reflex
In higher order conditioning a CS acts like a _________ ________ (“__________ _______”)
unconditioned stimulus; secondary reinforcer
similar stimuli produce similar responses; new stimulus similar to conditioned stimulus also produces conditioned response
different stimuli produce different responses; train “CS+” (high tone with unconditioned stimulus) and “CS-“ (low tone w/o US): result is CR to CS+ but not to CS-
Is the conditioned response the same as the unconditioned response?
no, the conditioned response may be preparatory response for unconditioned stimulus
What happens when a mouse experiences a CS tone -> US shock -> UR fast heartbeat, breathing
then in the next trial, CS tone -> CR slower heartbeat, breathing
What happens when a mouse experiences a CS injection -> US morphine -> UR less pain
then in the next trial, CS injection -> CR more pain sensitivity
What was Pavlov’s view of learning?
conditioned stimulus- conditioned reflex
What is the modern view of learning?
conditioned stimulus- unconditioned stimulus association, such that the conditioned stimulus provides info about the unconditioned stimulus
does conditioning with the unconditioned stimulus before the conditioned stimulus work?
Law of Effect
response is automatically strengthened when followed by reinforcement; automatically weakened when followed by punishment
In operant conditioning, reinforcement depends on what?
the response
in classical conditioning, reinforcement…
comes regardless (unconditioned stimulus)
Operant response is…
emitted and voluntary
Classical conditioning response is…
elicited and involuntary
What is learned in operant conditioning?
a behavior
what is learned in classical conditioning?
a signal (CS -> US)
Through what mechanism is operant conditioning learned?
Law of Effect: consequences (time out)
Through what mechanism is classical conditioning learned?
The Skinner box…
had many responses, took little time and effort, and was easily recorded
In Skinners experiments, the response rate was the…
dependent variable
What was the independent variable in Skinner’s experiments?
the schedule of reinforcement
________ always increases the rate of responding
_______ reinforcement delivers appetitive stimulus
_______ reinforcement removes aversive stimulus
_______ decreases the rate of responding
discriminative stimulus
indicates under what circumstances response will be reinforced
Stimulus does not cause ______, or signal reinforcement, it _________ for response
response; sets occasion
In operant conditioning, what is the parallel to a conditioned response
operant response
In operant conditioning, what is the parallel to a unconditioned stimulus
In operant conditioning, what is the parallel to a the conditioned stimulus
discriminative stimulus
How does the order change between classical and operant conditioning?
in classical the reinforcement is before the response; in operant the response is before the reinforcement
How does something get to be a conditioned reinforcer
through classical conditioning
partial reinforcement effect
reinforcing only some trials produces even stronger responses than reinforcing all trials
What are the different schedules of reinforcement?
interval, ratio, fixed, variable
continuous reinforcement
all responses get reinforced
Interval schedule
reinforce next response after some time interval (fixed and variable)
fixed interval
time is fixed; rat gets food pellet for next bar press 30 seconds after last pellet
variable interval
time is average; rat gets food after 20, 40, 25, 35 seconds (average of 30 seconds)
Ratio schedule
reinforcement after some number of responses
fixed ratio
ratio is fixed; rat gets food pellet for every 10th bar press
variable ratio
ratio is average; rat gets food pellet after 8, 12, 15, 5 responses (10th response average)
differential reinforcement of successive approximations to desired response (can produce a response the animal would never have made spontaneously on its own)
linking responses into long sequence allows training of very complex behaviors
________ not contiguity is what matters in classical conditioning
Robert Rescorla
expert on what it takes to make a signal work (more than just contiguity)
how the unconditioned stimulus depends on the conditioned stimulus; Probability of unconditioned stimulus in presence of conditioned stimulus” relative to “probability of unconditioned stimulus in absence of conditioned stimulus”
What did Pavlov think about contingency?
contingency is confounded with contiguity
biological preparedness to make certain associations
What did Pavlov assume about belongingness?
all associations are arbitrary; contiguity causes conditioning
Garcia Effect
special facility for learning taste aversion (taste-illness association)- difficult for classical conditioning
Why is the Garcia Effect difficult for classical conditioning?
- association established in one trial
- up to 24 hrs between CS and US
- very resistant to extinction
flow of information in memory
stimulus -> STM -> rehearsal -> LTM
What are the two kinds of rehearsal?
maintenance and elaborative
maintance rehearsal
holds info in STM
elaborative rehearsal
moves info into LTM
How to reduce recency?
delay between 20th word and recall
How to reduce primacy?
present words faster
Short term memory is…
phonological- based on speech sounds confuse “boat” with “coat”
Long term memory is…
semantic- based on meaning confuse “boat” with “ship”
An excitatory CS-US connection builds up to its maximum strength during…
the acquisition phase of classical conditioning
During the ______ phase, an inhibitory CS-US connection builds up, tending to prevent the CR
When the strength of the inhibitory CS-US connection becomes ______ to the strength of the excitatory connection, extinction is complete and no CR occurs
During a rest period, the inhibitory CS-US connection weakens and disappears, but the excitatory connection does not- this is called…
Dissipation of inhibition- spontaneous recovery