Exam 2 Power Point Flashcards
What can affect protein , ketones and specific gravity in urine ?
Dehydration/ warm climate/caffeine
Teach moms to stay hydrated
Softening of consistency of uterus
Hegars sign
Bluish color of cervix, vagina , labia from increased blood flow
Chadwick’s sign
Four most important vitamins in pregnancy
Folic acid
How many calories to increase in pregnancy?
What foods should pregnant patients not eat?
Undercooked foods Fish Sushi Unwashed fruits and veggies Unpasteurized dairy
Protein sources?
Calcium ?
Folic acid?
Meat , eggs
Cheese, oj, yogurt , beans
Liver , meat, cereals, bread
Leafy greens , asparagus, (tea interferes) broccoli, citrus fruits
Term infants born Preterm infants born Aborted infants Living children Multiple births
Multi Gravita
Someone who has been pregnant once
Never preganant
Multiple preganancys
How to treat heart burn
Milk, tums, calcium based antacid
With implantation often comes what?
Fhr is detectable with a Doppler at weeks
After week ?, blood through the placenta to fetus is established
Bladder is where in relation to uterus ?
Below cervix and uterus
Crammed by baby head and puts pressure on bladder
When is implantation?
First week after fertilization
Movement of Low concentration to high concentrations
Transfusion of particles
Spontaneous passive transport
- fetal circulation works by these ?
Facilitated transport
When is circulation of blood to fetus established?
4th week of pregnancy
Advantages of birthing centers ?
Lower cost
More say in care
Less c sections and forceps use
Anyone can attend
D- Screening of who is eligible May need transportation to hospital if complications occur No pediatrician No rest - early discharge
Advantages of hospital birth
Have all equipment if needed c section
Around the clock help for mother/baby
Disadvantages- Less privacy Less say in care Increase risk of c section and forceps birth Illness occurs there Impersonal Routine separation with mother Not much rest Rules / policies
Miscarriage symptoms
Fluids, blood, tissue passing from vagina , pain in belly or lower back , feeling sad , grief
Macrosomnia complications
Labor problems (wedged) Genital lacerations Bleeding after delivery Large new born 90 percentile Decreased bs Respiratory distress syndrome
Types of miscarriage?
Threatened -
Threatened - little bleeding but stops
Inevitable - dilation of cervix, bleeding, cramping
Complete - delivers fetus and placenta
Incomplete - just fetus delivery and not placenta
Missed- baby dies in utero
What is a boggy uterus ?
Reasons for it ?
Not firm (soft) massage to contract
Uterine atony and adenomyosis (grows into uterine wall)
Deviated uterus
Reasons ?
Cut in half
Genetic , labor , pelvic surgery
Fundus assessment
One hour after delivery to check if it is firm I
A condition in which one or both tested fail to descend ?
Stages of labor ?
Early labor :
- Time of onset of labor until 3cm
- 3cm-7cm
- 7cm till 10cm
Post op care for hernia ?
Don’t shower for 2 days
Keep wound dry
Sponge bath
Need of sutures or staples
Post op care or appendectomy?
Vital signs Manage pain Monitor GI status S&S of infection Antibiotics Mobility
A buildup of fluid in cavities deep within the brain causing the headache and in large to head
Precautions to take ?
Keep head and neck safe, safety equipment, helmets, surgery for shunt to drain fluid
S/S of respiratory distress?
Severe SOB, unable to breathe on own with out ventilator
Treatment for heart burn
Milk, tums
Priority assessment before epidural?
Bp, bladder scan
Prenatal teaching about contractions ?
May have them through out pregnancy . May not even notice
What can cause IGUr?
What to report to dr.?
WT gain, ruptured membrane , vision changes, headache, contractions become regular or painful , diarrhea, lack of fetal movement after rest for 1 hour
Gestational diabetes increased risk of ?
Polyhydrinos (too much amniotic fluid)
Still born
Immature fetal lungs
Respiratory problems
Painful dark red bleeding
Board like abs - may need emergency c- section
Abruption of placenta
Thinning of cervix
Preterm is considered before ?
Post term?
37 weeks
After 42 weeks
If infant has high pulse in womb do what?
Turn mom on left side and call nurse
Time amount color Oder
Pitocin contractions should be closer than how long?
Two to 3 min
Breasts/ feeding
Uterus - midnline of abs
Bladder - empty
Bowel - move for dc
Lochia- vag discharge after delivery
Rubra- 3 days red
Serosa- pink mucus 10 days
Alba- colorless clear 10-21 days after
Episiotomy- incision to make vag bigger
Homans sign - don’t do
Emotional support - depression assessment
Vegetarian and Vegas should eat more what?
Foods in vit b such as cereal and bread
How many calories needed for breast feeding ?
What to assess in baby?
Palate Moving Extremities Penis Vagina Hip checks Tone Nemo thorax
Extrophogy of bladder
On outside
When does appetite decrease and slower growth
School age
Therapeutic nursing tip
Don’t tell something they are not asking