Exam 1 Flashcards
Provide basic legal protection for those who assisted person who is injured or in danger
Good Samaritan act
Federal law that guarantees certain employees up to 12 work weeks of unpaid leave each year with no threat of job loss
What are the benefits of breast-feeding for the baby?
Contains antibodies that help your baby fight off viruses and bacteria
(Increases immunity )
Increases IQ
Lowers your babies risk of having asthma or allergies
Have fewer ear infections , Respiratory illness, diarrhea
Reduces SIDS, air ingestion, and obesity
No contamination
The process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming ones right
6 rights to med administration
Right person, dose , time, route, documentation, drug
Normal vital signs for newborn
Infant 1-12 m
Toddler 1-3 y
Preschooler 3-5y
School age 6-12
Adolescents- 13 +
Fetus : 110-160 pulse
Infant: p- 110-160 R- 36-60 T-96.8-99.0
Toddlers: p- 90-140 R-25-40
Children- p- 60-100 R- 16-30
Teens- p- 60-100 R- 12-20 (athletes lower) bp- 90-120/50-80
What does folic acid do for pregnancy ?
Helps prevent neural tube defects serious birth defects of spinal cord and brain
Minors are no longer considered to be under the care and control of parents — instead they take responsibility for their own care
Varys from state to state
Emancipated minor
Born too early or to have low birth weight
Can cause SIDS
Smoking during pregnancy
May have problems to baby’s vision , hearing , memory, attention span, abilities to learn and communicate due to this
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Therapeutic communication in toddlers /children
Speak honestly , allow choices as appropriate (guided choices)
Use simple concrete terms
Use play or story telling , games to communicate
Transitional objects or third party approaches
Allow to express their fears and concerns
Give opportunity to talk with out parent
Setting that enhances communication
Make sure they feel comfortable
Communicate appropriately for age and development
Pain assesment for children ?
FACES scale (Wong baker pain assesment scale)
Vaccine for HPV and schedule
2 doses 6-12 months apart before 15 years old
Can prevent genital cancer /warts
CDC recommends 3 dose series from 11-26
Pain fever medication for children
Vaccine schedule for children
Infants 6 months - 9 years
Hep b- birth-one dose. 1-2months- 2doses 6- 18 months 3 doses
Rotavirus- 2-6 months
Tdap, tetanus-2-6months, 15-18months, 4-6 Years
Hib - 2-6 months, 12-15 months
PCV- 2-6m, 12-15m
IPV-2-18m, 4-6years
Influenza - 6 months - annual
Mmr- 12-15m 4-6 years
Varicella - 12-15m, 4-6 years
HepA- 12-23months
HPV - 11-12 years 3 doses
Mennicoccil- 11-12 years, 16-18 years
Benefits of vaccinating children
Immunizations can save your life
Vaccination is very safe and effective
Immunization protects others you care about
Immunizations can save your family time and money
Immunization protects future generations
IM injection site math probs
Ventril laterus (thigh) for infants
Deltoid for older children
Healthy ppl 2020 - strategies to reduce risks - maternal, infant, and children
Early identification of potentiontal risks or harm to fetus
Treatment of development decreases disabilities and other health conditions and can prevent death .
Appropriate meds to take
Healthy diet/ exercise to prevent complications
Folic acid prior to pregnancy as well as during
What age can an infant sit steadily alone ?
6-8 months
What to know about the skin medications for infants ?
Baby’s absorb too much
Pediatric pts have thin stratum carneum that allows topical medications to be absorbed easily
What to do with temper tantrums and toddlers ?
Ignore them- they are normal
Car safety for an 18 month 24 pound infant ?
Rear face middle of back seat
Erickson’s stages of development
Infant - 18 m 18-3- 3-5 5-13 13-21 21-39 40-65 65 and older
Trust vs mistrust
Autonomy vs shame and doubt
Initiative vs guilt
Industry vs inferiority
Identity vs role confusion
Intimacy vs isolation
Generativity vs stagenation
Ego integrity vs despair
Eye sight function of new born ?
8-12 inches away. Nearsighted blurry shapes 20/200 20/400
Newborns immune system ?
Have immunity from mother for the first 3 months. Then they begin to develop on their own
Excessive admiration for someone. Ex. Behaved better for company then parents
Hero worship
What position to place new born on ?
Sleep on back . Supine
How much should an infant weigh by 6 months ?
13-20 pounds
They double their weight in first 6 months
Why Sensory motor stimulation is important in first year of development ?
Activities to recommend?
Because for a baby to fully develop all five senses should be stimulated .
0-2m cuddle rock, 3-5 cradle swing , 6-9 m feel textures , 10-12 push pull toys and activity boxes
Benefits of breast feeding for mom?
Uses 200-500 cal/day
Decrease hemorrhage risk, uterine, breast, and ovarian cancers
Doesn’t allow others to feed baby
Hard to maintain supply /cost
Who is breast feeding recommended by and for how long?
One year minimum
How can you make patients feel empowered in care?
Make them feel capable, welcome, and include family in care, make decisions in care, accommodations to family
Nursing actions regarding confidentiality and children ?
Develop trust
Tell them they must tell parents about care unless STI/pregnancy/abortion/drug abuse/contraceptive care
Know custodial issues ( who to give info to)
Drug categories
A- A-ok to take
B- be mindful
C- see your dr first for other options (consider risks to fetus)
D- don’t take w out dr consent (only given in life threatening situations)
X- x-nay on the drug big NO
Teen suicide nursing actions/ interventions?
What’s your plan ?
Who are your friends in school ?
What are your fav classes
What are your hobbies?
What makes you upset?
(Ask about social life)
When do infants sit alone?
6-8 months
Best way to prevent infection?
Hand washing
Risk for ear infections?
Cleft palate
Evastachian tunes are shorter, wider, straighter
Ear canal is more pliable cold flu or allergy
Medication administration to infant
Support/ elevate head shoulders
Press chin with thumb to open mouth
Slowly insert med along the side of infants mouth
Allow time for swallowing
Give in vastus lateralis /thigh
Never give in butt
No more than 1ml
Soothe them when done
Appropriate tasks by age?
Toddler can make bed/- simple house hold chores
Preschoolers - setting table , sorting colors in laundry , pick up toys
School aged- loading washer, dryer , take out trash , care for pets
Teen- mow/rake the lawn
How many servings of food to offer toddlers?
1 table spoon per age
Appropriate interventions when dealing with aggression/ tantrums in children?
Ignore tantrum if actions are not dangerous to child’s safety
Car seat safety by age/weight ?
Rear facing infant-2 years
Front facing 2-5 years 20-30 pounds
5 years booster seat 40 pounds
4ft 9 inches tall for seat belt
Children and sleep- what’s recommended ?
Toddlers - 11-14 hours
Preschoolers - 10-13
School aged- 10-13
8-12 hours adolescentents
Need regularity, naps , and bedtimes
Normal thinking in children age (preschool vs school aged)
Preschoolers - animism and magical thinking, speaks honestly
School aged - wants explanations and reasons why
Reassurance needed and concerned about body integrity
Normal development for 18 months?
Drink from cup
Eat with spoon
Knows simple things and says several words
Shakes head yes or no
Temper tantrums
Safety hazards for toddlers ?
Small pieces on toys
Look for warnings on toys
Poisoning , falls, suffocation’s, aspiration, motor vehicle injury, burns.
Keep hazardous house hold items out of reach such as laundry detergent/chemicals /sharp objects /knifes
Normal growth for teen boys vs girls?
Girls go through puberty sooner Than boys
Boys will catch up around 9th grade
Eating patterns in teen boys and girls
They eat more because they are going through puberty
Preventing childhood obesity?
Encourage play, limit tv, junk food, do not make them eat when not hungry, do not offer dessert as reward , encourage water intake , no fast food
Children and nutrition?
Encourage to eat all types of foods - they eat what you put in front of them.
Do not only give them one type of food if picky eater due to improper nutrition
Encourage to drink water
Discussion with preschoolers ?
Use simple words when communicating
Show respect and encouragement - praise
Turn taking ?
Med administration to children ?
Recline , our on back of tounge, be patient , don’t mix in juice or water, don’t restrain, reward if possible