exam 2 outline 5 kingdom monera Flashcards
bacteria eukaryotic or prokaryotic simple complex structural system true or false -has a nucleus -no membrane enclosed organells - DNA circular not linear - has no mitosis or meiosis reproduction is mostly sexual by binary fission how is a ring of DNA replicated
- prokaryotes are bacteria
- structurally very simple (morphological features)
- metabolically complex (chemical reaction inside cells)
1) no nucleus
2) no membrane enclosed organelles
3) DNA is circular not linear
4) no mitosis or meiosis- cells are not distinguished by haploid or diploid
5) reproduction is mostly asexual by binary fission - ring of DNA is replicated than cell pinches in two
- cells are not distinguished by haploid or diploid
spherical or round
Spirilla =
spiral, comma, cork-skrew
-Gram stain
- developed in 1884
- different types of cell walls will stain differently depending on there structure
- gram positive purple
- gram negative pink/red
what is the capsule
capsule is the sticky layer of polysaccharide or protein that surrounds the cell wall of many prokaryotes
- allows prokaryotes to adhere to their substrate or other individuals in a colony - also protects from dehydration
what does a Endospore do?
what does a endospore produce?
- some bacteria have the ability to produce an endospore
-protects copy of the chromosomes that are in the middle or the end of the cell
-survival structure
-can resist extreme heat
-can resist drying out or dehydration
-many chemicals
-can survive for decades centuries
Produces new identical cell (when conditions are right)
Example clostridium botulinum
-endospores produces deadly toxins
what is a Frimbriae
Hair like appendage that some prokaryotes use to stick to their substrate or one another
nitrogen metabolism
1)complex nitrogen requiring organisms
-most prokaryotes and all eukaryotes require nitrogen in a form other than gas in the atmosphere
2) nitrogen-fixing bacteria
-Atmospheric nitrogen gas can be converted into ammonium(useable form of nitrogen) only by certain member of monera
-called nitrogen fixing
Example: Nostoc (cyanobacteria)
ooo0ooo photosynthetic small heterocyte nitrogenic
oxygen metabolism aerobic vs anerobic
Aerobic need oxygen to grow
Anaerobic poisend by oxygen
eubacteria(Eu=True) general charecteristics
- cell walls composed of peptidoglycan; rather than cellulose or chitin found in eukaryotic cell walls
- some are photosynthetic and with this they use bacteriochlorophyll (does not produce oxygen)
cyanobacteria (cyano blue-green)
features of cyanobacteria
Features of cyanobacteria
- typical eubacterial cell walls
- cells are much larger than eubacteria
- all species are photosynthetic using chlorophyll A ; producing oxygen in the process
- possess phycobilin’s, photosynthetic accessory pigment producing bluish color
three major differences between archea and other bacteria
structure wide range of cell wall types
habitat high heat and high salt
bacteriorhodopsin (photosynthesis) that doesnt produce oxygen
three main types of archea
extreme paleophiles
extreme thermophiles
produce methane gas
- all obligate anaerobes
- 30% of atmospheric methane comes from methanogens in animals called ruminants(cow)
- important decomposers at sewage treatment plants