Exam 2 Notes Flashcards
Ch. 5-7
Which statement best describes the traditional ideal of Roman women in child rearing?
women nursed their children and personally took care of them, refusing to delegate maternal duties
During the Struggle of the Orders, the plebians’ leverage stemmed from their…….
importance to the army
The lives of Cato the Elder and Scipio Aemilianus illustrate……
the changes that resulted from Roman conquests
The Second Triumvirate was composed of which three prominent figures?
Octavian, Mark Antony, and Lepidus
In demanding the Laws of the Twelve Tables, which goal were the plebians attempting to achieve?
Codification and publication of the law code
Which Roman general of the late republic brought his legions across the Rubicon River as a sign of opposition to the Senate and the proconsul Pompey?
Julius Caesar
How did Rome draw the rest of the Italian states into a “partnership”?
In return for manpower and taxes, it shared full citizenship with many of its oldest allies and partial citizenship with other states
Which factors hindered Hannibal from winning areas near Rome in central Italy?
the loyalty of Rome’s Italian allies
Rome’s location provided which advantage?
the Tiber River provided a constant source of water
In 494 B.C.E., tribunes were established, who were…….
magistrates elected by the plebeians
The Carthaginians responded to Rome’s seziure of Sardinia and Corsica by….
expanding their holdings in Spain
Which statement is true about Roman beliefs on slavery?
it was a misfortune the befell some and was a normal outcome of expansion
The following quote from Ovid identifies the importance of which special rituals and ceremonies in Roman society? “The spirits of the dead ask for little. They are more grateful for piety than for an expensive gift.”
honoring deceased family members
“To them leisure, riches - otherwise desirable - proved to be burdens and torments. So at first money, then desire for power grew great. These things were a sort of cause of all evils.” This quote from Sallust complains about which aspect of Roman development?
the acquisition of an empire
In handling legal cases involving both Romans and foreigners, the consuls and praetors developed a body of law in which all sides were to be treated equally known as …….
law of the peoples, or ius gentium
Most people in the expanding Roman Republic……
lived in the countryside
Under Roman law, women could …..
own property
Who did the Romans conquer after they conquered Greece?
Italy’s geography help explain the Romans’ focus on ……
the Mediterranean
What was a problem for Rome as it continued to grow?
larger armies needed to defend the borders
Traditionally, the only people who could serve in the Roman army were …..
Roman landowners
What statement best describes the Roman attitude toward the manumission of enslaved people?
Manumissions of enslaved people was common, especially for those who provided domestic labor
What was the main issue in the Struggle of the Orders?
the plebeians’ efforts to obtain recognitions of their rights
Internal water-based transportation for trade and communication Italy was discouraged by …..
dry summers that produced little water for rivers
the term latifundia refers to what?
huge agricultural estates
How did Rome’s military conquests create strains on the military?
Rome’s Italian allies had carried much of the burden of fighting but had received fewer rewards from the Roman officers and soldiers
What statement best describes the result of the lex Canuleia?
plebeians were allowed to marry patricians
In the early republic, the shape of politics was determined by which divisions?
In times of emergency, the Roman Senate could name somebody to which office to provide centralized decision making?
Historically, which aspect of Sulla’s efforts at restoring the republican constitution was most important?
assuming the role of dictator
How did Cincinnatus personify the ideal of a Roman citizen?
he placed duty to Rome before any personal considerations
Which term identifies the oldest dominant male of a household, who held great power over the family?
The Forum in Rome played which role?
it was a public meeting place
The Laws of the Twelve Tables affected marriage in that they ……
allowed married women to return to their birth families in the event of spousal abuse
Who were the Praetorians?
an imperial bodyguard
Why was manumission limited by law in Rome and only sparingly practiced?
Manumission brought about citizenship, which might then become less valuable
What statement is true of the Roman government under Augustus?
it had the appearance of a republic
As a result of their religious beliefs, early Roman Christians differed from their non-Christian counterparts by ……
burying their dead
With the loss of territory in Caledonia in 105 C.E., which emperor would build a massive wall from the Irish Sea to the North Sea to protect Roman interests?
Which emperor established colonies of Roman military veterans?
Production and Trade in Imperial Rome, 27 B.C.E. - 180 C.E., illustrates Rome’s massive trade routes and roads, a feature that facilitated which movement during the principate?
In the aftermath of the civil wars that brought him power, Augustus’s first and perhaps most important challenge was to
reconstruct the institutions and organs of government
What name is given to the series of reflection written by Marcus Aurelius?
During the Nerva-Antonine dynasty, the Roman army was
a source of economic stability and Romanization
Roman poetry and pose during the “golden age” were characterized by
a focus on the joys of a comfortable life
Who were the Zealots?
Jews who wanted to expel the Romans from Judaea
Which emperor would build a massive wall from the Irish sea to the North sea to protect Roman interests?
“Take heed no to be transformed into a Caesar . . . Keep yourself therefore simple, good, pure, grave, unaffected, the friend of justice, religious, kind, affectionate, strong for your proper work.” Which emperor gave this advice in his collection Meditations?
Marcus Aurelius
Augustus encouraged the cult of Roma’et Augustus
to establish religious bonds between Rome and the provinces
16th century Italian political philosopher Niccolò Machiavelli described the Nerva-Antonine emperors Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius as the
“five good emperors”
Around the first century C.E., which prediction was associated with jewish tradition of militant apocalypticism?
The Messiah would soon return, destroy the Roman legions, and bring happiness and plenty to the Jews
The main theme of a Livy’s Ab Urbe Condita was
the greatness of the republic
What statement was true of Jesus’s teachings?
his teachings were based on Hebrew Scriptures
Pontius Pilate’s main objective was
perserving law and order is Judea
After the death of Nero, which Flavian Roman emperor appointed his son Titus to command Roman forces in Judaea to put down a revolt among the Jews?
How did Augustus seek to promote childbearing?
free women were released from male guardianship if they gave birth to a certain number of children
Which type of enslaved person was most likely to be given freedom?
enslaved people who provided domestic labor
What statement best characterizes the relationship between Romans in provincial towns and the people they ruled over?
the romans did not force their culture on local peoples but allowed them to adopt the aspects of Roman culture that they found appealing
The Parthians served as a link between Rome and
In general, the relationship between Christians and Rome was characterized by
phases of toleration, with sporadic outbursts of persecution
Which statement was true of the Roman government under Augustus?
it had the appearance of a republic
Which emperor established colonies of Roman military veterans?
Why would a convicted Roman criminal in the late empire decide to become a gladiator rather than work in the imperial times?
gladiatorial combat offered some hope of freedom
Before Augustus, the term imperator
was an honorific for a victorious general
Why was manumissions limited by law in Rome and only sparingly practiced?
manumission brought about citizenship, which might then become less valuable
Which policy was put into place by Augustus?
Adultery was made a crime
Which part of the Roman Empire was conquered in 4 C.E. and lost in 9 C.E.?
Following the death of Marcus Aurelius, the empire
entered into a long period of fighting and misrule
The most important medical researcher and physician working in imperial Rome was
How did Roman military policy change under the emperors Trajan and Hadrian?
Roman expansion halted, and the army was no longer a conquering force
How did Pope Gregory I seek to protect the city of Rome?
he reorganized church lands to increase production and gave the additional food from the land to the poor
How was the appropriate penance determined for specific sins?
manuals offered priests guidance on the appropriate penance for sins
The early Christian Church benefited from
the administrative skills of church leaders
Who wrote The Consolation of Philosophy, one of the most widely read texts of the Middle Ages, which imprisoned by the Ostrogothic state in the former Western Roman Empire?
According to the Germanic law codes, how did German society generally view women?
women were legally subordinate to their husbands
The term barbarian was originally used to designate
people who did not speak Greek
How did common people become familiar with Christian ideas as Christianity spread to barbarian people?
through the hymns, prayers, and stories of the lives of Christ and the saints written in monasteries and cathedrals
Which advantages did Clovis gain from his conversion to Christianity?
he gained help from bishops in Gaul in his efforts to defeat pagan and Arian tribes
Which Byzantine ruler made the practice of the old Roman state religion an act of treason and supported only orthodox Christian doctrine?
According to Ambrose of Milan, a well-ordered Christian society depended on the
differentiation of authority between the church and the state
Barbarian groups usually
lived in small villages
After the Roman imperial capital and the emperor moved to Constantinople, the power of the bishop of Rome grew because
he was the only remaining patriarch in the West
The Petrine Doctrine implied the
authority of the bishop of Rome over other bishops
What best describes sacraments?
rituals in which God bestows benefits on the believer through grace
Which Germanic practice required a perpetrator to pay the victim or the victim’s family?
Arians believed that
Christ’s nature was inferior to God’s
Diocletian divided each part of the empire into administrative units called
The 313 Edict of Milan, issued by Constantine
ordered toleration of all religions in the empire
Which doctrine held that the spiritual ancestry of all bishops could be traced back to Jesus’s first followers?
apostolic succession
For barbarian rulers, such as Clovis, Christianity provided
clerical officials chosen by and fully submissive to royal authority
What statement best characterizes Byzantine intellectual achievements?
The Byzantines discovered little new outside of military technology, but they did pass on Greco-Roman learning to the Arab world
How did the position of tenant farmers change in the late 3rd century?
the barbarian raids forced many tenant farmers to give their land and their rights to move to landlords in exchange for protection
In City of God, Saint Augustine stated that
history in the account of God acting in time
Scholars have been hampered in investigating barbarian society because
most groups did not write and thus kept no written records
In their conversion efforts among the barbarians, the missionaries who traversed Europe between 250 and 600
concentrated on kings and tribal leaders
Beyond their religious duties, which function did the druids serve?
the orally passed down laws and traditions
As missionaries attempted to spread Christianity throughout barbarian Europe, who were usually their first converts?
female royal family members
The Orthodox Church is the title usually given to the
Eastern Christian Church
In their earliest forms, the Arthurian legends likely express
Celtic hostility to Anglo-Saxon invaders
How did the development of cenobitic monasticism after monastic life?
Cenobitic monasticism emphasized communal living rather than the isolated tradition of the hermits
Which statement best characterizes the barbarian groups of Norther Europe?
within the barbarian villages, there were great disparities in wealth and status
Which king unified the Frankish people, conquered southern Gaul, and converted to Roman Christianity?
Which label have historians given to the period of English history from 500 to 1066?
Which term refers to the written alphabet of the barbarian society found in Scandinavia and Britain?
runic alphabet
How did the arrival of the Huns affect the Germanic peoples?
The Germanic peoples formed unified groups, and some of these groups allied with the Huns to attack the Byzantine Empire.
Bridget of Kildare is remembered for her
efforts in support of Saint Patrick’s conversion of Ireland
Which advantages did Clovis gain from his conversion to Christianity?
he gained help from bishops in Gaul in his efforts to defeat pagan and Arian tribes