Exam 2 HA Flashcards
How to assess for skin turgor
dorsal side of hand or the chest/below clavicle for elderly
tool used to assess pt’s risk of developing pressure ulcers; higher score is lower risk; 18 or higher = pt not at risk
six criteria each rated on a scale that ranges from 1 – 4 (sensory perception, moisture, activity, mobility, nutrition, and friction/shear)
Braden scale
ABCDE of Melanoma detection
-Borders (irregular)
-Color (coffee, multicolor, blue, green)
-Diameter (more than 6mm aka bigger than pencil erase)
-Evolution (change is bad)
impaired skin integrity means greater risk of what?
infection so keep an eye out of s/s like purulent drainage, fever, rash
what is part of normal skin aging?
decreased collagen/ decreased elastin (wrinkly/sagging skin), decreased redistribution of subcutaneous fat from extremities to central part of the body (pot belly w/ thin extremities) which causes ecchymosis aka bruising easily
these are freckles, flat, less than 1 cm
these are moles, less than 1cm and raised
these are raised, greater than 1cm
This is flat, greater than 1cm
refers to a pattern of skin lesions that resemble the distribution of herpes zoster (shingles), distributed along dermatome, specific area of skin that is innervated by a single spinal nerve root
*unilateral on one side of body
*vesicular (blister-like) rash, serous fluid
type of rash that is clear/blister like appearance
vesicular rash
clear/slightly yellow tinged fluid filled blisters less than 1cm (small!)
aka serous fluid filled vesicles
chicken pox
bull’s eye rash, typically on torso
Lyme disease (vector borne disease aka from deer tick)
fibrous tissue replacement, resulting in enlarged scar (overgrowth)
How to assess hair
-nits (empty egg cases-lice)
How to assess nails (abnormalities)
-Clubbing d/t chronic hypoxia to distal fingers (pts w/ COPD, emphysema, congestive heart failure)
-Half-and-half nails d/t chronic renal failure (proximal white, distal brown)
-Beau’s line d/t slowed or halted nail growth (w/ deep horizontal lie) in response to illness, physical trauma, or poisoning
-Longitudinal ridging d/t aging
-Koilonychia (spoon-like indentation) d/t trauma, iron deficiency aka hemochromatosis (may be normal in infants) or anemia .. nail is lifted along edgers, indented near center
-Pitted nails d/t lesions from psoriasis, crating on nail bed
-Onycholysis: nail plate and nail bed separation d/t trauma, fungal infections, topical irritants, psoriasis, sublingual neoplasms or warts
-Yellow nails d/t lung disorders or lymphedema
-Dark longitudinal streaks: often normal in dark-skinned patients
-Splinter hemorrhages d/t damaged capillaries supplying the nail matrix caused by micro emboli
this nail abnormality is d/t chronic hypoxia to distal fingers (pts w/ COPD, emphysema, congestive heart failure)
this nail abnormality is d/t chronic renal failure (proximal white, distal brown)
half and half nails
this nail abnormality is d/t slowed or halted nail growth (w/ deep horizontal line) in response to illness, physical trauma, or poisoning
Beau’s line
this nail abnormality is d/t aging
Longitudinal ridging
this nail abnormality is spoon-like indentation where nail is lifted along edgers, indented near center d/t trauma, anemia, iron deficiency aka hemochromatosis.. may be normal in infants
this nail abnormality is d/t lesions from psoriasis, crating on nail bed
pitted nails
this nail abnormality is when the nail plate and nail bed has separation d/t trauma, fungal infections, topical irritants, psoriasis, sublingual neoplasms or warts
this nail abnormality is d/t lung disorders or lymphedema
yellow nails
this nail abnormality is often normal in dark-skinned patients
Dark longitudinal streaks
this nail abnormality is d/t damaged capillaries supplying the nail matrix caused by micro emboli
Splinter hemorrhages
sweat glands
-Eccrine: sweat secretion, assist in thermoregulation
-Apocrine: located in axillae and genital areas, active during puberty- the stench! decreases w/ age
-Sebaceous: secrete sebum (oily substance that hydrates skin), decrease w/ age
sweat gland that is responsible for sweat secretion, assists in thermoregulation
Eccrine sweat gland
sweat gland that is located in axillae and genital areas, active during puberty - the stench! decreases w/ age
Apocrine sweat gland
secrete sebum (oily substance that hydrates skin), decrease w/ age
Sebaceous sweat gland
how to assess the abdomen?
- inspect (for skin abnormalities, pulsations, masses etc)
- auscultate
- percuss
- palpate
(lungs is palpate then percuss)
What part of the abdomen do you inspect first?
what to do first in head/cervical spine injury
immobilize cervical spine until scan show no fx
how to assess pain?
OLDCARTS (onset, location, duration, characteristics, aggravating factors, relieving factors, time. severity)
what system to check if C4 or above injury
How to assess the thyroid
- thyroid cartilage (at top)
- cricoid cartilage (aka Adam’s apple)
- thyroid gland (at bottom)
where is the thyroid gland?
below the thyroid cartilage and cricoid cartilage (Adams apple)