Exam 2 Diseases Flashcards
(Maillard reaction); a reaction between a protein and a reducing sugar where the -OH attach the amino end of a protein; seen in browning of meat, toast, etc when cooking. Important because in diabetics, the surface proteins are exposed to high levels of glucose which leads to advanced modification of proteins like Hb, leads to high cross linkage. These accumulate over the half-life of the molecule and those structures have a different mobility on electrophoretic gel than normal Hb- basis of HbA1C test (normal value ~5%, but can be as high as 13%) gives picture of Hb’s exposure to sugar over the base 2-3 months
Lactase deficiency
- leads to indigestion of lactose until the large intestine where bacteria digest it and leads to production of CO2 and byproducts that draw in water leading to gas and diarrhea. Note: lactase deficiency is the wild type because after infancy, there is no need for lactose until recently where milk from other animals was consumed
- SGLT1 is a transporter in the lumenal side of the small intestine that imports glucose and galactose with Na+; in cholera, efflux of Cl- leads to efflux of glucose/Na+ because Na+ follows Cl-, but people found that if water mixed with glucose and salt is administered, it can lead to rehydration because the difference in intracellular and extracellular Na+ concentration overpowers the attractive charge of the Cl- leaving the cell- known as oral rehydration therapy
Carboxylase deficiencies
Biotin is used in pyruvate, acetyl coA and propionyl coA carboxylase enzymes and leads to lactate and acetyl-coA and ketone accumulation, FA synthesis failure, developmental retardation, hallucinations, leathery, and rash. Deficiency can be due to dietary deficiency or metabolic deficiency in attachment or absorption of biotin in the diet. Can be treated with excess dietary biotin
Cori disease
Type III: Cori disease- deficiency in deb ranching enzyme in the muscle and liver leading to similar, but more mild symptoms of von Gierke disease.
Andersen disease
Tyie IV: Andersen disease- branching enzyme deficiency affecting the liver and heart muscle. Leads to death from liver cirrhosis before age 2
Hers disease
Type VI: Hers disease- glycogen phosphorylase deficiency in the liver leading to less severe symptoms from type I (von Gierke) with milder hypoglycemia
Tauri disease
Type VII: Tauri disease- phosphofructokinase deficiency in the liver and RBCs leading to similar presentation as type V
Type VIII glycogen storage disease
Type VIII: phosphorylase kinase deficiency of the liver leading to mild hepatomegaly and mild hypoglycemia
Type IX glycogen storage disease
Type IX: glycogen phosphorylase kinase deficiency
Type XI Glycogen storage disease
Type XI: GLUT2 transporter deficiency, Franconi-Bickel
Excess fructose
- can lead to F1P accumulation due to fructose pathway bypassing rate limiting PFK1 step and aldolase B being slower than fructokinase due to it preferring F1,6BP as a substrate. F1P activates GRP, but has no affect on PFK, so stimulates glycogen synthesis, but also ties up a large amount of inorganic phosphate. The increased glycogen levels can also lead to shunting of glucose and fructose to lactic acid and FA production over time, possibly leading to accumulation of lipids in the liver if VLDLs can’t handle the FA load; this leads to FA liver disease
- Note; fructose cannot be converted to G6P, so it can’t enter the pentose phosphate pathway or glycolysis, so it is converted to fat when in excess in the liver. (In other tissues, hexokinase is used so it can be used like glucose, but other tissues only metabolize 10% of fructose).
Essential fructosuria
low levels of fructose in the urine due to fructokinase deficiency (liver); most of the fructose after a meal is broken down slowly by hexokinase; benign disease
Hereditary fructose intolerance
autosomal recessive aldolase B deficiency. Leads to vomiting and nausea after a fructose containing meal with weakness trembling and sweating (signs of hypoglycemia). F1P builds up in the liver leading to shortage of phosphate for ATP synthesis; this causes damage to the cells and impairs gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis; can destroy the liver in days. Defiencncy in F16BPase leads to similar state but with actual hypoglycemia because gluconeogenesis is impoaired. This leads to conditioned taste aversion for sweet things. Note: aldolase B is major hepatic form, but in other tissues other isoforms are also present so glycolysis is not affected: aldolase A can work on glucose, but not on fructose
Galactokinase deficiency
mildly elevated blood galactose levels, but can develop cataracts if galactose consumption is continued due to aldolase reductase (converts glucose to sorbitol) converting galactose to galactitol in the lens
Galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase deficiency
galactosemia; consumption of milk leads to elevated blood gal levels and Gal1P accumulation in cells. After eating/drinking milk products, individuals start vomiting weeks after birth, can lead to cataracts, liver cirrhosis, and mental deficiencies. Due to shortage of phosphates being tied up as Gal1P; leads to liver cell death. Diagnosed with urine test for reducing sugar and subsequent negative test for glucose. Treatment is early diagnosis and implementation of milk free diet.
Heinz bodies
- Oxidative stress in RBCs from H2O2 and O2- can lead to denatured Hb called Heinz bodies that lead to RBC lysis; leads to hemolytic anemia
G6PDH deficiency
the most common deficiency in humans known. It is X-linked; and there are 400 different mutations known that decrease ability to deal with oxidative stress through less active or less stable enzyme. RBCs most affected. This confers resistance to malaria, so it persists (malaria doesn’t like oxidative environments, so increased oxidative stress in RBCs repels malaria).
chronic granulomatous disease (CGD)
Some microorganisms have catalase and SOD, so are resistant to these mechanisms and the bodys only defense is HOCl; so deficiency in G6PDH can lead to chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) from excessive granuloma formation in response to infections
- RBCs are unable to handle the oxidative stress due to some drugs or food items (e.g.. fave beans). People who have levels on the brink of normal can be pushed over the edge by these oxidative foods and can die from exposure to these foods and drugs. Favism is the name for this condition of oxidative stress brought on by food/drugs.
Neonatal jaundice
can be due to many reasons, possibly due to inability of mature liver to process bilirubin which is a neurotoxin; kernicterus is bilirubin accumulation in the grey matter. Treated bu “bili-lights that converts bilirubin to water soluble photo isomer lumirubin which cannot enter the CNS and is excreted quickly
anion gap
- The anion gap refers to the difference between the measured anions and the measured cations in the serum. In normal serum, there are more measurable cations than anions, so the gap is positive. The gap constitutes the unmeasured anions including plasma proteins. The anion gap is calculated by taking the sum in molarity of the cations and subtracting the concentrations of the anions. It is used to diagnose metabolic acidosis*
- usually about 12mEq/L +/-4mEq/L. If exogenous acid is present, then the anion gap increases indicating metabolic acidosis
- Calculated by subtracting the concentration of Cl- and bicarbonate from the concentration of Na+ and the other ions are ignored to facilitate a rapid diagnosis
blood pH CNS involvement
- Alkalosis can lead to H+ diffusing out of the cell and K+ diffusing in, depolarizing the membrane and leading to over-stimulation; causes spasms, tetany, convulsions, and respiratory paralysis.
- Acidosis can lead to H+ entering cells and driving out K+, leading to hyperpolarization of the membranes and causing CNS depression that can lead to death.
Metabolic acidosis etiology
- ELMPARK; can determine the cause depending on the anion that is elevated
- Anon elevated: Etiology
- Glyoxylate. Ethylene glycol
- Lactic acid. Lactic acidosis
- Formic acid. Methanol
- Acetaldehyde. Paraldehyde
- Salicylate/lactate. Aspirin
- Sulfate/phosphate. renal tubular acidosis (will have normal anion gap) and uremia (inability to excrete ammonia)
- Butyrate/acetoacetate ketoacidosis