Exam 2 Continued Flashcards
Dragonfly larvae
turn 180 degrees after disappearance of prey, increases likelihood of encountering it once it has gone out of view (shows knowledge of object permanence)
Visible displacement
experimenter places object behind one of three screens, dog searches behind screen where object was put
Invisible displacement
experimenter hides object in hand and goes behind each screen, dog searches incorrect screen (only primates pass)
Object permanence graph*
For human children (but not dogs) a negative finding in one location increases their certainty for finding it in the next location. Children get faster, dogs get slower
Gravity picture of ball drop experiment*
Most animals search the gravity option, they expected the ball to fall straight down.
balancing boxes is statics, most chimpanzees will randomly stack boxes until they happen to balance, do not understand statics
Ropes bananas pictures*
Chimpanzees expect that contact is necessary to move an object, yet do not know what type of contact is needed (the knot). This is kinetics
Concept of Support pictures*
cloths with balls on them, chimpanzees do not discriminate
Time and space
abstract concepts, must be calculated
Circadian rhythms
light - dark cycle
Hamster in a wheel pic/graph*
Shows that hamsters are active for 12 hrs on/12 hrs off cycles, even in absence of light. They adhere to a zeitgeber. When in darkness, activity period drifts, but returns to normal when light is restored
landmarks in time (ie sunrise/sunset)
Bird chart time of day*
results of experiment where birds were fed in different rooms at different times of day. Birds chose what room to enter based on time of day
Oil birds
live deep in caves with no light, evidence of circadian rhythms
Interval timing graph*
large peak around the 40 second interval where rats would press a lever to receive food. Rats can keep track of short intervals (humans and rats have similar internal clocks)
Sahara desert ant
measures the angle of the sun while out of its nest in order to guide itself back
Ephemeris function graph*
a table that gives the degrees to add to the sun’s position to arrive at north (animals need to know this to navigate)
Sun compass and bees pics*
Bees use the time of day to adjust the angle they travel relative to the sun