Exam 2- Chapter 18- Apoptosis Flashcards
“Silent” cell death
Cell death that is not inflammatory or does not involve the immune system. This includes apoptosis, eryptosis, and cornification. During apoptosis, the cell shrinks, the nucleus and other organelles break apart, and eventually the entire cell ends up breaking apart into pieces called apoptotic bodies
“Alarming” cell death
These pathways do induce an immune response and cause inflammation. This includes necroptosis, programmed necroptosis, erythrocyte necroptosis, pyroptosis, ferroptosis, and parthanatos
Importance of apoptosis
Senescent (aging) cells undergo apoptosis so they can be removed from the body. It is also used for the elimination of damaged cells. This could be due to injury or infection, sometimes to the advantage of the pathogen. Apoptosis is also common in developmental biology as embryos/fetuses are developing. This is one of the reasons why these processes need to be non-inflammatory- it prevents damage to developing organs
Defining features of apoptosis (6)
- Silent- not inflammatory
- Apoptotic bodies
- Nuclear fragmentation, DNA and organelle breakdown occurs in a specific way
- Cytochrome c is released from the mitochondria into the cytoplasm
- Phosphatidylserine rearrangement and detection
- Caspase-dependent
Apoptotic bodies
When the cell breaks apart into pieces during apoptosis. The cell does not lyse, everything is neatly packaged. Apoptotic bodies have phosphatidylserine exposed so they can be recognized by phagocytic cells
A membrane lipid on the cytoplasmic half of the membrane in a healthy cell. It is flipped out to the external side ONLY when apoptosis occurs. Macrophages and other phagocytes have phosphatidylserine receptors, so they are able to recognize apoptotic cells/bodies and remove them
Cysteine-aspartate proteases-they are the key signaling proteins of apoptosis. They are proteases and therefore cleave other molecules to pass the signal along. The caspases themselves also have to be cleaved to be activated, as they are made in an inactive procaspase form. Caspases can be cleaved at one or two specific aspartate residues- cysteine is the active part of the caspase that is cleaving the aspartate component
DNA fragmentation
DNA breaks apart during apoptosis- this can be measured experimentally. The DNA is extracted and run on an agarose gel. As time goes on, more and more of a laddering pattern appears on the gel. This laddering pattern is broken down DNA, indicating DNA fragmentation
Phosphatidylserine externalization
In healthy cells, phosphatidylserine is always found on the inner half of the membrane. During apoptosis, phosphatidylserine is flipped to the outer surface of the membrane. This helps phagocytic cells to recognize apoptotic cells
Caspase cascade
Once it is active, the caspase can go cleave other caspases at aspartate residues. This helps to pass the signal along in the cell
Procaspase to caspase conversion
The inactive procaspase can have multiple aspartate cleavage sites. During cleavage, procaspase’s prodomains (domains that keep it inactive) are removed. A second cleavage event can then occur, creating a large subunit and a small subunit of the caspase. The 2 subunits bind to one another to form a dimer, and 2 of these dimers come together to form the active caspase tetramer. It can now go cleave other caspases to activate them
Subclasses of caspase (3)
- Initiator- initiates the apoptosis process
- Executioner
- Inflammatory- this class is not responsible for apoptosis since it is a noninflammatory process
Death effector domain (DED)
An extra domain on the initiator class of caspases. This domain is found in caspases 8 and 10 and is responsible for the association of other proteins with the caspase
Caspase recruitment domain (CARD)
An extra domain on the initiator class of caspases. This domain is found in caspases 9 and 2 and is important for binding to other proteins. It is necessary to form protein complexes that activate the caspase
Initiator caspases
These caspases kick off the entire apoptosis pathway. Cleave/activate executioner caspases
Executioner caspases
Cleave/activate other executioner caspases. They chop proteins and are therefore responsible for all of the changes cells experience during apoptosis. Cleave target proteins- nuclear lamins (leading to fragmentation of the nucleus), inhibitor of caspase activated Dnase (ICAD- DNA fragmentation), cytoskeletal proteins (formation of apoptotic bodies), or cell adhesion proteins
Extrinsic pathway of apoptosis
Stimulated from the outside of the cell. Depends on receptor-ligand interactions at the cell membrane. TNF cytokines can also initiate apoptosis when they bind to their receptors
Intrinsic pathway of apoptosis
Stimulated from the inside of the cell and is stress or injury induced. It involves release of cytochrome C from the mitochondria to the cytoplasm. Intrinsic and extrinsic pathways may also be occurring at the same time
Death-inducing signaling complex (DISC)
The extrinsic pathway is induced by cytokines, especially TNF cytokines- TNF-α, Fas ligand (FasL), TRAIL. They create the DISC complex when they bind to their receptors- there can be one or two DISC complexes depending on the cytokine involved. For example, the Fas ligand only creates one death complex containing caspase 8. TNF creates 2 DISC complexes- one that is connected to the receptor, and one that is further internalized into the cell.
Fas/FasL system (3 steps)
- Fas ligand and its receptor are both originally membrane proteins. Fas ligand is released from cells and membrane vesicles. Once it is released, it can bind to its receptor on the same cell or a neighboring cell
- When this occurs, the death inducing signaling complex (DISC) forms- this includes FADD and activated caspase 8
- Caspase 8 can then activate the executioner caspases and lead to extrinsic apoptosis
In the Fas/FasL system, how is caspase 8 activated?
The Fas receptor is a trimeric receptor- it has 3 different subunits. Each of these subunits on the cytoplasmic side has a death domain, which allows it to associate with the FADD protein. The FADD protein also has a death domain itself, allowing death domain-death domain reactions to occur. Additionally, a death effector domain is located on the end of the FADD protein that extends into the cytoplasm. Procaspase 8 also has a death effector domain that can bind to the death effector domain on FADD. There are 3 procaspases due to the trimeric structure of the Fas receptor, and they are brought close enough that they undergo proximity activation, and all of the caspases are activated to caspase 8. Caspase 8 cleaves the executioner caspase and causes apoptosis
Proximity activation
When neighboring molecules of caspase 8 are brought so close together that they cleave each other. The caspases are subsequently activated
How are TNF-α and the Fas ligand similar?
TNF-α is another inducer of extrinsic apoptosis. It is similar to the Fas ligand in that both TNF-α and the TNF receptor are membrane proteins and are trimeric
TNF-α apoptosis (7 steps)
- TNF-α is a membrane protein that has to be released in a membrane vesicle. It binds to its TNF receptor (also in the membrane) and a death inducing signaling complex is formed- TRADD, RIP1, and cIAP1/2
- RIP1 has a ubiquitin tag that must be removed by CYLD, a deubiquitylase, so apoptosis can occur. Once the tag is removed, the cell is on a committed track toward cell death
- FADD and inactive caspase 8 join the complex. The TNF receptor is trimeric, so there will be 3 copies of this complex.
- Caspase 8 is activated through proximity activation
- Active caspase 8 cleaves the executioner caspases- 3, 6, and 7. The executioner caspases go produce the cellular changes necessary for apoptosis
Duality of TNF signaling
TNF is interesting because it is capable of inducing a variety of signaling pathways. It can induce a pro-survival, pro-inflammatory pathway, but can also induce apoptosis. It can induce extrinsic apoptosis, a canonical NFkB pathway, and necroptosis
Pro-inflammatory TNF pathway (4 steps)
- In this situation, the ubiquitin tag remains bound to RIP1 in the cytoplasm
- This allows for a protein called TGF beta-activated kinase 1 (TAK1) to bind to RIP1
- TAK1 binding proteins (TAB) 2 and 3 can also associate with these proteins
- This complex then promotes the activation of NF-kappa-B and transcription of pro-survival genes
How does the protein complex in the pro-inflammatory TNF pathway promote gene expression? (5 steps)
- From the protein complex, they will pass the signal over to the IKK complex- the complex is activated as it is phosphorylated
- NF-kappa-B, a transcription factor, is constitutively bound to an inhibitor called I-kappa-B. The inhibitor prevents NFKB from going to the nucleus and acting as a transcription factor
- However, once the signal is passed over, it goes to the inhibitor (IKB)
- The signal marks the inhibitor for degradation, IKB is ubiquitylated and degraded
- NFKB is then free to migrate to the nucleus, where it induces the expression of pro-inflammatory and pro-survival genes
What induces intrinsic apoptosis?
Stress or injury to the cell- nutrient starvation, lack of survival signals, lack of O2, DNA damage
Bcl2 family proteins
Involved in intrinsic apoptosis. They can be anti- or pro-apoptotic. This family contains anti-apoptotic Bcl2 proteins, which contain 4 domains (BH 1-4). There are also pro-apoptotic BH123 proteins (only have BH 1-3 domains) and BH3-only proteins
How do BH123 proteins work?
They oligomerize and form pores in the mitochondrial outer membrane. This helps to induce the release of cytochrome C and other proteins into the cytoplasm. BH123 proteins include Bak and Bax- Bak is always in the outer membrane and Bax is recruited to the outer membrane from the cytoplasm so both of these proteins can oligomerize. BH123 proteins are pro-apoptotic
How do Bcl2-type proteins work?
These proteins are anti-apoptotic because they essentially lock the BH123 proteins in place to prevent them from forming pores. Bcl2 proteins on the inner face of the outer mitochondrial membrane
How do BH3-only proteins work?
These proteins are pro-apoptotic- they are produced or activated in response to an apoptotic stimulus. Then, BH3 proteins bind to or inhibit Bcl-2 proteins. This allows pores to form
Formation of the apoptosome (7 steps)
- Once the pores form in the mitochondrial outer membrane, cytochrome C is released from the mitochondria into the cytoplasm
- At this point, released cytochrome C binds apoptotic protease-activating factor 1 (Apaf1)
- Apaf1 then goes through a conformational change- it opens up and exposes its caspase recruitment (CARD) domain
- Multiple molecules of cytochrome C bound Apaf1 associate with each other in a “pinwheel” fashion, via their CARD domains
- The oligomerized Apaf1 complex recruits inactive procaspase-9 (forming the apoptosome)
- Multiple molecules of caspase-9 are close to each other, so they are subject to proximity activation
- Then, they can activate the executioner caspases
Regulation of intrinsic apoptosis
Activation of intrinsic apoptosis, which is dependent on BH123 pores in the outer mitochondrial membrane. This is thanks to BH3 proteins, which inactivate Bcl-2 proteins. Once the pores form in the mitochondrial outer membrane, cytochrome C is released from the mitochondria into the cytoplasm
Apoptosome definition
The initiator signaling complex for intrinsic apoptosis
Extrinsic-intrinsic connection
Extrinsic apoptosis can be induced, with intrinsic apoptosis also occurring downstream. Caspase 8 is active in extrinsic apoptosis, but it can also cleave a BH3 only protein called bit- once this protein has been cleaved, it is activated. The protein can then go on to inhibit Bcl2 and allow BH123 proteins to form pores in the outer mitochondrial membrane. This activates intrinsic apoptosis downstream
“Downstream” apoptosis
Refers to what executioner caspases go do around the cell
Mammalian sterile-20 kinase MST1
This is the active form of the protein, which will be activated when cleaved by executioner caspases. The active active MST1 translocates to nucleus, and phosphorylates histone H2B
Histone H2B
Responsible for chromatin condensation during apoptosis
Condensation of chromatin (3 steps)
- The executioner caspase cleaves MST1 and activates it
- Active MST1 then enters the nucleus and interacts with the histone cores of DNA
- MST1 phosphorylates histone H2B, which leads to the condensation of chromatin
What causes DNA fragmentation?
Due to the executioner caspases cleaving an inhibitor of a DNase. The inhibitor, ICAD, is destroyed, creating the active form, CAD (caspase activated DNA). CAD catalyzes inter-nucleosomal DNA cleavage. This means that CAD cuts the linker DNA between different nucleosomes
A DNA repair protein that is cleaved by executioner caspases during apoptosis. This is because DNA is not supposed to be repaired during apoptosis, it is supposed to break down in a specific way.
PARP1 mechanism (3 steps)
- The PARP1 protein will dimerize with another PARP1 when DNA is damaged
- PARP adds poly ADP-ribose to nuclear proteins (PARylation), leading to the relaxation of chromatin (decondensation).
- Since PARP1 plays such an important role in DNA repair, it is cleaved an inactivated during apoptosis
Relaxation of chromatin, which allows for greater accessibility of DNA repair enzymes
How does nuclear fragmentation occur?
It occurs due to caspase mediated cleavage of nuclear lamins. Weakening of nuclear lamina = nuclear fragmentation. Executioner caspases cleave the nuclear lamins that make up the nuclear lamina- a meshwork of nuclear intermediate filaments. This causes the fragmentation of the nucleus.
Fragmentation of the Golgi during apoptosis
Caspases cleave the Golgi-stacking protein GRASP65, resulting in Golgi fragmentation. When executioner caspases cleave GRASP65, there is nothing to help the Golgi stack properly. At this point, the Golgi begins to fragment
A membrane channel that actively externalizes PS during eryptosis- allows PS to be flipped to the outer half of the cell membrane. Scramblase also acts as a channel for lipids in the presence of calcium- lipids flow down their concentration gradient. Calcium elevation can activate scramblase- the presence of calcium in the cytoplasm also acts as a danger signal for cell death
Scramblase mechanism
A rise in calcium activates the scramblase. The channel has hydrophilic and hydrophobic portions in order to allow for the transfer of phospholipids. Phosphatidylserines are moved to the outer face, allowing for externalization. Other kinds of lipids can move through the channel, along with PS
Formation of apoptotic bodies
Proteolysis (cleavage by caspases) of the Rho effector protein ROCK1 causes contraction of the actin cytoskeleton and membrane blebbing. This is the initial part of apoptotic body formation. Caspases also cleave all of the proteins making up the cytoskeleton- tubulins, microtubule associated and motor proteins. This step officially leads to the formation of apoptotic bodies, and the cell breaks into small pieces
Mechanism of apoptotic body formation (5 steps)
- Executioner caspases cleave and activate ROCK1
- ROCK1 phosphorylates parts of the cytoskeleton
- This causes the actin skeleton to slightly contract, causing some membrane blebbing
- Then, executioner caspases begin cleaving all of the structural proteins of the cytoplasm, like actin
- Once the membrane is no longer anchored, it will form blebs and apoptotic bodies
General process of apoptosis (5 steps)
- Nuclear condensation and fragmentation
- Organelle fragmentation
- Phosphatidylserine is externalized by scramblase
- The entire cell breaks apart into apoptotic bodies, due to executioner caspases
- Macrophages with PS receptors remove the apoptotic bodies before they can lyse. This makes apoptosis a non-inflammatory process