Exam 2 Chap 5 & 6 Flashcards
Social ecological approach to behavior change
multiple levels of influence, occurs when a combination individuals, interpersonal, organizational, community, and policy interventions are put into place.
health education
combination of planned learning experiences based on sound theories with the opportunity to acquire information and the skills to make quality health decisions.
health promotion
planned combination of educational, political, environmental, regulatory, or organizational mechanisms that support actions and conditions of living conducive to health.
Key informants
individuals in target population who are in a position to know the needs of that group
How to understand a community?
use of planning committee involving key informants and professionals.
target population
generalized model for planning
assessing needs, setting goals and objectives, developing an intervention, implementing the intervention, evaluating the results.
more encompassing than objectives, written to cover all aspects of the program, provide overall program direction, general in nature, don’t have a deadline.
more precise than goals, steps to achieve the goals, more complex, and composed of a who what when and how much.
activities that will help the TP meet the objectives and achieve the program goals.
pilot test, phasing in, and full implementation.
formative evaluation
completed during planning an implementation for the purpose of making refinements.
summative evaluation
completed after evaluation
impact evaluation
part of summative, aimed at measuring changes in the behavioral, environmental, and learning objectives.
outcome eval
part of summative, aimed at measuring program objectives.
steps to eval
plan the eval, collect data, analyze the data, report results, & apply results
community organizing
communities are helped to identify common problems or goals, mobilize resources, and develop and implement strategies for reaching the goals they have collectively set.
community capacity
community characteristics affecting its ability to identify mobilize, and address problems
empowered community
one in which individuals and organizations apply their skills and resources in collective efforts to meet their respective needs
participation and relevance
community organizing that starts where the people are and engages community members as equals
social capital
relationships and structures within a community that promote cooperation for mutual benefit
assumption 1
communities of people can develop the capacity to with their own problems
assumption 2
people want to change and can change
assumption 3
peole should participate in making and adjusting or controlling the major changes taking place within their communities
assumption 4
changes in community living that are self imposed or self developed have a meaning and permanence that imposed changes do not have
assumption 5
a holistic approach can deal succesfully with problems with which a fragmented approach cannot
assumption 6
democracy requires cooperative participation and action in the affairs of the community, and people must learn the skills that make this possible
assumption 7
frequently communities of people need help in organizing to deal with their needs, just as many individuals require help with individual problems
locality development
broad self participation, process oriented, stresses consensus and cooperation, builds group unity and sense of community.
social planning
heavily task oriented involves people and outside planners
social action
task and process oriented, mobilizing disadvantaged segments of the population
initial organizer
recognizes that problems exist and decides to do something about it, gets things started.
Need for school health
health of children and their learning are reciprocally related.
coordinated school health program
an organized set of policies, procedures, and activities designed to protect, promote, and improve the health and wellbeing of students.
school health policies
written statements that describe the nature and procedures of a school program.
CDC survey
happens every 6 years, and assesses school health policies and health practices at the state, district, school and classroom level.
school health council
individuals from a school or district and its community who work together to provide advice and aspects of the school health program.
school health coordinator
ensures the implementation of the components of a CSHP, facilitate collaboration between stakeholders, and conduct evals.
school nurse
provide leadership for CSHP, conduct health appraisals, identify community health resources, conduct health follow-ups, carry emergency services, disperse meds.
Physical environment
buildings and structures, and behavior of those using them.
psychosocial environment
attitudes, values, feelings of students and staff.
health education
includes age-appropriate planned, organized, and integrated curriculum that focuses on knowledge acquisition, attitude formation, and behavior initiation and change
primary content
alcohol and other drugs, healthy eating, mental and emotional health, personal wellness, physical activity, safety, sexual health, tobacco, and violence prevention.
School nutrition services
focus on nutrient density of foods, enrolling in free lunch program, culturally appropriate foods, whether to allow vending machines, and educational proponent in lunchroom.
physical education
daily pe, high involvement of children, recess is no substitute for pe, teach lifelong fitness, its an intervention on health.
family and community involvement
funding from businesses, making school events into community events.
violence in schools
high profile incidents, bullying, electronic aggression, and improving school climate as it relates to violence.