Exam 2 Flashcards
What was the probable cause of USAir 1016?
Approach into severe convective activity that was conducive to a microburst
Failure to recognize windshear in a timely manner
The lack of real-time weather and windshear information from ATC
What were USAir 1016 safety issues?
Microburst LLWS WX dissemination role of ATC CRM
What were American Eagle 4184 safety issues?
Icing conditions
A/C design
Safety research
What wat the probable cause of American Eagle 1016?
Loss of control of the A/C due to sudden and unexpected aileron hinge movement reversal after a ridge of ice accreted beyond the deice boots
What were contributing factors of AE 1016?
FAA’s failure to ensure continued airworthiness of the ATR-42/72 in icing conditions
What was the probable cause of DL 191?
Crew’s decision to initiate and continue approach into cumulonimbus cloud
Lack of guidelines, procedures and training for avoiding windshear
Lack of real-time windshear information
What were DL 191 safety issues?
Microburst LLWS WX dissemination ATC factors PIREPs ADM CRM
What were USAIr Flight 405 safety issues?
Icing conditions
Procedural deviation
A/C performance
What was the probable cause of USAir 405?
Failure of the A/C industry and FAA to train flight crews in conditions conducive to airframe icing after ground delays
Crew’s decision to T/O w/o ensuring that the wings were free of ice
What were the safety issues of Southern Airways 242?
Severe thunderstorm activity Radar attenuation CRM Role of ATC Dual engine failure
What was the probable cause of Southern Airways 242?
Total and unique loss of thrust from both engines
What were Southern Airways 242 contributing factors?
Failure of the company to provide timely severe wx information
Captain’s reliance on airborne wx radar
Limitations of the ATC system
The majority of runway incursions reported in 200 were?
Who causes the most runway incursions?
What’s a category D rwy incursion?
Little or no chance of collision but meets the definition of a runway incursion
What’s a category C rwy incursion?
Separation decreases but there is ample time and distance to avoid a potential collision
What’s a category B rwy incursion?
Separation decreases and there is a significant potential for collision
What’s a category A rwy incursion?
Separation decreases and participants take extreme action to narrowly avoid a collision
What were USAir 1493 and Skywest 5569 safety issues?
Situational awareness
Role of ATC
What was the probable cause of USAir 1493 and Skywest 5569?
Failure of the LAX ATC management to implement procedures that provided redundancy comparable to the requirements contained in the National Operation Position Standards
What were TWA 427 and a C441 safety issues?
Pilot and ATC comm
Situational awareness
Active listening
Night operations
What was the probable cause of TWA 427 and a C441?
Mistaken belief of the C441 pilot that his assigned departure rwy was 30R which was being used by the MD-82 for departure
What were contributing factors for TWA 427 and a C441?
Lack of ATIS
Occasional use of ray 31 for departure
What were the safety issues of United Express 5925 and a King Air?
Scanning techniques
Radio comm discipline
Monitoring CTAF
What was the probable cause if United Express 5925 and a King Air?
Failure of the King Air pilots to monitor the CTAF or to scan for traffic
What was the contributing factor for United Express 5925 and a King Air?
Interrupted radio transmission from a third A/C which led to the United pilots misunderstanding the transmission from the King Air pilots
What were the safety issues of NWA 1482 and 299?
CRM Cockpit discipline Pilot role reversal Communication ATC ADm
What was the probable cause of NWA 1482 and 299?
Lack of proper crew coordination including a role reversal by the DC-9 pilots which led to their failure to stop taxiing and alert ground of their positional uncertainty
What were NWA 1482 and 299 contributing factors?
Problems with ATC
Surface markings
Company training
What were the safety issues of PanAm 1736 and KLM 4805?
Monitoring and challenging errors ATC and pilot comm CRM ADM WX
What was the probable cause of PanAM 1736 and KLM 4805?
KLM A/C had taken off without clearance due to a misunderstanding between the pilot and controller
How do squall lines form?
When cold air downdrafts flowing ahead of the cold air lift the warm unstable air
What’s an occlusion?
Cold front moves under warm front and pushes the air up
What are the 4 families of clouds?
Extensive vertical development
What’s free convection?
Some type of external lifting action to bring the warm air from near the surface to the point where it’ll continue to rise
What are stratus clouds?
Uniform looking
Little or no turbulence
What are cumulus clouds?
Form in convective currents
Some turbulence
No significant icing or precipitation
What are the height ranges of high clouds?
Base 16,000 - 45,000 ft
Tops up to 60,000 ft
What are rotor clouds?
From on the lee side of mountains
Severe turbulence
What’s virga?
Precipitation that falls fromm high-based clouds
Evaporates and cools the air
Creates a strong downdraft
What are the stages of a thunderstorm?
Cumulus stage
Mature stage
Dissipating stage
What velocity can downdrafts reach during the mature stage?
Up to 2,500 fpm
What velocity can updrafts reach during the mature stage?
Up tp 6,000 fpm
What did Theodore Fujita do?
Created the F-scale
Came up with macro and micro burst in the 70’s
What are airmass thunderstorms?
What speed can microbursts reach?
168 mph
What’s rime ice?
Forms in stratiform clouds when light drizzle or fog freeze instantaneously on impact
What’s clear ice?
Forms in the presence of large raindrops when temperatures are between 0 and -10*C
What’s the worst configuration for max wake turbulence?
Which airplane produces the most wake turbulence?