Exam 2 Flashcards
Sixth Man on the Team
Patient, Family & Caregivers
very valuable and contributing partners
What is SBAR?
communicating critical information that requires immediate attention and action concerning a patient’s condition
follows logical order to aid in clear and concise communication
Key to strengthening health systems:
moving them from fragmentation to collaborating to improve outcomes for pts
What does SBAR acronym stand for?
Situation – what is going on?
Background – What is the clinical background?
Assessment – What do you think the problem is?
Recommendation – What would you do?
inform team of critical information simultaneously
call out
Situational Awareness includes:
situation monitoring
cross monitoring
What is TeamSTEPPS designed to do
improve pt safety
increase quality and efficiency of care
improve communication and teamwork skills among healthcare professionals
Essential Elements
team structure strong leadership situational awareness mutual support shared mental model communication "sixth man on the team"
call out check back handoff briefs huddles debriefs
Communication Techniques
simple language
handing out printed materials
speak slow
read aloud instructions
write out instructions
present 2 or 3 concepts at a time & check for understand
asking pt how they will follow instructions at home
Task Assistance is part of _______ and means ______
A part of mutual support and it is the protection from work overload
assistance will be actively sought and offered
initial plan and establish goals
Situational monitoring
active process
ask question, listen, notice
TEAM STEPPS stands for:
TEAM Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety
Effective Team Leaders:
articulate clear goals
make decisions –through collective input of members
empower members–to speak up and challenge
actively promote, facilitate good teamwork
skillful conflict resolution
Feedback is apart of ______ and it means
mutual support;
information provided to a team members for purpose of improving team performance
should be: timely, respectful, specific, directed, considerate
All health professionals should be educated to deliver _______
patient-centered care as members of an interprofessional team
emphasizing evidence-based practice
quality improvement approaches
Shared Mental Model is
Teams knowing what to expect –can regroup as needed
Optimal communication–everyone clear about the big picture
Helps team to predict and plan better
Team effort for the collective goals
Help to avoid errors
closed loop communication
verifies accuracy of conveyed information
check back
we expect patients to calculate
a measure doses
count pills
track amount of meds left & refill as necessary
use clocks and calendars to set time/day
I’m Safe Checklist
I = Illness M = Medication
S = Safe A = Alcohol and Drugs F = Fatigue E = Eating and Elimination
List Communication Techniques
SBAR Call-Out Check-Back Handoff Briefs/Debriefs Huddles
Mutual Support means
Take Assistance
Two Challenge Rule
process improvement after an event
Two challenge rule is a part of _______ and it means _________
assertively voice a concern at least 2 times to ensure it has been heard
team members acknowledge the concern
What is the Team Structure
Types Clear roles Shared vision + mental models Strong leadership Collective trust + confidence Regular feedback
Cross monitoring
error reduction strategy
monitoring actions of other team members “watch each other’s backs”
problem solving, identify critical issues or concerns
CUS Words are a part of ________ and it stands for
Mutual Support
C = I am Concerned!
U = I am Uncomfortable!
S = This is a Safety issue
transfer of information or responsibility
2 Types of Teams
Proficient (green)
define medical term from complex document; calculate share of employee’s health insurance costs
the ability to understand and share the feelings of another
What health literacy evaluation is more reliable to identify those at risk of low/inadequate health literacy compared with confirming those with adequate health literacy
Single Item Literacy Screener SILS
we expect patients to read:
labels & inserts
names of medicines
dosage instructions
read between the lines (BID, TID, QID)
SILS has a STRONGER correlation with
universal precaution is
the idea that you should treat all patients as if they have low health literacy until you can prove otherwise
A shorter version of TOFHLA is and it includes:
36 reading questions & takes 7 minutes
what percent understood take with plenty of water?
59%–10th/11th/12th grade level
–more complex message limited comprehension
we expect patients to track experiences:
watch for side effects and seek appropriate help as needed
take action for. missed doses when needed
Health Literacy Risk Factors
elderly minorities limited english proficiency (LEP) patients low income homelessness prisoners persons with limited education
list how health literacy affects people’s ability
navigate the health care system, filling out forms and locating providers and services;
share personal information, such as health history with providers;
engage in self-care and chronic disease management
understand mathematical concepts such as probability and risk
Approx. ______ of high school graduates have limited health literacy
patients and pharmacists work together in relationship that is realistic, collaborative, based on respect and trust, committed to the work of treatment
Therapeutic Alliance
Difference between literacy and health level
Health info can overwhelm each person with advanced literacy skills;
although a pt read at high levels–doesn’t mean high health literacy level
Literacy vs Health Literacy
people who read well and are comfortable using numbers can face health literacy issues
types of appropriate response
empathy reassurance probing advising generalizing or comparing assertiveness aggressiveness nonassertiveness judging
scientific domain
ability to understand basic scientific, concepts
ex: organs, medical text, risk statistics
Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine
germs or bugs
supportive communications consists of
sadness, fear/anxiety, shame/embarrassment, guilt, anger
NAAL stands for
National Assessment of Adult Literacy
nonverbal behaviors
head nodding forward lean direct body orientation uncrossed legs and arms arm symmetry
In REALM patients are asked to do what
pronounce a list of 66 common words related to anatomy or illness
SILS response scale
1-5 1= never 2= rarely 3= sometimes 4= often 5= always
what is the shorter version of REALM and what do patients have to do
REALM-R and they have to pronounce a list of 8 common words related to anatomy or illness
civic domain
applying health info to make decisions regarding general public policy
ex: school board members making decisions on nutritious diet for school lunch; voters deciding whether tobacco should be banned in public
REALM has been highly correlated with
reading comprehension (reading-grade level) but does not directly measure comprehension of health information
the degree to which an individual has the capacity to obtain, communicate, process, and understand basic health information and services to make appropriate health decisions
health literacy
not having sex
what percent understood do not take dairy, antacids, iron repair within one hour of medicine
8% –12th/13th grade level
–unfamiliar, multi-step instructions rarely understood
Tools to Improve Health Literacy
CMS 11-part toolkit
Federal Plain Language Guidelines
CDC Clear Communication Index
NIH “Pink Book” - Making Health Comm. Programs Work
Clear Communication - NIH Health Literacy Initiative
Basic or Below Basic level cannot do what on the National Assessment of Adult Literacy:
use a bus schedule or bar graph
explain the difference in 2 type of employee benefits
write a simple letter explaining an error on a bill
_____ literacy has been linked to poor health outcomes such as higher rates of hospitalization and less frequent use of preventive services
includes 50 readings and 17 numeracy items and takes about 22 min to administer
able to get
Therapeutic Alliance
based on respect and trust
committed to the work of treatment
List some of the examples of health literacy including numeracy skills
nderstanding cholesterol levels interpreting blood sugar levels measuring medications comprehending nutrition labels choosing between health plans or comparing prescription drug coverage--calculating premiums, copays & deductibles
SILS includes
asks one only one item on a 5 pt scale
we expect patients to talk to busy professionals
describe new feelings (side effects
present problems
ask questions
NVS stands for
newest vital sign
testing or checking
Adults with _____ health literacy were more likely to report their health as poor and ____ are more likely to lack health insurance than adults with _____ health literacy
Below Basic
NVS correlates with
SILS stands for
Single Item Literacy Screener
handling patient emotions
respond to emotion with verbal and nonverbal cues
address emotions by reflecting back
encourage the pt to expand as appropriate
redirect the convo tactfully back to the goal of the encounter
often appropriate apologies, comfort, reassurance or support
maintain composure, use nonverbal cues and empathetic listening
fundamental domain
includes reading, writing, speaking and basic numeracy–what most people think of a general literacy
3 major problems associated with supportive communication
other person can decide to remain angry or uncooperative
defense resulting from certain situation or conditions can cause pts to displace a core emotion and replace it with anger or indifference at a time when they most need support
takes times, effort, and practice
How are results categorized for TOFHLA
what percentage understood take with food
84%–1st grade level
simple, familiar wording
communication skills and techniques
open discussion gather info understand pt perspective share info reach agreement on problems & plans provide closure
cultural domain
incorporates beliefs, customs, and social identity into personal decision making
Four major health literacy domains
fundamental, scientific, cultural and civic domain
Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults
NAAL score on 4 levels
Below Basic
NVS takes about and includes
brief tool 3 min
includes 6 questions on interpreting a nutrition label
identification with affective experience of the other
affective communication
can be painful at times
doesn’t mean giving in or giving up
one can be empathetic w/o responding empathetically
REALM takes about how many minutes?
3-6 minutes
Below Basic (red)
circle date on appointment slip; understand a simple pamphlet about pre-test instructions
Basic (orange)
Understand a simple patient education handout
patients and caregivers often present with emotions related to distress
supportive communication
Intermediate (yellow)
Determine healthy weight from BMI chart; interpret prescription and over-the-counter drug labels
Common medication related problems:
Drug Interactions Adverse Events Excessive/Insufficient Dose Excessive/Insufficient Duration Cost Efficacy Concerns Patient Overuse/Underuse Needs Additional Therapy Duplicate Therapy
Methods to detect medication related problems:
Drug-Utilization Review (DUR)
Opioid Monitoring System
Pharmacist Review
Patient Recognized Concern
Step 1: Method to resolve medication related problems:
Confirm it is a true medication related problem